
Get Unique Id From MailItem (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook)?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-07-18 10:45:12
问题 I'm creating an application that is reading emails received in outlook. The reading process is something like this: using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook; var app = new Outlook.Application(); var ns = app.GetNamespace("MAPI"); ns.Logon(null, null, false, false); var inboxFolder = ns.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox); var subfolder = inboxFolder.Folders["MyFolderName"]; foreach (Outlook.MailItem item in subfolder.Items) { // do something // item.EntryID } I

how to resolve The message filter indicated that the application is busy. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010A (RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER))

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-05-28 15:36:47
问题 PowerPoint.Application PowerPoint_App; PowerPoint_App = new PowerPoint.ApplicationClass(); PowerPoint_App.DisplayAlerts = PowerPoint.PpAlertLevel.ppAlertsNone; PowerPoint.Presentation presentation; presentation = null; try { PowerPoint_App.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue; presentation = PowerPoint_App.Presentations.Open(strPptFilePath, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse); PowerPoint.Slide tempSlide =

how to resolve The message filter indicated that the application is busy. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010A (RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER))

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-05-28 15:34:15
问题 PowerPoint.Application PowerPoint_App; PowerPoint_App = new PowerPoint.ApplicationClass(); PowerPoint_App.DisplayAlerts = PowerPoint.PpAlertLevel.ppAlertsNone; PowerPoint.Presentation presentation; presentation = null; try { PowerPoint_App.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue; presentation = PowerPoint_App.Presentations.Open(strPptFilePath, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse); PowerPoint.Slide tempSlide =

how to resolve The message filter indicated that the application is busy. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010A (RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER))

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-05-28 15:27:08
问题 PowerPoint.Application PowerPoint_App; PowerPoint_App = new PowerPoint.ApplicationClass(); PowerPoint_App.DisplayAlerts = PowerPoint.PpAlertLevel.ppAlertsNone; PowerPoint.Presentation presentation; presentation = null; try { PowerPoint_App.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue; presentation = PowerPoint_App.Presentations.Open(strPptFilePath, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse); PowerPoint.Slide tempSlide =

How can I get task-specific properties from a MailItem

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-05-15 09:18:21
问题 I've been having a little weekend project for myselff which involves getting all my ToDo tasks from Outlook, put them in a DataGridView and me being able to edit and export them. The only problem I've been running into is me being unable to get the task specific properties for flagged emails while they still exist, I just don't see any way to access them. Here is a portion of my current code. private void retrieveTasks() { //Clear datagrid so we won't have duplicate information taskList.Rows

How to NOT save documents using

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-05-14 20:28:11
问题 Just wondering if anyone knows how to not save a document after creation when using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word. Basically i am using mail merge to print off a report from c#, the document get made, values are passed to it no problem and i can then print it without any issues, however, I only need to print the document, I do not need to save a copy on the computer. Once i have passed all the values to the document, i use the following code to print and close the document: wordDoc.PrintOut()