
To modify the pitch of an audio file at specific positions in the files using the codes in java below

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-11 20:30:10
问题 I want to modify the pitch of the audio clip dynamically based on the user input at different time instants, say if user enters change the pitch of the audio after 10 seconds then how can I achieve the same? I found this link that describes how to modify the pitch but i want to repeat this process at different time instants of the audio clip and for some short duration only. Can anybody guide me on this ? Some Edits Edit 1 I found this code as I mentioned this previously as well //source file

What are the 13 MFCC features

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-11 17:23:36
问题 I saw many places that uses 13 MFCC features to analyse wav files. I couldn't find any exploitation to what is the meaning of each feature? e.g what is the first MFCC feature, the second , etc. In particular, I couldn't find how to get the pitch (F0) from the MFCC features? Thanks 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54530052/what-are-the-13-mfcc-features

The bing map control for wp7 has two properties called Pitch and Heading, but setting those two properties does not seem to work

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-11 08:06:14
问题 The bing map control for wp7 has two properties called Pitch and Heading, but setting those two properties does not seem to work. I expect them to rotate the map. Am I missing anything? Is there anything specific that needs to be done to make those two properties work? 回答1: That properties aren't avilable now on WP7. This is propertis for 3D Bing Map Control (rather desktop), not supported by WP7 yet. Better use transform on container with map (i.e. Canvas, but I can't check now...) 来源: https

find Pitch-synchronous windowing based on pitch tracking

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-11 07:24:06
问题 As seen in comment link a pitch by Talkin’s Robust Algorithm for Pitch Tracking in voicebox (function name is "fxrapt") is extracted. http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/doc/voicebox/fxrapt.html However, I need to find pitch pulses in the LP error signal by detecting the maximum amplitude within each pitch period. For each pitch pulse, a Hamming window of two pitch periods long. if T(i-1), T(i), T(i+1) denote the locations of three successive pitch pulses. How can I design a analysis

How to get a list of notes present in a wav file?

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-11 01:06:31
问题 I am writing a program to help people learn guitar. To do this, I need to be able to look at a sample of time and see what note(s) they played. I looked at FFTW but I don't understand how to get this to work. I also tried to figure out the Goertzel algorithm but it seems like that is just for single-frequency notes like dial tones (not sure about that though). To be clear, I do need to be able to detect multiple notes (to see if a chord is played), but it doesn't matter too much if a few

Sending pitch bend to MIDI sequencer in Java

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-10 17:09:06
问题 I understand the basics of getting a MIDI sequencer up and running and I would like to be able to increase/decrease the pitch of the sequence during playback, but pitch bend is a message that gets sent to the synthesizer, not the sequencer. I tried setting the sequencer's receiver to be the synthesizer's transmitter, and when I sent pitch-bend short messages, the sequencer stayed the same pitch but then the synthesizer played a second track at the new pitch bend value, creating some pretty

How can i calculate the peak using kissFFT?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-10 11:44:59
问题 I want to apply FFT on the real audio device and calculate the peak from it here is my code.. N=8192 kiss_fft_cpx out[N/2 +1]; int len = fft->N / 2 + 1; kiss_fft_scalar* samples = &samples2[0]; //inputs from the mic kiss_fftr(fft->config, samples, out); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { float re = scale(out[i].r) * N; float im = scale(out[i].i) * N; if (i > 0) spectrum[i] = sqrtf(re * re + im * im) / (N / 2); else spectrum[i] = sqrtf(re * re + im * im) / N; } Now i calculate the pick using code

Peak detection in Performous code

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-10 10:05:56
问题 I was looking to implement voice pitch detection in iphone using HPS method. But the detected tones are not very accurate. Performous does a decent job of pitch detection. I looked through the code but i did not fully get the theory behind the calculations. They use FFT and find the peaks. But the part where they use the phase of FFT output, got me confused.I figure they use some heuristics for voice frequencies. So,Could anyone please explain the algorithm used in Performous to detect pitch?

change sound pitch (not in realtime)

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-08 12:35:38
问题 i alway had this question in my mind, but wherever i asked, i could never get an answer or a suggestion that would be helpful: How can i pitch a sound (not realtime) ? Im using AVFoundation framework to play my sounds like so: AVAudioPlayer *player = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:TempRecFile error:nil]; player.volume = 1; [player play]; How can i set the pitch or the frequency of my sound without having to use some othere frameworks like OpenAL. Although, if you know a place

Algorithm and package to modify the pitch of the sound for certain durations repeatedly

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-08 09:35:01
问题 I want to create an audio file using the existing audio file by which I can modify the pitch of the audio for different durations of the file. Like if the file is of 36sec then I want to modify the pitch for 1st 2 sec with some value then from 6th sec to 9th sec some other value and so on .. Basically, I am trying to modify the audio file based on the text message that user gives like say if user inputs "kill bill" , according to each character in the message k,i,l,b .. i have taken an array