

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-01 03:19:33
关于Plupload Plupload 是一个web文件上传组件,支持通过HTML5、Silverlight、Flash或者普通的form来上传文件,提供了过滤文件类型、设置上传文件大小、上传进度、针对图片的缩放上传的特性,在使用上也非常简单: 1: var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ 2: runtimes : 'html5,flash,silverlight,html4', 3: browse_button : 'pickfiles', // you can pass in id... 4: container: document.getElementById('container'), // ... or DOM Element itself 5: url : 'upload.php', 6: flash_swf_url : '../js/Moxie.swf', 7: silverlight_xap_url : '../js/Moxie.xap', 8: 9: filters : { 10: max_file_size : '10mb', 11: mime_types: [ 12: {title : "Image files", extensions : "jpg,gif,png"}, 13: {title : "Zip files"

Plupload [Asp.net版]

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-01 03:18:57
前天发的 图片压缩后上传[Flash] ,有园友评论说和 Plupload 有点像! 特地了解了一下Plupload。 Plupload官网: 它是一个开源组件!功能的确很强大! 它主要功能是多文件上传,并提供图片客户端尺寸压缩。主要的特色是可以使用 Flash Gears HTML 5 Silverlight BrowserPlus HTML 4 等多项技术实现! 服务器端代码是PHP的。我下载了它的源码和实例,查看Flash源码发现它和我的想法基本一样。但是不同的是它是使用Flash CS开发的Flash只有11KB! 后来有在网上找了很久才查到国外有人写了ASP.NET版的。于是把Plupload的服务器端修改为 ASP.NET进行了测试!发现它图片支持PNG,但是压缩后PNG透明不部分就不透明了!和我之前遇到的问题一样!官方资料很全,根据实例自己做了个汉化ASP.NET版的!并且他的Flash是完全透明的。只要把Flash绝对定位到你的HTML按钮上就可以使用了,这个思路很好! 它在使用Flash上传处理过的数据时也可以显示进度,这个还没有完成搞清楚! 它的缺点:真是骨头里挑刺,配置还是有复杂,没有中文版,服务器端只提供了PHP代码,JS用的十分多! 界面如下: Plupload Flash ASP.NET汉化版下载:

plupload browse_button not showing browse dialog

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-24 03:07:49
问题 I'm using plupload queue to upload images to our server. I am setting the value of browse_button to the id of a hyperlink, so it shows a browse dialog box. But when I click that hyperlink, nothing shows up, and the browser view just goes to the middle of the page. Below is some of the code. (Btw, I'm using jQuery UI's dialog box to pop up the image upload div:) <div id="dialog-form" title="Upload Images"> <div id="container" style="height: 200px;"></div> <br style="clear: both" /> <a id=

Why is php rename() corrupting my file?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-23 09:18:15
问题 I am using plupload to do an upload of multiple files to my server. Using this, there is a parameter 'url : 'upload.php'. upload.php catches the files as they are received, and might recombine them if they get chunked. Once the full file is received, it sends a response back to the original page, displaying a green checkbox icon. I have added some code to this page, after all the main code to manipulate the photos I have uploaded. My plan is to create three copies of my full size image, lg,

plupload smartphone and tablet browse button event not firing

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-22 10:22:13
问题 I use plupload on a metronic bootstrap framework. On desktop it's working fine but on smartphone or tablet, my browse button is not opening the window to select files. <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="engine"></div> <div id="dev_uploader"> <div id="filelist"></div> </div> <a id="addImg" class="btn btn-bg btn-block"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> add attachement</a> here is the plupload script : jQuery(function() { var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ runtimes : 'html5,flash,silverlight,gears',

plupload does not seem to be uploading files in IE 9. It works in other browsers

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-22 06:23:13
问题 In our project we are using plupload to upload a single excel file. This is working in all the browsers except IE9. On click of the upload link the file dialog box is displayed but nothing happens when tried to open the excel. Below is the code for reference and any help to solve this will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! function initUploader(btnId, fileType, onSuccess) { if (typeof fileType == "undefined") fileType = "image"; var arrFilters = new Array(); var url = 'user

plupload does not seem to be uploading files in IE 9. It works in other browsers

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-22 06:22:16
问题 In our project we are using plupload to upload a single excel file. This is working in all the browsers except IE9. On click of the upload link the file dialog box is displayed but nothing happens when tried to open the excel. Below is the code for reference and any help to solve this will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! function initUploader(btnId, fileType, onSuccess) { if (typeof fileType == "undefined") fileType = "image"; var arrFilters = new Array(); var url = 'user

Angular2 with Typescript, how to use Plupload CDN script file in lazy-loaded module?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-22 03:22:40
问题 I would like to use Plupload in an Angular2 component and access the Plupload JavaScript file from a CDN. I want it specific to a component so that it is not downloaded if it is not required - I want it to be in a lazy loaded module. How can I do this? Now fully answered on this page! The result of this quest, which included offering and awarding bounties to two people who worked hard with me on it, is as follows: Example of using Plupload with Angular 2 and TypeScript How to Lazy load a

How to make a loop for multiple plupload

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-20 03:53:14
问题 I have a piece of code like that: $(function() { var uploader1 = new plupload.Uploader({ runtimes : 'gears,html5,flash,silverlight,browserplus', browse_button : 'pickfiles1', container : 'container', max_file_size : '10mb', url : 'upload.php', flash_swf_url : '/plupload/js/plupload.flash.swf', silverlight_xap_url : '/plupload/js/plupload.silverlight.xap', filters : [ {title : "Image files", extensions : "jpg,gif,png"}, {title : "Zip files", extensions : "zip"} ], resize : {width : 320, height

How do I return data via Ajax using Plupload on Upload Complete?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-19 06:44:45
问题 I've been trying for the last few hours to get something... anything back from the pluploader upon completion of the queue to no avail. Here is my JS code: var uploader = $('#pluploadDiv').pluploadBootstrap(); uploader.bind("UploadComplete", function(up, files) { var obj = $.parseJSON(response.response); alert(obj.result); }); On the very last line of the upload.php script, I have: die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : "'.$_REQUEST['unitID'].'", "id" : "id"}'); This makes sense to me... but it