
Unity3d WIfi direct (P2P) android support

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-08-03 09:12:30
问题 I am trying to figure out how to make game which will work only locally using Wifi Direct without any internet access. The concept is very simple. It will be some kind of presentation so I need to have one master/host device and other connected devices will be slaves/clients . When I press button on master/host than should be changed only one value (string or int) in all slaves/clients devices. With support of 20-40 connected devices in same time. I have Tried: UNet - it works only if it is

How can I implement simple serverless p2p browser to browser messaging with minimal overhead?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-07-04 06:06:24
问题 I'm trying to create some basic implementations of simple games (tic tac toe is the starting project) which can be played over the internet without requiring a central server. The page would not even need to be hosted and could be run locally on the machine, or it could be hosted on a web server. When hosting the game, the page would inform the host of his IP address, which could then be sent by any method (phone, instant message, etc) to a friend. That friend would type or copy/paste the IP

How can I implement simple serverless p2p browser to browser messaging with minimal overhead?

余生长醉 提交于 2020-07-04 06:03:21
问题 I'm trying to create some basic implementations of simple games (tic tac toe is the starting project) which can be played over the internet without requiring a central server. The page would not even need to be hosted and could be run locally on the machine, or it could be hosted on a web server. When hosting the game, the page would inform the host of his IP address, which could then be sent by any method (phone, instant message, etc) to a friend. That friend would type or copy/paste the IP

How to fix InvalidStateError: Cannot add ICE candidate when there is no remote SDP

十年热恋 提交于 2020-07-02 22:52:28
问题 I am creating a webRTC video chat that shows a caller all active members when initiating a call from firefox and the receiver is using chrome this error is displayed "Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'addIceCandidate' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Error processing ICE candidate". And when a call is initiated from firefox and receiver uses firefox I get two errors Invalidstate: cannot add ICE candidate when there is no remote SDP and ICE failed, add a STUN and see about:webrtc

NAT Traversal - Probability of success using STUN

久未见 提交于 2020-06-25 03:32:13
问题 I am developing a P2P application, and I need to use STUN and/or TURN for NAT traversal. I have looked into the issues that an arise when using STUN only (basically it will not always work because it is UDP based and some firewalls won't like that - the reason is not that interesting as per my question), and I keep seeing recommendations about using STUN and TURN for fallback (the ICE scheme). But everywhere I look I just see people STUN as "unlikely to always work". What I am looking for is

How do you get around NATs using WebRTC without a TURN server?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-05-28 04:48:39
问题 I'm trying to make a peer to peer Javascript game that can be played on mobile browsers. I have been able to successfully set up a p2p connection between two phones within my local WiFi network. I am unable to connect two phones over mobile networks or one on WiFi and one on a mobile network. I tried turning off my Windows firewall and could not connect my PC to my phone on a mobile network. I tried having both peers set up their own data channels and set negotiated. I've read that 80% to 90%

How do you get around NATs using WebRTC without a TURN server?

南楼画角 提交于 2020-05-28 04:48:30
问题 I'm trying to make a peer to peer Javascript game that can be played on mobile browsers. I have been able to successfully set up a p2p connection between two phones within my local WiFi network. I am unable to connect two phones over mobile networks or one on WiFi and one on a mobile network. I tried turning off my Windows firewall and could not connect my PC to my phone on a mobile network. I tried having both peers set up their own data channels and set negotiated. I've read that 80% to 90%

Ending WebRTC video call between two peers

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-05-15 06:16:25
问题 I've set up a video chat between two peers using WebRTC . I would like to allow a peer to end the chat and for the other peer to know that the chat was ended. Once the chat ends, some code needs to be executed for both peers. The PeerConnection object has a removeStream() method which should trigger the onremovestream() listener. This would be perfect for my use case, however, before onremovestream() is called there needs to be a re-negotiation (offer/answer) between the peers. For my case

发现 | 友信金服旗下好分期违规套路贷,资金端人人贷会何去何从?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-04-08 12:42:23
来源 | 复利频道 作者 | 赛闻 去年,P2P网贷行业曾因资产端涉及严重套路贷等问题,被监管进行了严厉打击。这导致多家P2P平台,例如花生米富、金蛋理财发生爆雷,前者高管目前仍在拘押中,后者实控人潜逃出国后被警方逮捕。 本就大环境不好的P2P行业雪上加霜,时至今日,行业内多数平台要不选择抓紧转型顺应监管要求、要不选择清退出局,能继续只做网贷业务的平台已所剩无几。 近期复利频道发现,曾在网贷行业属佼佼者的人人贷似乎在面对当前环境局势时,并没有什么举措,而其借款端好分期却频频被借款人投诉有高利贷等问题。 一、借款利率显示不一,资产端被诉套路贷 好分期运营主体为北京微财科技有限公司,根据其官网介绍,公司为友信金服旗下消费分期平台。而友信金服正是P2P平台人人贷及友信普惠母公司。 近日,有借款人投诉称在好分期借款1万元,分12期还款,合同上写的借款利率明明为10.2%,但通过IRR计算后,实际的借款利率却高达55%。 对比后发现,借款利率不同的原因在于其还款账单中有服务费和保障金,但这两项费用却并没有在合同中体现。 (好分期借款用户提供) 从该份合同中可以看到,显示的实际借款利率确为10.2%,而撮合平台为P2P平台人人贷,且出借人参加的为人人贷平台U享计划。 U享计划是人人贷针对出借人设计的一款投标工具,出借人的出借资金可循环出借,到期后出借人可以拿到相应本息。该计划有3、6、9、12


你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-04-06 20:19:11
P2P: 只要是数据量很大,而一般利用中转服务器又需要一定规模投入的应用,我们都可以考虑用 P2P 技术。 好处: 1. 降低成本与投入。 2. 提高传输性能。 一般情况下,我们做网络程序,首先都会考虑用 TCP 的方式来实现,用 TCP 的方式主要的好处有: 1. 编写程序简单,大部分是采用 C-S 模型,也就是客户端对服务器。 2.TCP 的特性保证了数据传输的可靠性,只要适当定制好协议,基本不会有网络丢包与边界的问题。 但同时, TCP 也有缺点,就是通信效率较低。 做好 P2P 应用至少需要解决两个问题: 1. 实现内网之间机器的网络通信。 2. 需要 解决 UDP 出现的数据传输不稳定 问题。 内网穿透 假设一台在 NAT211.133.* 后的 要向 NAT211.134.* 后的 发送数据,假设你向 211.134.* 这个 IP 地址的 9000 端口直接发送数据包,则数据包在到达 NAT211.134.* 之后,会被当做无效非法的数据包被丢弃, NAT 在此时相当于一个防火墙 , 会对没有建立起有效 SESSION 的数据包进行拒绝转递。 当然,你也不能直接用内网地址 进行发送数据包,这就好比你在广州要打电话到上海的某个地方,如果你不加区号