
Can't fetch weather icons from openweathermap

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-01-29 08:35:10
问题 I have been trying to fetch weather icons from openweathermap api for a python application, but for some reason I am not able to do so. I am however, able to print the icon as text for e.g. its code like "3d" or "3n" but not the image. When I try to print the image, the error _tkinter.TclError: image "03n" doesn't exist pops up. My code is below. import requests from tkinter import * root = Tk() root.geometry("250x250+0+0") root.configure(bg='black') url = '

How to make a weather command using v1.4.1

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-12-30 02:41:48
问题 In case you would like to make a weather command using and have a cool addition to your bot, I got you covered, I have answered below on how to create a weather command in 回答1: We will be making a command which will work like this - Starting off, we are going to be using openweahtermap API, which requires an API key, you can get one for free by simple logging in to their website. Once you have got the API key, you are all good to go. The second step will be to start

How to make a weather command using v1.4.1

北慕城南 提交于 2020-12-30 02:38:45
问题 In case you would like to make a weather command using and have a cool addition to your bot, I got you covered, I have answered below on how to create a weather command in 回答1: We will be making a command which will work like this - Starting off, we are going to be using openweahtermap API, which requires an API key, you can get one for free by simple logging in to their website. Once you have got the API key, you are all good to go. The second step will be to start

How to make a weather command using v1.4.1

半腔热情 提交于 2020-12-30 02:38:27
问题 In case you would like to make a weather command using and have a cool addition to your bot, I got you covered, I have answered below on how to create a weather command in 回答1: We will be making a command which will work like this - Starting off, we are going to be using openweahtermap API, which requires an API key, you can get one for free by simple logging in to their website. Once you have got the API key, you are all good to go. The second step will be to start

How to make a weather command using v1.4.1

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-12-30 02:38:06
问题 In case you would like to make a weather command using and have a cool addition to your bot, I got you covered, I have answered below on how to create a weather command in 回答1: We will be making a command which will work like this - Starting off, we are going to be using openweahtermap API, which requires an API key, you can get one for free by simple logging in to their website. Once you have got the API key, you are all good to go. The second step will be to start

How do i make a switch that changes my picture depending on which weather id is in a json

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-22 02:29:08
问题 I have a weather app that is lacking changing icons/pictures depending on what the weather is, i have searched for hours but not found a solution. Im using openweathermap api, and would like to make a switch statement that changes my picture depending on what the weather id is. Here is my . package com.inducesmile.androidweatherapp; import android.Manifest; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android

how to display openweathermap weather icon

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-20 17:30:50
问题 I am using openweathermap to display weather reports. Everything is working fine but there is a problem with the icon . The json response code are : Array ( [city] => Array ( [id] => 1271476 [name] => Guwahati [coord] => Array ( [lon] => 91.751 [lat] => 26.1862 ) [country] => IN [population] => 899094 ) [cod] => 200 [message] => 0.0630711 [cnt] => 1 [list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [dt] => 1495688400 [temp] => Array ( [day] => 33 [min] => 24.89 [max] => 33.82 [night] => 24.89 [eve] => 30.6

how to display openweathermap weather icon

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-20 17:30:49
问题 I am using openweathermap to display weather reports. Everything is working fine but there is a problem with the icon . The json response code are : Array ( [city] => Array ( [id] => 1271476 [name] => Guwahati [coord] => Array ( [lon] => 91.751 [lat] => 26.1862 ) [country] => IN [population] => 899094 ) [cod] => 200 [message] => 0.0630711 [cnt] => 1 [list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [dt] => 1495688400 [temp] => Array ( [day] => 33 [min] => 24.89 [max] => 33.82 [night] => 24.89 [eve] => 30.6