
Trying to detect blue color from image using opencv, and getting unexpected result

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-11-28 11:46:41
I am new to OpenCV4Android. Here is some code I wrote to detect blue colored blob in an image. Among the following images, image 1 was in my laptop. I run the application and the frame captured by the OpenCV camera is image 2. You can look at the code to see what the rest of the images are. (As you can see in the code, all the images are saved in the SD card.) I have the following questions: . Why hass the color of the light-blue blob turned out to be light-yellow in the rgba frame captured by the camera (shown in image 2). I created a boundingRect around the largest blue colored blob, but

Trying to detect blue color from image using opencv, and getting unexpected result

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-11-27 06:29:09
问题 I am new to OpenCV4Android. Here is some code I wrote to detect blue colored blob in an image. Among the following images, image 1 was in my laptop. I run the application and the frame captured by the OpenCV camera is image 2. You can look at the code to see what the rest of the images are. (As you can see in the code, all the images are saved in the SD card.) I have the following questions: . Why hass the color of the light-blue blob turned out to be light-yellow in the rgba frame captured