

北城余情 提交于 2020-10-22 11:48:40
后台的AJAX上传 封装的上传函数 想不同的功能上传到不同的文件夹 所以需要在添加或者编辑页面增加额外的参数 告诉upload函数 直接来吧 1 add.html <form id= " add-form " class = " form-horizontal " role= " form " data-toggle= " validator " method= " POST " action= "" > <div class = " form-group " > <label class = " control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2 " >{:__( ' Coursename ' )}:</label> <div class = " col-xs-12 col-sm-8 " > <input id= " c-act_name " class = " form-control " name= " row[course_name] " type= " text " value= "" > </div> </div> <div class = " form-group " > <label class = " control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2 " >{:__( ' Chapter ' )}:</label> <div


早过忘川 提交于 2020-03-23 19:17:50
1、jQuery File Upload 官网: 在线示例: 下载地址: 各语言的使用范例(php,,Java,等) 2、Uploadify和flash双版本) 官网: 在线示例: 下载地址: 文档配置地址: 3、Plupload 官网: 在线示例: 下地地址:

How to get a Plupload filename?

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-02-29 02:13:40
问题 I am using "plupload" to upload files then redirect to an acknowledgement page. What I would like to do is add the filename to the url string EG(www.mysite/thanks.php?file=file.jpg) For someone at my level the documentation for plupload comes across as somewhat sparse and I have been unable to identify which variable/object carries the file name. Here's where I would like to put the code Uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(Up, File, Response) { if( ( + 1) == Uploader

How to get a Plupload filename?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-02-29 02:09:48
问题 I am using "plupload" to upload files then redirect to an acknowledgement page. What I would like to do is add the filename to the url string EG(www.mysite/thanks.php?file=file.jpg) For someone at my level the documentation for plupload comes across as somewhat sparse and I have been unable to identify which variable/object carries the file name. Here's where I would like to put the code Uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(Up, File, Response) { if( ( + 1) == Uploader

Why am I getting “undefined” passed to the db? jquery php plupload

故事扮演 提交于 2020-02-02 14:44:18
问题 I am NOT having trouble passing something into my database, so the "may have already been answered" alert above and the associated link do not answer my question (Thanks for trying to help anyway). My problem is with the jquery variable. Why is it when I pass $('input[name="ageLimit"]:checked', '#myForm').val() to the alert the variable pulls the correct information, but when I pass it to the url in the plupload function it does not and I end up with undefined in my database. Why might this

Why am I getting “undefined” passed to the db? jquery php plupload

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-02-02 14:44:08
问题 I am NOT having trouble passing something into my database, so the "may have already been answered" alert above and the associated link do not answer my question (Thanks for trying to help anyway). My problem is with the jquery variable. Why is it when I pass $('input[name="ageLimit"]:checked', '#myForm').val() to the alert the variable pulls the correct information, but when I pass it to the url in the plupload function it does not and I end up with undefined in my database. Why might this

Why am I getting “undefined” passed to the db? jquery php plupload

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-02-02 14:43:52
问题 I am NOT having trouble passing something into my database, so the "may have already been answered" alert above and the associated link do not answer my question (Thanks for trying to help anyway). My problem is with the jquery variable. Why is it when I pass $('input[name="ageLimit"]:checked', '#myForm').val() to the alert the variable pulls the correct information, but when I pass it to the url in the plupload function it does not and I end up with undefined in my database. Why might this

Resume or restart ajax request after network connection abort while uploading large images?

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-25 03:12:08
问题 I am trying to upload large files using PLUpload fileUploaded function I have ajax call to upload image to Amazon S3 but ajax call fails prompting error network connection aborted. Please help how to restart or resume my request 回答1: First I detected the network is down or running perfectly fine using offline js var run = function(){ Offline.check(); } setInterval(run, 3000); check every 3 seconds network connection available or not. when network goes up after re-connection perform

Resume or restart ajax request after network connection abort while uploading large images?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-25 03:12:08
问题 I am trying to upload large files using PLUpload fileUploaded function I have ajax call to upload image to Amazon S3 but ajax call fails prompting error network connection aborted. Please help how to restart or resume my request 回答1: First I detected the network is down or running perfectly fine using offline js var run = function(){ Offline.check(); } setInterval(run, 3000); check every 3 seconds network connection available or not. when network goes up after re-connection perform

Problems with CodeIgniter (and allowed_types)

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-23 04:23:15
问题 Morning guys. I'm trying to use Plupload along with CodeIgniter. I tried uploadify before Plupload and it worked awesome, the main problem with uploadify is that it never sent the CSRF code, no matter what I used, this was really odd so I reviewed Plupload and I made it work as expected in matter of minutes. However, it ONLY works well with the HTML5 uploader and not with the Flash Uploader. Reviewing the logs I found the reason why it was not working: while using the CodeIgniter File