
How to hook event on sending mail in Office add-in (OWA, Windows Outlook 2016)

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-18 09:31:11
问题 in (Web and Desktop), I need to observe sending email but it seems to be the API available from office.js does not seem to have any event or method for this functionality. In fact, my requirement is to inject tracking pixels when a user clicks on Send button thereby collecting the outgoing email's conversation id. Any suggestion? 回答1: It is available now. On send feature for Outlook add-ins was implemented with lots of limitation, but at least it's there. Outlook add-in on send code sample is

How to Capture office 365 Calendar Events like cancel, move appointment

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-13 07:18:43
问题 Is there any way to capture calendar events like Cancel or move from office365? 1. Can we use some kind of add in here which will keep on listening to these events and if user canceled some appointment it provide us those appointment details and we can pass it to our internal application. 回答1: To me, it sounds like a better solution is to use REST API events to listen to updated calendar items (or created, deleted, etc.) and let your server application handle the events rather than have an

How to $filter attachments list endpoint by isInline?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-13 03:02:45
问题 I'm developing OWA add-in using OWA REST API I'm not able to get the filtered result when fetch the attachment list with $filter=inlinImage eq true for example: https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages/{id}/attachments?$filter=IsInline%20eq%20true or https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages/{id}/attachments?$filter=IsInline%20eq%20true knowing that is says in the resource reference that isInline is Filterable, and I got the response 200 when doing the requests above but the without

The item you tried to access to longer exists

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-11 18:57:54
问题 Here is the screen-shot of an email whose attachment I am trying to access. When I try to open the attachment, I am getting the below error What is the reason behind this, and how can this be solved? I am trying to process emails using EWS api and my process is stuck on this email because while processing this email I am getting the below error(when Loading the MimeContent of this particular email). this is the code var message = EmailMessage.Bind(exchangeService, itemid, new PropertySet(

Why is the get action of cfexchangemail never returning?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-10 17:31:36
问题 We are running Coldfusion 9.0.1 and have successfully used cfexchangemail to retrieve email for a number of years. Within the last few days the calls for some users never return. This leads to ColdFusion stacking up active requests which eventually leads to no response for any request. For other users the calls work successfully. This is the call: <cfexchangemail action="get" folder="Inbox " name="weeksMail" connection="testconn1"> <cfexchangefilter name="maxRows" value=4> </cfexchangemail>

Mechanize/OWA user/password error

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-08 13:39:28
问题 I'm trying to use Mechanize to get emails from my Outlook web client, but I'm having troubles logging in. It gives me the errors listed below. I've verified that the user name and password are correct. Any ideas? Here is my code: import mechanize b = mechanize.Browser() cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() b.set_cookiejar(cj) b.open('https://mail.example.com/owa/') br.select_form("logonForm") b['username'] = 'myname' b['password'] = 'password' b.submit() I can see that form components are being

OfficeJs: Outlook Addin: Dialog API's messageParent not working with OWA

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-08 10:08:25
问题 Background: I have an outlook addin which basically opens up a login dialog which opens up addin page hosted on my website from here user is redirected to auth0 from where he's redirected to login.live.com and post auth I get back either a code or an error back to another page again on my website. Now, everything works fine in the outlook thick client. When I close the dialog manually I get the right error code in parent. Problem: When using the OWA and hosting the addin code on my website,

Sending inline attachments with ews

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 11:47:34
问题 I'm using EWS to send an email with inline attachement(s). I'm use following code for it: var attachment = attachments.AddFileAttachment(path); attachment.ContentId = cid; attachment.IsInline = true; attachment.ContentType = "PNG/Image"; Html body of the message contains following fragment <img src=""cid:{cid}""></img> where {cid} is a value of cid field. It works when I check emails with Outlook but in OWA image is not show in message body. Please suggest me right way to send mail with

Sending inline attachments with ews

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-04 17:34:22
I'm using EWS to send an email with inline attachement(s). I'm use following code for it: var attachment = attachments.AddFileAttachment(path); attachment.ContentId = cid; attachment.IsInline = true; attachment.ContentType = "PNG/Image"; Html body of the message contains following fragment <img src=""cid:{cid}""></img> where {cid} is a value of cid field. It works when I check emails with Outlook but in OWA image is not show in message body. Please suggest me right way to send mail with inline image via EWS to view in OWA. The below code works for me and I can see the inline attachment in

All-in-one add-in for outlook

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-02 08:35:13
问题 I want to develop all-in-one add-in for Outlook. This means that this add-in will be available for all Outlook clients (desktop, web). I read here that i can do this. I already created add-in for Outlook Web Application and tried to deploy it to desktop client, but didn't figure how to make it. So how to make it set on desktop and outlook.com? Is that really possible? And if yes, how it can be done? 回答1: Technically you can't make an add-in that will work 100% on all clients. The web-based