
Proper way to verify user's mobile number using Firebase

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-08-27 07:19:25
问题 I know that I can use Firebase's phone verification on Android and iOS , but the problem is that the information about client's verification can easily be forged on the client side, because I using only server side SSL certificate, so, only client knows that the server is trusted. So, I decided to send mobile number on the server-side and check it there: send verification code and ask this verification code from the user. But I can't see any C++ server Firebase SDK , only client-side C++ SDK

Formatting Phone Number Input In Angular

寵の児 提交于 2020-07-30 02:57:11
问题 I have seen many solutions to formatting a phone number input field in Angularjs, but I cannot find anything on Angular 7. What I essentially want is for the user to type the following in the textfield: 123456789 and for the textfield to format the input as: (123) 456-789 how can I go about doing this? I have found the following regex to validate it: ^(\([0-9]{3}\) |[0-9]{3}-)[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$ 回答1: You can handle this with a Phone Mask Directive as follows, export class PhoneMaskDirective {

Minimum Phone numbers digits Woocommerce Checkout

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-06-16 12:30:28
问题 I want the user to enter a minimum of 7 numbers for their phone number in the Woocommerce checkout. The function below works but it includes spaces, so if user enter 6 numbers with 1 space it counts it as 7. How Can I change the function so that it only counts numbers not spaces so that the user has to enter a minimum of 7 numbers. // validation for Billing Phone checkout field add_action('woocommerce_checkout_process', 'custom_validate_billing_phone'); function custom_validate_billing_phone(

How to validate phone number in django?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-05-30 07:52:06
问题 I'm currently using phonenumbers package as a validation method to my django's UserCreationForm for its phone number field. In my current code I am using a get method to retrieve the phone number from its field and then do the validation. If the entered number does not exists, a form error is supposed to pop up and state that the number is not in a country's format (in this case i'm using singapore). Please tell me what changes should be made to my current code. I've tried using "from