
NODEJS / PHP WSDL SOAP: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-13 04:25:19
问题 Uncaught SoapFault exception: [a:InternalServiceFault] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. in Line ... Already got lots of question related to this, but I am unable to make it work out, so posting this possible duplicate again. Im missing something here in the request, but couldn't figure it out. Any help is appreciated. I tried this in both PHP & NodeJS, and same error occurred in both. <?php $wsdl = 'http://test.eprabhu.com/Api/Utility.svc?wsdl'; $params = array( "UserName

Test assert fail: Null reference exception. Object Reference not set to an Instance of an object

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-13 00:33:59
问题 Ok so I have one line of code that is causing me grief, but unfortunately without it, my program breaks. It is the only way I can think of (aside from completely restructuring my program) to do what I want it to do. The purpose of this line is to select the next class to run (in the menu), which is outside of its own scope. Trouble is that the class (Login) exists within the scope of the menu. Here is the line: LoginView.Menu.SetMenuView(); Can anyone suggest a better way of writing this?

Using C# OpCodes to emit method that returns an object

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-12 03:08:25
问题 I am creating a dynamic type which has a method that I'd like to return an object. I am failing to understand how to achieve this. Here's what I have so far: // .. stuff to create type builder MethodBuilder builder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod( method.Name, MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Public, method.CallingConvention, method.ReturnType, typeArray1); builder.InitLocals = true; ILGenerator gen = builder.GetILGenerator(); Object myObjectIdLikeToReturn = someMethodCall(); //gen.??(?

TDS .update package fails with object reference error - 8.0 update 2

孤人 提交于 2019-12-11 20:37:35
问题 We are trying to use TDS update package to deploy items to TEST environment. When we install, all the items are getting skipped though items are marked with "Always Update". When we reviewed the log we found that there is an object reference error while removing versions. We then updated the items using Deployment manager to Deploy Once and selected all the fields under Field level deployment. Note: Image shows deploy action as 'always' above After doing this, the package is installed

How to get the handles of all open App Designer apps (uifigures)?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-11 12:03:47
问题 As mentioned in a related answer, it is possible to get the handles of all open figures using: hFigs = findall(groot, 'Type', 'figure'); but this results in a list that contains both "old" figure and "new" uifigure handles. How can I separate hFigs into two lists, one containing only figure and the other only uifigure references? 回答1: To distinguish between figure and uifigure objects programatically, we can use a slight adaptation of what I suggested here: function tf = isUIFigure(hFigList)

Why am I losing object references on the postback?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-11 06:37:21
问题 I am developing an asp.net (3.5) application and I am puzzled with the behavior of the postbacks. Consider the following scenario: I have a web user control that is basically a form. However each form field is a web user control in itself. In the click event of the save button I iterate through all controls in my form and I retrieve the field value and the field name that refers to the database field that I am saving the value to. The click event triggers a postback and it is during the

Is there an expandable list of object references in Java?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-11 06:29:53
问题 In Java, we can always use an array to store object reference. Then we have an ArrayList or HashTable which is automatically expandable to store objects. But does anyone know a native way to have an auto-expandable array of object references? Edit: What I mean is I want to know if the Java API has some class with the ability to store references to objects (but not storing the actual object like XXXList or HashTable do) AND the ability of auto-expansion. 回答1: Java arrays are, by their

thisArg of array.forEach does not reference as expected

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-10 20:34:20
问题 Given following code: const theArray = ['Audi','Volvo','Mercedes']; const myObj = {a: 7}; theArray.forEach((value, index, array) => { console.log(index + ' : ' + value); console.log(array === theArray); console.log(this.a); }, myObj); I get following output: 0 : Audi true undefined 1 : Volvo true undefined 2 : Mercedes true undefined Where I don't understand why this does not reference myObj and returns undefined instead of 7. While this typeof Object returns true, I don't know which Object

Behavior of C++ Object Reference

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-10 14:39:08
问题 Consider the following code segment: class Window // Base class for C++ virtual function example { public: virtual void Create() // virtual function for C++ virtual function example { cout <<"Base class Window"<<endl; } }; class CommandButton : public Window { public: void Create() { cout<<"Derived class Command Button - Overridden C++ virtual function"<<endl; } }; int main() { Window *button = new CommandButton; Window& aRef = *button; aRef.Create(); // Output: Derived class Command Button -

how are C# object references represented in memory / at runtime (in the CLR)?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-09 05:18:46
问题 I'm curious to know how C# object references are represented in memory at runtime (in the .NET CLR). Some questions that come to mind are: How much memory does an object reference occupy? Does it differ when defined in the scope of a class vs the scope of a method? Does where it live differ based on this scope (stack vs heap)? What is the actual data maintained within an object reference? Is it simply a memory address that points to the object it refers to or is there more to it? Does this