
How can I use an external python library in AWS Glue?

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-07 03:59:42
问题 First stack overflow question here. Hope I do this correctly: I need to use an external python library in AWS glue. "Openpyxl" is the name of the library. I follow these directions: However, after I have my zip file saved in the correct s3 location and point my glue job to that location, I'm not sure what to actually write in the script. I tried your typical Import openpyxl , but that just returns the

How can I use an external python library in AWS Glue?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-07 03:59:32
问题 First stack overflow question here. Hope I do this correctly: I need to use an external python library in AWS glue. "Openpyxl" is the name of the library. I follow these directions: However, after I have my zip file saved in the correct s3 location and point my glue job to that location, I'm not sure what to actually write in the script. I tried your typical Import openpyxl , but that just returns the

How to delete specific rows in excel with openpyxl python if condition is met

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-02-05 07:48:16
问题 Using openpyxl I am creating python script that will loop through the rows of data and find rows in which some of the column are empty - these will be deleted. The range of rows is 3 to 1800. I am not excatly sure how to delete these row - please see code I have come up with so far. What I was trying to achieve is to iterate through the rows and check if columns 4, 7 values are set to None. If True I wanted to return row number into suitable collection (need advise which one would be best for

How to delete specific rows in excel with openpyxl python if condition is met

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-05 07:47:07
问题 Using openpyxl I am creating python script that will loop through the rows of data and find rows in which some of the column are empty - these will be deleted. The range of rows is 3 to 1800. I am not excatly sure how to delete these row - please see code I have come up with so far. What I was trying to achieve is to iterate through the rows and check if columns 4, 7 values are set to None. If True I wanted to return row number into suitable collection (need advise which one would be best for

Processing images in XLSX using Python

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-04 21:15:48
问题 I have an xlsx that has two sheets: on has some data in G1:O25 (let's call this "data") and one that has some images inserted into cells in G1:O25 (let's call this one "images"). My goal is to use Python to filter the data using images. I want a popup that shows me image from cell G1 along with a checkbox or something to include/exclude this data point. Then create a new sheet ("filtered data") with the included data points. I'm new to Python so bear with me, but I've figured out a couple

Copy columns from workbook, paste in second sheet of second workbook, openPyXL

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-04 14:03:20
问题 I'm new to openpyxl and am developing a tool that requires copying & pasting columns. I have a folder containing two sets of excel files. I need the script to iterate through the files, find the ones that are named "GenLU_xx" (xx represents name of a place such as Calgary) and copy Columns C & E (3 & 5). It then needs to find the corresponding file which is named as "LU_Summary_xx" (xx again represents name of place such as Calgary) and paste the copied columns to the second sheet of that

使用 shell / python 进行sql的excel报表导出

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-01 12:57:27
  如果要求你进行一个表数据的导出,如果使用shell的话,很容易做到,即执行一下 select 语句就可以拿到返回结果了! 如下: /usr/bin/mysql -u " ${username} " -p " ${password} " --host=${host} -D " ${database} " < ${sql_script_path} > ${export_data_full_path1};   如上执行完成之后,数据就被导出到 export_data_full_path1 指定的文件位置去了。   如果想要使用 excel 格式来打开,有一个很简单的方法,即把后缀名命名为: .xls 就可以了。唯一的缺点是,此时你可能看到一个提示,即:文件名后缀与具体的格式不匹配等等!但是你仍然可以正常打开!   但是对于有中文一类的导出操作,则又是,另一番景象了!不过我们可以通过一个简单的编码转换来解决这个问题! iconv -futf8 -tgb2312 -o ${export_data_full_path1} ${export_data_full_path1};   转换之后,即使有中文也能正常查看了!   至于使用 shell 进行发送邮件,则也是简单的一比! echo " yesterday report infomation, FYI . " | mail -s "

Openpyxl - Transfer range of rows from a worksheet to another

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-01-29 20:27:29
问题 I want to take a certain part of data from a sheet and copy it to another sheet. So far, I have a dictionary with key as start row and value as end row. Using this, I would like to do the following: -Get the first range from sheet0 and append it to sheet1 -Get the second range from sheet0 and append it to sheet2 -Get the third range from sheet0 and append it to sheet3 I tried the following: #First range starts at 1 and ends at 34, second range from 34-52 and third from 52-75 myDict = {1: 34,

How to scrape all Steam id, review content, profile_url from reviews of a game in steam into excel file using python?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-01-29 18:04:32
问题 #The error is either it prints only first 11 reviews (when while n<500 is used) or does not print at all(when while True: is used). Requirement is to save all Steam id, review content, profile_url from reviews of the game into excel. from msedge.selenium_tools import Edge, EdgeOptions from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys import re from time import sleep from datetime import datetime from openpyxl import Workbook game_id= 1097150 url = '

fixing Module Not found Error when importing openpyxl in .py file?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-01-29 17:44:01
问题 I am trying to use openpyxl with python 3.7, but when starting my .py file in my windows shell I got the ModuleNotFoundError. It is kinda weird as i don't get this error if I write my code in the python interpreter (can create and save .xlsx files) I tried uninstalling and installing again via pip3 and/or running shell as admin (pip is updated). I don't use many other modules (os, wx, csv and calendar) so it shouldn't interfere. I renamed my .py file so i'm sure there is no name conflict.