
AngualrJS OIDC Client Silent Renew page

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-07 00:46:27
I am struggling to understand how this silent renew process works. as per what I Read I understood that the html page will be kept in an iframe and it keeps pinging server for renewing token. I have an angular application, typically we package everything into one simple index.html file and rest will be inserted based on route (ui-router, template caching). So In my context, should we keep this html packaged? or should it be separate html page lives alongside index.html? 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49500671/angualrjs-oidc-client-silent-renew-page

Configuring OAuth2 access token to typescript-angular2 client

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-06 05:38:30
I do not fully understand how to provide OAuth2 access token from a promise (oidc-client-js) to API code generated with Swagger-CodeGen. It is easy to provide constant values, but how do I change below to get the user's access token from oidc-client-js? I would like to know the "correct" way. It would be easy enough to stick this token somewhere in a global variable. @NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule, ApiModule.forConfig(() => new Configuration({ accessToken: 'my-access-token' //this can also be a () => string function })) ], In normal components with OnInit, I can get the token in a promise

No user in signinSilentCallback using identityserver and oidc client of javascript

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-05 21:45:37
I am getting user undefined in following code. I have already authenticated user from MVC. But when I use signinSilentCallback to get detail of that user, it is getting undefined using oidc-client in js. It doesn't give any error as well. var mgr = new UserManager({ authority: "http://localhost:5000", client_id: "js", redirect_uri: "http://localhost:50144/signin-oidc", silent_redirect_uri: "http://localhost:50144/signin-oidc", response_type: "id_token token", post_logout_redirect_uri: "http://localhost:50144/signout-callback-oidc", }); mgr.signinSilentCallback().then(function (user) { //**Here

OIDC and PWA (add to home screen)

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-05 06:22:40
Update: Basically the same issue as Standalone PWA breaks login but on iOS. If you add a web app to the home screen, Chrome on android shares the local storage with the same domain in the browser. You can test this by going to https://wilfrem.github.io/add_to_homescreen_test/ then adding to home screen and see you have the same id when opened from home screen. (I did Nexus 5x) If you do the same in iOS Safari you get a new id. (i did iPod iOS 12.1.1) The oidc-client-js library sets a session reference in local storage and then recalls that on the web app s signin callback. So if you try to log

Identity Server 3 User Session Lifetime

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-01 08:12:40
I'm securing a web app with identity server 3. My app is split into 2 oidc clients a ASP.Net MVC client and a javascript(angular) client which uses the oidc-client javascript library. When a user first visits the web app we redirect for log in to identity server, which logs in the mvc client. The javascript client is then logged in using the silent login feature from the oidc-library. I would like to control how often the user has to visit the logon page to sign in again and I would like to set this so that users have to visit the logon page either once a day or every 8 hours. Is there a

Identity Server 3 User Session Lifetime

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-01 06:50:15
问题 I'm securing a web app with identity server 3. My app is split into 2 oidc clients a ASP.Net MVC client and a javascript(angular) client which uses the oidc-client javascript library. When a user first visits the web app we redirect for log in to identity server, which logs in the mvc client. The javascript client is then logged in using the silent login feature from the oidc-library. I would like to control how often the user has to visit the logon page to sign in again and I would like to

IdentityServer4 PostLogoutRedirectUri null

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-11-29 22:58:35
问题 I am attempting to get the implicit flow working for IdentityServer4. Login and logout work correctly, however the PostLogoutRedirectUri is coming back null, despite setting the value where it needs to be set. What I would like is for the logout process to redirect back to my application after the logout is complete. I am getting the logoutId correctly, and Logout calls BuildLoggedOutViewModelAsync: [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task<IActionResult> Logout(LogoutInputModel

IdentityServer4 - How to Implement Impersonation

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-29 03:07:43
问题 I have a requirement of allowing our internal support users to impersonate our customer users. I'm currently using IdentityServer4, Implicit Flow and OIDC Client. Resources found so far. [Question]IdentityServer4 user impersonation #853 Generate access token with IdentityServer4 without password Given that there are limited resources online, are there any suggestions on how I can/should implement impersonation with IdentityServer4? 回答1: Probably wouldn't try to build an impersonation feature