
BeautifulSoup, Requests, Dataframe Saving to Excel arrays error

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-18 18:59:53
问题 I am a novice at Python and helping out on a school project. Any help is much appreciated. THANKS. I get an error when it gets to the year 2004 and 2003. And it is caused by the result_list list. The error is "ValueError: arrays must all be same length". How can I introduce code that fixes this. The scores are important.... import requests import pandas as pd from pandas import ExcelWriter from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #from openpyxl.writer.excel import ExcelWriter import openpyxl #from

reading worksheet and preserving conditional formatting

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-18 07:23:24
问题 I am trying to read an excel worksheet with openpyxl. I think I am losing the conditional formatting information in the sheet when I read it like so: xl = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename) When I read all cells in the file and save it. I get a spreadsheet in which none of the conditional formatting is implement. I can find many ways of adding conditional formatting to a spreadsheet at But I cannot find a way to read conditional

Openpyxl corrupts xlsx on save. Even when no changes were made

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-02-11 14:30:13
问题 TL;DR; Using Openpyxl to save changes to a large excel file results in a corrupted xlsx file The Excel file is made of several tabs with graphs, formulae, and images, and tables. Powershell script can save edits to the xlsx file with no issues. I can read the cell values from the excel file with Openpyxl, I am also able to edit & save the xlsx file manually. Excel file is unprotected. All errors and code snippets have been provided below. I'm unable to add data to an excel file that one of

Openpyxl corrupts xlsx on save. Even when no changes were made

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-02-11 14:28:49
问题 TL;DR; Using Openpyxl to save changes to a large excel file results in a corrupted xlsx file The Excel file is made of several tabs with graphs, formulae, and images, and tables. Powershell script can save edits to the xlsx file with no issues. I can read the cell values from the excel file with Openpyxl, I am also able to edit & save the xlsx file manually. Excel file is unprotected. All errors and code snippets have been provided below. I'm unable to add data to an excel file that one of

Using Openpyxl to create multiple custom spreadsheets

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-02-11 13:36:39
问题 I'm trying to create a series of spreadsheets for my office based on criteria from a larger spreadsheet we have. This could very easily be done by hand, but since I am new to programming, I thought this could be a fun exercise to see if I could do it with python using the Openpyxl module. Basic problem: I have a list of countries people are traveling to, and I have rows with people's names and other data, including the name of the country each person is traveling to. The country each person

Excel adding @ signs in Openpyxl generated workbooks

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-11 13:01:44
问题 I am currently trying to write a python script to generate a excel workbook template file from a json file. To do this I have been using openpyxl and implementing excel functions in the template for ease of access. I'm not well-versed in excel, and I am using python as a "catalyst of learning." What I'm discovering when I open a generated file is that the functions I input have '@' symbols in certain places. In python : from openpyxl import Workbook wb = Workbook() sh = sh["A2"] = "


被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-11 01:45:31
点击上方 “ AI算法与图像处理 ”,选择加"星标"或“置顶” 重磅干货,第一时间送达 来源:OpenCV视觉实践 明天就是七夕了! 如果有对象,祝早生贵子! 没有对象,祝早结连理! (搞笑一下,祝大家幸福美满吧,嘿嘿嘿) 给大家准备了一份已经写好的代码,利用python+opencv+openpyxl,opencv实现读取图片像素颜色,然后 openpyxl 自动填充Excel表格对应单元格背景颜色,得到一副Excel填充图画。文末代码下载链接。 先来看看效果叭(gif动图)! 把图片换成女朋友的真人图像会更逼真,会更加更好看。 然后看代码叭! 配置环境 我们需要用到python以及openpyxl和opencv包,没有下载的小伙伴可以去配置一下,超级简单: 大概就是在python终端(看个人环境)执行: pip install opencv-python pip install openpyxl 下面是我安装openpyxl包的录屏,可以参考一下,也可以跳过。 配置完成后就是导入我们需要的包了,这儿不需要过多了解: #导入opencv和openpyxl import openpyxl import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl import

openpyxl: '@' is inserted to formula when saving to file

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-10 22:42:22
问题 When I add the following formula to a cell, the cell's value looks good when printed to the console. However, after I save the file, the formula has '@' inserted right after the '=' (for simplicity, I am providing the output from the console): >>> from openpyxl import Workbook >>> wb = Workbook() >>> ws = >>> ws['A1'] = '=CONCAT("Week ",TEXT(MID(' + get_column_letter(9) + '1,6,2)+ 1, "##"))' >>> ws['A1'].value '=CONCAT("Week ",TEXT(MID(I1,6,2)+ 1, "##"))' >>>'formula.xlsx')

openpyxl: '@' is inserted to formula when saving to file

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-10 22:42:19
问题 When I add the following formula to a cell, the cell's value looks good when printed to the console. However, after I save the file, the formula has '@' inserted right after the '=' (for simplicity, I am providing the output from the console): >>> from openpyxl import Workbook >>> wb = Workbook() >>> ws = >>> ws['A1'] = '=CONCAT("Week ",TEXT(MID(' + get_column_letter(9) + '1,6,2)+ 1, "##"))' >>> ws['A1'].value '=CONCAT("Week ",TEXT(MID(I1,6,2)+ 1, "##"))' >>>'formula.xlsx')


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-09 11:05:48
Vlookup函数 ,可以算是一个数据专员必须要会使用的基本函数了,确实很好用。但是你可能会注意到,Excel一旦数据量过大,打开都费劲了,何况打开后,你还要输入公式计算,就更费劲了,此时你有没有想到过 被称作“万金油”的Python ,他好像啥都可以做,是不是很牛逼?对于Excel来说的大数据量,但是对于Python来说,应该是小菜一碟。 今天我就带着大家对比学习一下,怎么分别在Excel和Python中使用Vlookup函数。 数据源介绍 如图所示,有一个“vlookup.xlsx”文件,“A1:F11”是我们的数据源区域,“K1:L5”是我们的查找源区域。我们的目的就是要在数据源区域的G列加一列数据,查找出不同类型下名称表示。 Vlookup函数介绍 这个函数我想大家应该都会,大家应该也不需要我介绍的太详细,因此我就简单的为大家介绍一下vlookup函数的语法。 参数说明:vlookup(待查找目标, 查找区域, 匹配值所在的列, 精确匹配OR模糊查找); 用一句通俗的话来说明vlookup函数的用法:针对每一个待查找目标,它就能从指定的查找区域中,查找返回想要查找到的值。 Excel中使用Vlookup函数 针对上述提到的数据源,了解Vlookup函数的语法后,下面来看看如何在Excel中使用Vlookup函数。 观察上图:首先,我们在G1单元格 新增了一个“名称”列