
How to find the next unbalanced brace?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-02-03 08:39:05
问题 The regex below captures everything up to the last balanced } . Now, what regex would be able to capture everything up to the next unbalanced } ? In other words, how can I can get ... {three {four}} five} from $str instead of just ... {three {four}} ? my $str = "one two {three {four}} five} six"; if ( $str =~ / ( .*? { (?> [^{}] | (?-1) )+ } ) /sx ) { print "$1\n"; } 回答1: So you want to match [noncurlies [block noncurlies [...]]] "}" where a block is "{" [noncurlies [block noncurlies [...]]]

Perl timeout command in windows and linux

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-02-03 07:32:34
问题 I'm writing a perl script that needs to work in windows and linux that will run a process, timeout if it takes too long, return the exit code assuming it didn't timeout, and return stdout assuming the exitcode was zero and it didn't timeout. I don't need STDIN or STDERR. I've tried to use IPC::run but couldn't get it to work. The closest I got is with IPC::Open3 and waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) . But I've hit a snag. I'm seeing different results on windows and linux. In the code below I give open3

Perl timeout command in windows and linux

随声附和 提交于 2020-02-03 07:30:49
问题 I'm writing a perl script that needs to work in windows and linux that will run a process, timeout if it takes too long, return the exit code assuming it didn't timeout, and return stdout assuming the exitcode was zero and it didn't timeout. I don't need STDIN or STDERR. I've tried to use IPC::run but couldn't get it to work. The closest I got is with IPC::Open3 and waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) . But I've hit a snag. I'm seeing different results on windows and linux. In the code below I give open3

DBI: disconnect - question

房东的猫 提交于 2020-02-03 04:59:31
问题 Would you call parts of the disconnect -code as line-noise or would you leave it as it is? use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect ... ... ... END { $dbh->disconnect or die $DBI::errstr if $dbh; } 回答1: Explicit disconnection from the database is not strictly necessary if you are exiting from your program after you have performed all the work. But it is a good idea, especially in programs in which you have performed multiple connections or will be carrying out multiple sequential connections. See

Why doesn't Perl v5.22 find all the sentence boundaries?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-02-03 03:17:38
问题 This is fixed in Perl 5.22.1. I write about it in Perl v5.22 adds fancy Unicode word boundaries. Perl v5.22 added the Unicode assertions from TR #29. I've been playing with the sentence boundary assertion, but it only seems to find the start and end of text: use v5.22; $_ = "See Spot. (Spot is a dog.) See Spot run. Run Spot, run!\x{2029}New paragraph."; while( m/\b{sb}/g ) { say "Sentence boundary at ", pos; } The output notes sentence boundaries at the start and end of text, but not after

Why doesn't Perl v5.22 find all the sentence boundaries?

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-02-03 03:16:15
问题 This is fixed in Perl 5.22.1. I write about it in Perl v5.22 adds fancy Unicode word boundaries. Perl v5.22 added the Unicode assertions from TR #29. I've been playing with the sentence boundary assertion, but it only seems to find the start and end of text: use v5.22; $_ = "See Spot. (Spot is a dog.) See Spot run. Run Spot, run!\x{2029}New paragraph."; while( m/\b{sb}/g ) { say "Sentence boundary at ", pos; } The output notes sentence boundaries at the start and end of text, but not after


孤街醉人 提交于 2020-02-03 00:51:11
1. php中脚本以.php后缀名时,才会被web服务器解析,尝试过以html保存,结果没有解析成功; 2. 以<?php ?>作为语言标记包含整段php代码,php的含义是超文本预处理器,一个语言标记中的php代码不要求完整,可以通过多个分离的语言标记完成一个完整的php程序。这就意味着可以在html中的任意标签之间插入php代码来实现一些逻辑: <html> <head>…</head> <body> <?php if ($bool) { ?> <p>This is true.</p> <?php } else { ?> <p>This is false.</p> <?php } ?> <body> <?php ?> 是xml风格语言标记,也是标准风格标记,同时还有<? ?>、<% %>等标记,其中<? ?>会混肴XML文档的申明,而<% %>是ASP、ASP.NET风格标记,默认情况下会被禁用,所以可移植性也较差; 3. 以分号; 结尾; 4. 使用c ,c++,perl风格注释:// 、# 、 /* */; 5. 程序中忽略空白; 6. php对函数和类名大小写不敏感,但是对变量名大小写敏感; 7. 变量以$开头申明,并且可以以$$实现内插: $hi = “hello”; $$hi = “world"; 此时,等价于定义两个变量:$hi = "hello";$hello=

Perl & mod_fcgid- how can I be sure it's working?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-02-02 04:23:27
问题 I have a couple Perl scripts I'm taking public soon, and I want to make sure they'll run under mod fcgid in order to keep the server load as low as possible. Previously, I've only ever run scripts that test FastCGI (ie, while ( my $q = new CGI::Fast ) { $count++; echo $count;}) or taken advantage of larger Perl packages (like MovableType) that claim to run as FCGI as long as you set up Apache & FastCGI/mod fcgid properly and change the file suffix to ".fcgi". So, here's my question: do I need

How can I create a portable strawberry with extra bundled modules?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-02-02 04:20:10
问题 The portable strawberry perl is a godsend-- I can bundle it into an NSIS installer along with the actual scripts and have the user double click it. However, I'm still having to install CPAN modules that our scripts need, manually on each user's computer. Is there a portable way to 'inject' cpan modules into strawberry perl's portable version? Would it be a good idea to take the portable strawberry on a development machine, install modules via CPAN, and re-zip it for distribution? (I imagine I

How can I check that a perl version is not greater than some value?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-02-02 03:09:33
问题 To ensure a script has at least version X of perl, you can do the following require 5.6.8; What is the best way of checking that a version is not too recent? (i.e. version 5.8.x if fine, but 5.9 or 5.10 are not ok). 回答1: This code will die if the version of Perl is greater than 5.8.9: die "woah, that is a little too new" unless $] <= 5.008009; You can read more about $] in perldoc perlvar. 回答2: You can use the special $^V variable to check the version. From perldoc perlvar: $^V The revision,