
string.upper(<str>) and <str>.upper() won't execute

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-17 20:42:07
问题 I have the following bit of code: def test(): fragment = '' fragment = raw_input('Enter input') while fragment not in string.ascii_letters: fragment = raw_input('Invalid character entered, try again: ') fragment.upper() print fragment*3 However when I run it, say for an input value of p , fragment gets printed as 'ppp' - all lower case, i.e. the fragment.upper() line does not run. The same thing happens if I replace that line with string.upper(fragment) (and adding import string at the

Date operations on xsl 1.0

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-17 14:24:54
问题 I need to get 3 days before and after a given date defined in a variable, and store each one of them in a new individual variable in xsl 1.0. i can't use any extensions or third party tools. Looking trough the answers in the forums, i found this: Expanding datetime ranges in XSLT 1.0 for a similar problem, but i dont fully understand if and how it would aply to my code. Mi date variable is in standard dateTime format, like this: <xsl:variable name="Date" select="2014-05-13T00:00:00"/> And i

Date operations on xsl 1.0

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-17 14:23:24
问题 I need to get 3 days before and after a given date defined in a variable, and store each one of them in a new individual variable in xsl 1.0. i can't use any extensions or third party tools. Looking trough the answers in the forums, i found this: Expanding datetime ranges in XSLT 1.0 for a similar problem, but i dont fully understand if and how it would aply to my code. Mi date variable is in standard dateTime format, like this: <xsl:variable name="Date" select="2014-05-13T00:00:00"/> And i

How to operate elementwise on a matrix of type scipy.sparse.csr_matrix?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-13 11:50:30
问题 In numpy if you want to calculate the sinus of each entry of a matrix (elementise) then a = numpy.arange(0,27,3).reshape(3,3) numpy.sin(a) will get the job done! If you want the power let's say to 2 of each entry a**2 will do it. But if you have a sparse matrix things seem more difficult. At least I haven't figured a way to do that besides iterating over each entry of a lil_matrix format and operate on it. I've found this question on SO and tried to adapt this answer but I was not succesful.

How to combine different queries results into a single query result table

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-12 02:01:06
问题 Here is a thing.I am trying to find a query which can include all there 3 results. But I I only know how to do the query for one of them each. Questions: For each survey that has had at least 200 members participate, provide the following information: 1)Survey ID and Survey Description 2)Number of members that started the survey 3) Number of members that already finished. query for survey ID and survey description which have at least 200 participations 1) Select survey_id, Survey_desc, count

Mapping a WCF request message to the underlying operation

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-11 16:41:56
问题 I need to know what operation is being invoked by examining a request Message object in an IDispatchMessageInspector. What is the best way to do this? 回答1: There's really no 100% sure way of doing this, because IDispatchMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest() runs before the dispatcher has matched the message to an actual operation on the service. That said, if you're using the default IDispatchOperationSelector, then it's possible to build a map that matches SOAP Action names with operation

intel assembly TEST PF flag operation

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-11 07:16:08
问题 I'm was doing a manual operation with TEST (Parity flag operation) , the problem it's that i can't get the right result, consider this: ax = 256 = 0000 0001 0000 0000 so if i do: test ah, 0x44 the PF flag operation should be: 0000 0000 = 0000 0001 & 0100 0100 PF = 0000 0000 XNOR 0000 0000 PF = 1111 1111 ? I've followed the intel reference, according to this: the question it's what i'm doing wrong? 回答1: BitwiseXNOR is a horizontal XNOR of the bits, producing a single bit. Remember that PF is

full adder 3-bit std_logic_vector

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-11 06:45:03
问题 i am learning vhdl and i get an error when i simulate a 3-bit full adder that implements with std_logic_vector (because of ability to use '+' operation) just an example that our teacher gave us, forgive me if it is a simple question... here is code : Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity adder_3_bit is port( a,b : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); cin : in std_logic; cout : out std_logic; sum : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ); end adder_3_bit; architecture behav of adder_3_bit

OCL is it allow to write constraint on an operation and attribute

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-11 06:14:24
问题 Imagine the following class Person ================ | Person | |--------------| |- name | |- age | |--------------| |+ drinkWater()| |+ drinkBeer() | ================ Using OCL, is it possible to set a constraint on the operation drinkBeer() ? For instance allowing only Person >= 21 year old to drink beer? 回答1: context Person::drinkBeer() pre Adult: self.age >= 21 should probably do. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43815870/ocl-is-it-allow-to-write-constraint-on-an-operation-and

Use a variable as an operator - Powershell

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-11 00:44:05
问题 I startet with Powershell and tried to do a simple calculator. This is what I have: Function ReturnRes ($x,$y,$z) { $res= [float] $z [float]$y return $res } Write-Host $res $var1 = Read-Host "Zahl1" $var2 = Read-Host "Zahl2" $op = Read-Host "Operator(+-*/)" ReturnRes -x $var1 -y $var2 -z $op But I can't use the $z variable as an operation... Any ideas? 回答1: You can use Invoke-Expression : PS C:\> $x,$y,$op = '1.23','3.21','+' PS C:\> Invoke-Expression "$x$op$y" 4.44 Make sure you validate the