
Is it possible to throttle bandwidth when using OkHttp?

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-07 14:47:29
问题 Is it possible when using OkHttp to throttle the bandwidth? (possibly using a network interceptor). 回答1: You can make it work in two ways: Send request and read stream manually, and throttle while reading there. Add an Interceptor. Using OkHttp the best way is Interceptor. There are also a few simple steps: To inherit the Interceptor interface. To inherit the ResponseBody class. In custom ResponceBody override fun source(): BufferedSource needs to return the BandwidthSource's buffer. Example

Is it possible to throttle bandwidth when using OkHttp?

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-02-07 14:47:29
问题 Is it possible when using OkHttp to throttle the bandwidth? (possibly using a network interceptor). 回答1: You can make it work in two ways: Send request and read stream manually, and throttle while reading there. Add an Interceptor. Using OkHttp the best way is Interceptor. There are also a few simple steps: To inherit the Interceptor interface. To inherit the ResponseBody class. In custom ResponceBody override fun source(): BufferedSource needs to return the BandwidthSource's buffer. Example

Is it possible to throttle bandwidth when using OkHttp?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-07 14:46:41
问题 Is it possible when using OkHttp to throttle the bandwidth? (possibly using a network interceptor). 回答1: You can make it work in two ways: Send request and read stream manually, and throttle while reading there. Add an Interceptor. Using OkHttp the best way is Interceptor. There are also a few simple steps: To inherit the Interceptor interface. To inherit the ResponseBody class. In custom ResponceBody override fun source(): BufferedSource needs to return the BandwidthSource's buffer. Example

SSLHandshakeException in API 17 (JELLY_BEAN) when using custom CA

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-05 10:54:27
问题 I need connect to my server API with TLS_v1 , server certificate signed by CA that not include in older version of android so i use this Google's document to implement custom TrustManager . Everything work on API 18 and above, but throw SSLHandshakeException in JELLY_BEAN(API 17): java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found. I have another server URL and certificate (in this case self-signed) that works even in JELLY_BEAN with same TrustManager


时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-02-05 10:01:55
前言 现在公司业务已止不是传统的增删改查等简单的业务处理操作,而是对数据各种联调三方接口与其他系统进行交互等,那么就需要我们在后台java中进行外部接口的调用,本文采用OkHttps工具类对接微信接口为大家简单介绍下,java调用外部接口进行数据交互。 第一步新建接口Demo 本文采用Idea作为开发工具 依次按照 file---new---project 紧接着如下 如果这样写就会提示 因为Idea中创建项目-项目名称必须小写 接着继续勾选Jar依赖 Jar依赖选择完成之后,确认项目名称跟所在目录 更具体的步骤请查看公众号之前写的 学习栈新年献礼-SpringBoot第一弹 项目创建好之后,创建两个package,用来存放我们的工具类,与接口 先引入项目所需jar包依赖 buildscript { ext { springBootVersion = '2.1.2.RELEASE' } repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:${springBootVersion}") } } apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'

OkHttp connection leak log line even when OkHttp is not a dependency

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-02-05 06:13:23
问题 I keep seeing the following log line in Logcat while I use my app: 19098-19147/<package> W/OkHttpClient: A connection to <my server> was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body? I did some research on this bug and found that it can happen when you do things like forget to close a response body in an interceptor. I commented out all of interceptors to see if one of them was causing this issue, but I still saw the log line. I eventually commented out all uses of OkHttp and I still

OkHttp connection leak log line even when OkHttp is not a dependency

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-05 06:10:52
问题 I keep seeing the following log line in Logcat while I use my app: 19098-19147/<package> W/OkHttpClient: A connection to <my server> was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body? I did some research on this bug and found that it can happen when you do things like forget to close a response body in an interceptor. I commented out all of interceptors to see if one of them was causing this issue, but I still saw the log line. I eventually commented out all uses of OkHttp and I still

How to cache okHTTP response from Web server?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-04 14:11:29
问题 I want to know how can okHTTP response from Web server (which returns json data) be cached? I want my app to download all the data needed for RecycleView and cache it once the user runs the app first time - and avoid re-downloading and parsing all the same data from Web server, if data has not changed. I tried to get response headers, but this is what I get: Request URL: https://somedomain.com/wp-json/?categories=3&per_page=100&status=publish Request Method: GET Status Code: 200 OK Remote

How to cache okHTTP response from Web server?

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-04 14:11:20
问题 I want to know how can okHTTP response from Web server (which returns json data) be cached? I want my app to download all the data needed for RecycleView and cache it once the user runs the app first time - and avoid re-downloading and parsing all the same data from Web server, if data has not changed. I tried to get response headers, but this is what I get: Request URL: https://somedomain.com/wp-json/?categories=3&per_page=100&status=publish Request Method: GET Status Code: 200 OK Remote

Spring Cloud Openfeign 源码笔记

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-29 01:26:20
关键类分析 # 1.FeignAutoConfiguration 配置了一个管理 feign 子容器的工厂(FeignContext). 配置一个 Targeter, 直接中专 fegin 的 target 方法(DefaultTargeter, 这里扩展可以实现降级哦) 配置了一个 feign client (ApacheHttpClient), 用于执行 HTTP 请求 还配备了 ok http client 方式的 feign client, 但默认不启用 # 2.FeignClientsRegistrar 被 @EnableFeignClients 引入 扫描带 @FeignClient 注解的接口, 生成代理对象(FeignClientFactoryBean)注册到容器中 # 3.FeignClientFactoryBean 继承自 FactoryBean, Spring 的东西, getBean() 时调用跳转到 getObject() getObject() 会调用通过 feign 对象生成代理对象 # 4.FeignInvocationHandler JDK 动态代理生成对象的的方法拦截器 通过调用 SynchronousMethodHandler 的 invoke() 实现发送请求的功能 # 5.SynchronousMethodHandler invoke()