
Working with PHP Octals and String conversions

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-19 08:10:45
问题 I'm working with a database that has a bunch of serial numbers that are prefixed with leading 0's. So a serial number can look like 00032432 or 56332432. Problem is with PHP I don't understand how the conversion system with octals works. A specific example is that I'm trying to convert and compare all of these integer based numbers with strings. Is it possible to convert an octal, such as 00234 to a string like "00234" so that I can compare it? edit - adding a specific example. I would like

Using C am I right in thinking that literals beginning with multiple zeros are considered octal?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-18 08:56:22
问题 In the following C code are octal literals used for all these defines? Even if they start with multiple zeros? #define TCL_REG_BASIC 000000 /* BREs (convenience). */ #define TCL_REG_EXTENDED 000001 /* EREs. */ #define TCL_REG_ADVF 000002 /* Advanced features in EREs. */ #define TCL_REG_ADVANCED 000003 /* AREs (which are also EREs). */ #define TCL_REG_QUOTE 000004 /* No special characters, none. */ #define TCL_REG_NOCASE 000010 /* Ignore case. */ #define TCL_REG_NOSUB 000020 /* Don't care

How to work with leading zeros in integers

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-17 20:35:31
问题 What is the proper way to deal with leading zeros in Ruby? 0112.to_s => "74" 0112.to_i => 74 Why is it converting 0112 into 74 ? How can convert 0112 to a string "0112" ? I want to define a method that takes integer as a argument and returns it with its digits in descending order. But this does not seem to work for me when I have leading zeros: def descending_order(n) n.to_s.reverse.to_i end 回答1: A numeric literal that starts with 0 is an octal representation, except the literals that start

how to set value of octal in java?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-17 16:35:23
问题 I am trying to write following code.but it gives me error kindly help me. int six=06; int seven=07; int abc=018; int nine=011; System.out.println("Octal 011 ="+nine); System.out.println("octal O18 =" + abc); why i cant give 018 and 019 to variable.i can give value 020 and 021 to variable. Why this happen? what's the reason behind this Kindly tell me. I got Following error integer number too large: 018 int eight=018; 回答1: Octal is base-8 number system, so it means digit can be from 0 to 7, you

Converting binary to octal using strings

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-14 03:35:01
问题 I have to convert hexadecimal numbers to octal numbers by converting hex numbers to binary first, and from binary to octal. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(){ char binarni_brojevi[16][5] = {"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111", "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111"}; char heksadekadni_broj[] = "AF1"; int i, vrednost; char binarni[50]; binarni[0] = '\0'; for(i = 0; heksadekadni_broj[i]; i++) { if(isalpha(heksadekadni_broj[i]))

How to use Python to convert an octal to a decimal

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-13 12:26:58
问题 I have this little homework assignment and I needed to convert decimal to octal and then octal to decimal. I did the first part and can not figure out the second to save my life. The first part went like this: decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal integer greater than 0: ")) print("Quotient Remainder Octal") bstring = " " while decimal > 0: remainder = decimal % 8 decimal = decimal // 8 bstring = str(remainder) + bstring print ("%5d%8d%12s" % (decimal, remainder, bstring)) print("The octal

Convert decimal number to octal in Lisp

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-13 08:51:08
问题 I'm trying to write a function in Common Lisp to convert a base 10 number into a base 8 number, represented as a list, recursively. Here's what I have so far: (defun base8(n) (cond ((zerop (truncate n 8)) (cons n nil)) ((t) (cons (mod n 8) (base8 (truncate n 8)))))) This function works fine when I input numbers < 8 and > -8, but the recursive case is giving me a lot of trouble. When I try 8 as an argument (which should return (1 0) ), I get an error Undefined operator T in form (T) . Thanks

Printing a literal python string in octal

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-11 15:11:16
问题 For reasons unknown I am the consumer of metadata that needs to be displayed in octal format to be used. I am trying to figure out how to represent it as an octal. Example: x = "\n)\n\022foobar" print x ) foobar print repr(x) '\n)\n\x12foobar' how do i get x to print the way it was assigned, which is in octal encoding? 回答1: You can't; that representation is lost. If you want to output "\022" then you need to either process it yourself or you need to store "\\022" instead. 来源: https:/

Dealing with Octal numbers in swift

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-11 07:18:37
问题 I can easily turn a decimal number into an octal but I'm trying to do the reverse and I've got stuck. let decimal = 11_224_393 let octString = String(rawAddress, radix: 8, uppercase: false) let octal = octString.toInt() Question I want a function that given an Int of octal digits will read it in as an octal and convert it to decimal such as: // oct2dec(777) = 511 // oct2dec(10) = 8 func oct2dec(octal : Int) -> Int { // what goes here? } 回答1: Using string conversion functions is pretty

strange behaviour on php

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-11 06:44:19
问题 Can some one please tell me why I get odd results rurning the following code? <?php class Bank { var $ID; var $balance; var $name; function bank($name,$id,$balance=0) { $this->ID=$id; $this->balance=$balance; $this->name=$name; } function getBalance() { return $this->balance; } function setBalance($bal) { $this->balance=$bal; } function getId() { return $this->ID; } function setId($i) { $this->ID=$i; } ) $b= new bank(yaniv,027447002, 15000); Now when I try to echo: $b->ID Instead of the