
详解 centos7设置nfs文件共享 实操记录

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-01-24 12:36:13
1.线上业务系统选择文件系统标准 linux下常见的有DOS 文件系统类型msdos,windows下FAT和NTDFS文件系统,光盘文件系统ISO-9660, 单一文件系统ext2和日志文件系统ext3、ext4、xfs,集群文件系统gfs(Red Hat Global File System)、ocfs2(oracle cluster File System)、 虚拟文件系统(比如/proc),网络文件系统(NFS)。 2.网络文件系统(NFS)介绍: NFS的全程是network FileSystem,即网络文件系统,NFS主要实现的功能是让网络上的不同操作系统之间共享数据。 NFS首先在远程服务端(共享数据的操作系统)共享出文件或者目录,然后远端共享出来的文件或者目录就可以通过关在的方式接到本地的不同操作系统上。 3.NFS Serve端的配置 NFS的主要配置文件只有一个 /etc/exports,配置简单,设置格式为: 共享资源路径 [主机地址(即可以让哪些主机访问)] [选项] 例: 下面是某个系统 /etc/exports的设置: /webdata ( 代表主机地址,即任意主机地址)(sync(sync表示资料同步写入磁盘中,即客户端写入,则服务端也同步写入),rw(即客户端主机对共享资源有读、写权限),all_squash) /tmp (rw,no_root

read() from files - blocking vs. non-blocking behavior

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-20 04:16:12
问题 Let's assume we opened a file using fopen() and from the file-pointer received, fetch the file-descriptor using fileno() . Then we do lots (>10^8) of random read() s of relativly small chunks, between a size of 4Bytes to 10KBytes from this file: Is it expected behaviour such a read() might return less bytes then requested, without setting errno , if the file-system is an ext3 NFS OCFS2 combination of 2 and 3 ( OCFS2 via NFS ) ? My readings gave me the conclusion it should not be possible for


人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-02 08:58:47
reading link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Global_File_System_2/ch-overview-GFS2.html#s1-ov-newfeatures-GFS2 特点 Red Hat does not support using GFS2 for cluster file system deployments greater than 16 nodes. However, the current supported maximum size of a GFS2 file system for 64-bit hardware is 100TB. The current supported maximum size of a GFS2 file system for 32-bit hardware is 16TB Asymmetric cluster configurations in which some nodes have access to the shared storage and others do not are not supported. The rule of thumb with GFS2 is that