
Error when using the command “from polyglot.detect import Detector”

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-12-30 06:16:50
问题 i am a beginner in python and was playing with the polyglot function to convert the text from one language to another like Spanish to English. I was following the instructions to install the Polyglot and the required modules. But when in run the command "from polyglot.detect import Detector" i am getting any error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in from polyglot.detect import Detector File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\polyglot-15.5.2-py3.4.egg\polyglot\detect__init__.py"


萝らか妹 提交于 2020-08-07 03:31:24
本文转载自: 深入学习java虚拟机,分享三个你从未听过的虚拟机黑科技 作为开发工程师,你也许会在日常编程中被Java的启动性能和内存耗费所震惊,继而对Java语言产生怀疑;或许在使用虚拟机遇见内存溢出等一系列异常时头疼万分, 困扰于为什么会出现各种问题。 和语言朝夕相处的开发者们,提及代码的详细运行过程也难免会一时语塞。这都是由于Java虚拟机封装得太好,让使用者几乎感觉不到它的存在。虽然这种"一次编写,到处运行"优势颇多,但是却也让我们忽略了学习Java虚拟机的必要。 熟知Java虚拟机的工作原理可以大幅提升日常编程的效率,对寻常Bug的修复更是轻而易举。同时,这也是Java技术的重要组成成分之一,实现技术进阶必不可缺的知识。 Java虚拟机知识框架图 一、Java虚拟机的基本原理 剖析 Java 虚拟机的运行机制,逐一介绍 Java 虚拟机的设计决策以及工程实现; 1. Java代码是怎么运行的 ? 作为一名 Java 程序员,你应该知道,Java 代码有很多种不同的运行方式。比如说可以在开发工具中运行,可以双击执行 jar 文件运行,也可以在命令行中运行,甚至可以在网页中运行。当然,这些执行方式都离不开 JRE,也就是 Java 运行时环境。 2. Java的基本类型 Java有八个基本类型,来支持数值计算。Java 这么做的原因主要是工程上的考虑


╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-08-06 21:08:03
和小伙伴们一起打了这个xctf|俄罗斯战队的比赛,题目质量真心不错hhh,部分题解小伙伴们还没更新,先发出来,嘻嘻。 WEB Hunt (Web, Baby, 50 pts) 打断点,然后就一个一个被抓住了... 接着F12就出现了.(这个flag是白色的,藏在下面。。。。)... RE Baby Rev 题目给了个github项目链接 看懂就行 一个简单的疑惑加密 , key 是33 c=[92,0,74,66,116,77,126,69,17,17,102,126, 69,79,97,126,18,76,17,98,16,77,18, 86,90,82,66,72,83,67,88,66] flag='' for i in range(len(c)): c[i]=c[i]^33 flag+=chr(c[i]) print (flag[::-1]) polyglot 先根据给的code.c改一下key跑出来一个c++的代码 因为递归深度限制在900,所以也要改代码,我菜所以直接手算了,t1是乘,t2是加,然后算出key,跑出来是个py+机器语言的代码: import types import dis def define_func(argcount, nlocals, code, consts, names): #PYTHON3.8!!! def inner(): return

有效的微服务:10 个最佳实践

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-02-27 08:17:06
推荐阅读: 架构设计原则 - 高并发 使用 Canal 实现数据异构 MySQL中一条SQL语句是如何执行的? 阿里开源的分布式事务框架 Seata ZooKeeper 并不适合做注册中心 1. 领域驱动设计 微服务开发的首要挑战: 把大的、复杂的应用拆分为小的、自治的、可独立部署的模块。 如果没有正确的拆分,那么结果就是一堆浆糊,有着单体结构的缺点,和微服务结构的复杂度,可以称之为 分布式单体 。 幸运的是,Eric Evans 为领域驱动设计提出了大量的最佳实践和经验技巧,有3个核心思维: 开发团队要和业务部门、业务领域专家紧密合作。 架构师、开发人员、领域专家应该先做出战略设计:找出边界上下文、核心域、子域、上下文映射关系。 架构师、开发人员根据战略设计梳理出一套核心构造块:实体、值对象、聚合等等。 把一个大型系统划分为核心域、子域,再把核心域、子域映射为微服务,这样我们就可以得到一个理想的松耦合微服务体系。 2. 每个微服务一个数据库 微服务模块结构设计好了,下面一个重要问题就是怎么处理数据库,各个微服务是否共享数据库呢? 如果共享,将导致微服务之间紧耦合,违背了微服务的松耦合原则。数据库中一个小小的变动就需要各个团队同步修改。 如果每个微服务都有自己的数据库,那么微服务之间的数据交换将非常麻烦,就像打开了潘多拉魔盒,跑出一堆问题,例如在多个服务中管理事务。 所以

Is it possible to embed a Ruby code into batch-file?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-02-05 23:32:34
问题 Usually this is useful for “self-calling” scripts like in this notorious example The good script with embedded code should not use ugly escape sequences , no temp files and redundant output. Is it possible to be done with Ruby? 回答1: Yes with some hacks.Here’s an example ( file should be with .bat extension ): @break #^ =begin @echo off echo BATCH: Hello world! ruby "%~f0" %* exit /b 0 =end puts 'RUBY: Hello world!' Output will be: BATCH: Hello world! RUBY: Hello world! Here’s the explanation.

UnicodeDecodeError error when loading word2vec

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-24 15:11:04
问题 Full Description I am starting to work with word embedding and found a great amount of information about it. I understand, this far, that I can train my own word vectors or use previously trained ones, such as Google's or Wikipedia's, which are available for the English language and aren't useful to me, since I am working with texts in Brazilian Portuguese . Therefore, I went on a hunt for pre-trained word vectors in Portuguese and I ended up finding Hirosan's List of Pretrained Word

How to change the per-language configuration of setting “editor.insertSpaces” to “auto”

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-21 03:19:14
问题 I'm using VS Code to edit projects in multiple languages (mostly Ruby, PHP and Javascript) and for each language we have different indentation models (spaces/tabs and width). Looks like VS Code supports this as it allows both editor.insertSpaces and editor.tabSize to be set to "auto" which is a per-language definition. But while editor.tabSize looks to do about what I want, editor.insertSpaces always insert spaces when in "auto" mode. I've tried to find where one can edit the per-language

Error installing polyglot in python 3.5.2

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-12 01:46:18
问题 I want to do sentiment analysis on urdu sentences. I searched a python package Polyglot having URDU POS tagger in it. But on installing, it prompts error; Any way out? 回答1: Even I struggled with this error for a long time. Follow these steps to install polyglot on Windows: download package from [https://pypi.python.org/pypi/polyglot][1] . extract into folder download and install these whl files : pycld2-0.31-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl, PyICU-1.9.8-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl. (Also numpy - I didn

Polyglot ubuntu not able to download language files

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-11 07:05:36
问题 I have installed polyglot in ubuntu system using sudo apt-get install polyglot also installed dependencies sudo apt-get install -y libicu-dev python3-pip when i run polyglot command in console polyglot polyglot.ini download LANG:en gives me following error tellusererror POLYGLOT: pipex_open(): execvp(): /home/userxxx/Projects/nlp_server/nlpserver: Permission denied nlpserver folder have permission as 777 Please help! 回答1: pip install -U git+https://github.com/aboSamoor/polyglot.git@master