
Importing PMML models into Python (Scikit-learn)

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-19 07:11:13
问题 There seem to be a few options for exporting PMML models out of scikit-learn, such as sklearn2pmml, but a lot less information going in the other direction. My case is an XGboost model previously built in R, and saved to PMML using r2pmml, that I would like to use in Python. Scikit normally uses pickle to save/load models, but is it also possible to import models into scikit-learn using PMML? 回答1: You can't connect different specialized representations (such as R and Scikit-Learn native data

how to import logistic regression and kmeans pmml files into r

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-12 01:54:32
问题 I am looking for some guidance please on importing pmml model files into r. PMML is a predictive model markup language which allows models built in one system to be deployed in another. I have several models that have been trained on spss and saved to the xml format using pmml. They are Logistic Regression and k-means models. I have undertaken exhaustive searches for r capabilities to import pmml and am finding that there is only a rare function here and there in packages such as Arules for

How to use JPMML-Android to implement a PMML machine learning model?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-11 16:53:29
问题 I've created a PMML Random Forest model using scikit-learn in Python, and my goal is to implement that model in an Android app to do live predictions. From a previous question, the best way to go about this seemed to be using JPMML-Android ( However, there's no tutorials, and given how new I am to this, I'm not sure at all what's going on in that 'Usage' section. Any help would be greatly appreciated on how I can use this to implement my model! Thanks!

Get actual field name from JPMML model's InputField

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-11 04:58:28
问题 I have a scikit model that I'm using in my java app using JPMML. I'm trying to set the InputFields using the name of the column that was used during training, but "inField.getName().getValue()" is obfuscated to "x{#}". Is there anyway i could map "x{#}" back to the original feature/attribute name? Map<FieldName, FieldValue> arguments = new LinkedHashMap<>(); or (InputField inField : patternEvaluator.getInputFields()) { int value = activeFeatures.contains(inField.getName().getValue()) ? 1 : 0;

Using Python to PUT PMML

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-11 01:55:44
问题 I have a simple PMML file that I would like to PUT to a scoring server. Here is the curl call: curl -X PUT --data-binary @DecisionTreeIris.pmml -H "Content-type: text/xml" http://localhost:8080/openscoring/model/DecisionTreeIris Here is the PMML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <PMML xmlns="" version="4.1"> <Header copyright="Copyright (c) 2013 Vfed" description="RPart Decision Tree Model"> <Extension extender="Rattle/PMML" name="user"

Convert PMML - Model (Artificial Neural Network) to Java Code

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-09 21:57:53
问题 I have a PMML file of a trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN). I would like to create a Java method which simply takes in the inputs and returns the targeted value. This seems pretty easy, but I do not know how realize it. The PMML Version = 3.0 Update: 24.05.2013 I tried to use the jpmml Java API. This is how I have done: (1) Downloaded via Maven Central Repository (link) three .Jar files: pmml-manager-1.0.2.jar pmml-model-1.0.2.jar pmml-evaluator-1.0.2.jar (2) Used eclipse to "configure

Problems with r2pmml

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-08 06:15:30
问题 I recently installed package r2pmml and all its dependencies in R . However, when I'm trying to convert my gbm model object to pmml it throws this error: r2pmml::r2pmml(model,"model.pmml") Error in .jnew("org/jpmml/rexp/Main") : java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/jpmml/rexp/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 I'm a noob when it comes to java and any help is appreciated! 回答1: You are using an outdated Java version, which does not support Java 1.7 class files - please upgrade.

Deploy GBM Model in C++ | Get Predict.gbm to work outside of R

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-08 04:13:14
问题 Is there a way to export a gbm model to C++. Specifically, how do I invoke the predict.gbm function to run outside of R in order to score new datasets. I have exported the model as a PMML file but I am unsure as to how new datasets will be scores based off the PMML. I am new to R and have spent a lot of hours trying to figure this out to no avail and will appreciate any leads Thanks in advance 回答1: Here, PMML only helps you if you have a C++ based PMML evaluation engine available

FMTWIDTH error while using JPMML to evaluate a SAS produced PMML file

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-08 03:06:08
问题 I have a PMML generated from SAS Miner that I can't get properly evaluated using JPMML 1.1.4. JPMML 1.1.4 says it supports PMML 4.2 and the PMML says it is PMML version 4.2. Is the FMTWIDTH in the below function "SAS-EM-String-Normalize" proper PMML syntax? Any ideas why I can't evaluation this function using JPMML? I have the function in my TransformationDictionary that looks like, <TransformationDictionary> <DefineFunction name="SAS-EM-String-Normalize" optype="categorical" dataType="string