
How can one use a polymer component inside a react component ? Is it possible?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-07 14:30:35
问题 I have used google's polymer to make web components but i am also very interested in giving react a try. So i want to know whether it is possible to use the polymer component from inside the render function of a react component ? 回答1: Yes it is possible ! I did it using a method thats kinda bit complicated but i would love to share it. if you have already used polymer then just directly use the polymer the way you use it any other polymer element. all you have to do is convert this react

How can one use a polymer component inside a react component ? Is it possible?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-07 14:24:09
问题 I have used google's polymer to make web components but i am also very interested in giving react a try. So i want to know whether it is possible to use the polymer component from inside the render function of a react component ? 回答1: Yes it is possible ! I did it using a method thats kinda bit complicated but i would love to share it. if you have already used polymer then just directly use the polymer the way you use it any other polymer element. all you have to do is convert this react

Can I use AJAX 'POST' to post data to a JSON file on my server?

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-07 08:03:45
问题 I just want the easiest/most simple way to get my data from an AJAX form using 'POST' the data the user entered on my server. So if the user leaves their name in the input form on the page, then AJAX POST's the data to a JSON file on my server. Is this possible? Is this the quickest way to get the data that is entered? Thanks in advance! *can someone tell me why this got downvoted? Am I violating any terms? I would just like to know in the future. Thanks. :/ 回答1: Ajax file directly can not

Can I use AJAX 'POST' to post data to a JSON file on my server?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-07 07:59:33
问题 I just want the easiest/most simple way to get my data from an AJAX form using 'POST' the data the user entered on my server. So if the user leaves their name in the input form on the page, then AJAX POST's the data to a JSON file on my server. Is this possible? Is this the quickest way to get the data that is entered? Thanks in advance! *can someone tell me why this got downvoted? Am I violating any terms? I would just like to know in the future. Thanks. :/ 回答1: Ajax file directly can not

How to read text that is under #shadow-root (user-agent)

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-02-02 09:53:08
问题 I am using Selenium (Python) for automating a web page. I am trying to get text from an input field that is under #shadow-root (user-agent). Xpath I used: driver.find_element_by_xpath("**//*/p-calendar/span/input**").text is not returning anything. Attached the screenshot of my DOM element. Requirement: To get text from the shadow root : 01:01 回答1: As per @hayatoito 's (creator of Shadow DOM) comment: The original motivation of introducing a closed shadow tree is "Never allow an access to a

How to read text that is under #shadow-root (user-agent)

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-02 09:52:26
问题 I am using Selenium (Python) for automating a web page. I am trying to get text from an input field that is under #shadow-root (user-agent). Xpath I used: driver.find_element_by_xpath("**//*/p-calendar/span/input**").text is not returning anything. Attached the screenshot of my DOM element. Requirement: To get text from the shadow root : 01:01 回答1: As per @hayatoito 's (creator of Shadow DOM) comment: The original motivation of introducing a closed shadow tree is "Never allow an access to a

How to parse JSDoc

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-01-28 20:00:23
问题 I have an HTML file. There are some JSDoc inside like this: /** * If true, this slider is disabled. A disabled slider cannot be tapped * or dragged to change the slider value. * * @attribute disabled * @type boolean * @default false */ I need to get info and put into a bean class MyBean { public String comment; public String attribute; public String type; public String defaultValue; } How do I parse my HTML file? 回答1: There are several JSDoc parsers out there. Take a look into doctrine and


女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-01-22 17:56:07
今年伊始至今都在做系统平台的开发,还没有做过组件的开发,难得难得,昨儿有个组件迭代需求,给搜索组件新增清空操作。 就是需要实现如下这样的效果: 这是我从 elementUI 那找的 demo,但是之前写的这个搜索组件就是原生实现的,也不至于为了个新功能再去引第三方库。 那该如何实现呢? 花了我两个小时的时间...... 分析需求 首先,就是需求分析,拆分实现的功能点,这也方便下一步的代码编写。 这个功能的关键点不是点击 x 按钮实现输入数据的清空,关键点应该在于这个清空按钮的交互问题。 这里,我将这个问题分为如下几点: 输入框没有值的时候,鼠标滑入不显示按钮,鼠标聚焦也就是有光标时候也不显示按钮 输入框输入值的时候,实时监听数据变化,此时显示按钮 输入框聚焦时,鼠标移出,按钮仍然显示 输入框失去焦点时,按钮隐藏,此时鼠标滑入显示按钮 输入框有值时,鼠标聚焦显示按钮 清空按钮的显示隐藏,交互大致就是这样。 页面布局 实现一个搜索组件,基础的就应该需要一个输入框,一个搜索按钮,这里因为清空操作就还需要个清空按钮。 < div class = "container" > < input id = "searchInput" type = "text" :value = "${this.inputValue}" /> < div class = "deleteBtn" @ click =

React 16

我们两清 提交于 2021-01-17 14:51:39
一.特性 fragment 模版支持fragment和string类型,对应ReactElement数组和字符串 v16.2.0还提供了JSX的fragment支持:<></> error boundary 组件级错误处理,支持捕获子组件树内部异常,UI层的兜底方案 portal 允许组件树与DOM树结构不一致,用于hovercards,tooltips等场景 例如tooltip在DOM结构上target与tip一般是兄弟关系(布局需要),而逻辑上tip是属于target的,是父子关系,portals特性用来处理这种场景 特殊的,事件冒泡经过处理,portals组件的父组件仍然能接到冒泡通知(React 16之前就内置了用来抹平DOM事件冒泡差异的事件系统,这里顺便支持拐弯冒泡 示例) support for custom DOM attributes 之前内置了HTML/SVG属性名白名单,自定义属性会被拦截并忽略掉,React 16去掉了这个限制 去掉该限制有2个原因,其一,这层内置的属性过滤对于非标准的(比如proposal阶段的)新属性和其它库/框架(比如Angular、Polymer)很不友好;其二,bundle里要内置一份体积不小的属性白名单,维护起来还挺麻烦 improved server-side rendering 号称比React 15快3倍

Shadow-root sibling elements disappear on attachShadow() call

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-01-05 08:37:11
问题 When I call host.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}) on a div containing a few elements inside, the contents of the div seemingly disappears. The elements are still visible from devtools but are no longer visible on screen. It doesn't matter if i fill the shadowRoot with anything; as soon as the shadow is attached the div's children disappear. Demo on codepen: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/VrBdOe Why does the content disappear? I've seen it on websites so I know it's possible somehow. See the code for