
How to uniquely identify user logging in via oauth?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-16 13:09:29
问题 I particular - I don't understand how to link user that authenticated using oauth to a particular account in my application? So here's accounts in my applciation: CREATE TABLE accounts ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, username VARCHAR(40), email VARCHAR(256), created DATETIME, updated DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY (email), UNIQUE KEY (username) ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; With openid for example there is a unique user id (uri, xri) which uniquely

How to uniquely identify user logging in via oauth?

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-16 13:05:37
问题 I particular - I don't understand how to link user that authenticated using oauth to a particular account in my application? So here's accounts in my applciation: CREATE TABLE accounts ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, username VARCHAR(40), email VARCHAR(256), created DATETIME, updated DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY (email), UNIQUE KEY (username) ) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; With openid for example there is a unique user id (uri, xri) which uniquely

Google OAuth for websites in embedded browsers

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-16 09:51:12
问题 Google no longer allowing embedded webviews as it is a disallowed_useragent for OAuth sign in. For most situations, this is completely fine and there is a workaround. However, I have run into a situation where this prevents websites from being able to use a web-server OAuth implementation. The Issue: Nginx PHP server running the Google PHP SDK, using their O-Auth implementation. This works fine on everything except embed browsers. Typically this is okay, however, if a user tries to sign up to

Cannot install OAuth extension in Xampp on Windows

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-16 07:55:52
问题 I need to install oauth extension in php. I tried lot of ways but still I cannot get the oauth in my php. I mentioned below few steps to get oauth in PHP. I copied the php_oauth.dll file to xampp/ext/ wrote this line extension=php_oauth.dll in php.ini After restarting the server I accessed the phpinfo().php But OAuth is not shown. I can see this in my logfile: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\xampp\php\ext\php_oauth.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application. in Unknown on line

Cannot install OAuth extension in Xampp on Windows

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-02-16 07:54:49
问题 I need to install oauth extension in php. I tried lot of ways but still I cannot get the oauth in my php. I mentioned below few steps to get oauth in PHP. I copied the php_oauth.dll file to xampp/ext/ wrote this line extension=php_oauth.dll in php.ini After restarting the server I accessed the phpinfo().php But OAuth is not shown. I can see this in my logfile: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\xampp\php\ext\php_oauth.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application. in Unknown on line


為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-14 22:49:59
OpenID 和 OAuth 的区别 IdentityServer4,NET Core下的安全框架 客户端模式(Client Credentials) 密码模式(resource owner password credentials) 简化模式(implicit flow) 授权码模式(Authorization code flow) 混合模式(Hybrid Flow) <span id="OpenIDvsOAuth"></span> OpenID 和 OAuth 的区别 OpenID:Authentication,即认证,用户是谁? OAuth:Authorization,即授权,用户能做哪些操作? OpenID Connect(OIDC):基于OAuth协议,是“认证”和“授权”的结合。 OAuth2提供了Access Token来解决授权第三方客户端访问受保护资源的问题。 OIDC在这个基础上提供了ID Token来解决第三方客户端标识用户身份认证的问题。。 <span id="identityServer4"></span> IdentityServer4 IdentityServer4 是 ASP.NET Core的一个包含OpenID Connect和OAuth 2.0协议的框架,提供了单点登录,集中控制,API访问控制等功能。 <span id="client"><


拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-02-14 11:00:35
Python常用的标准库以及第三方库有哪些? 20个必不可少的Python库也是基本的第三方库 读者您好。今天我将介绍20个属于我常用工具的Python库,我相信你看完之后也会觉得离不开它们。他们是: Requests.Kenneth Reitz写的最富盛名的http库。每个Python程序员都应该有它。 Scrapy.如果你从事爬虫相关的工作,那么这个库也是必不可少的。用过它之后你就不会再想用别的同类库了。 wxPython.Python的一个GUI(图形用户界面)工具。我主要用它替代tkinter。你一定会爱上它的。 Pillow.它是PIL(Python图形库)的一个友好分支。对于用户比PIL更加友好,对于任何在图形领域工作的人是必备的库。 SQLAlchemy.一个数据库的库。对它的评价褒贬参半。是否使用的决定权在你手里。 BeautifulSoup.我知道它很慢,但这个xml和html的解析库对于新手非常有用。 Twisted.对于网络应用开发者最重要的工具。它有非常优美的api,被很多Python开发大牛使用。 NumPy.我们怎么能缺少这么重要的库?它为Python提供了很多高级的数学方法。 SciPy.既然我们提了NumPy,那就不得不提一下SciPy。这是一个Python的算法和数学工具库,它的功能把很多科学家从Ruby吸引到了Python。 matplotlib


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2021-02-13 01:43:43
Postman简介 一般简单的接口测试我们可以直接在浏览器里面进行调试,但是涉及到一些权限设置的就无法操作了,因此我们需要接口测试的相关工具;Postman 是一个接口测试和 http 请求的工具。 官网地址: https://www.getpostman.com Postman 的优点: 支持各种的请求类型: get、post、put、patch、delete 等 支持在线存储数据,通过账号就可以进行迁移数据 很方便的支持请求 header 和请求参数的设置 支持不同的认证机制,包括 Basic Auth,Digest Auth,OAuth 1.0,OAuth 2.0 等 响应数据是自动按照语法格式高亮的,包括 HTML,JSON 和 XML 下载安装 Postman有windows,Mac、Liunx以及Chrome插件版本。这里主要介绍Win平台版本的使用。 下载地址: https://www.getpostman.com/apps 官方文档: https://www.getpostman.com/docs/v6/ Postman Api文档: https://docs.postman-echo.com Postman 入门 安装好之后启动程序,进入主界面。准备开始使用Postman. 发送第一个请求 启动软件后在引导界面点击Request,给Request命名

Feign and Spring Security 5 - Client Credentials

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-12 09:20:08
问题 I am trying to invoke some backend system which is secured by a client_credentials grant type from a Feign client application. The access token from the backend system can be retrieved with the following curl structure (just as an example): curl --location --request POST '[SERVER URL]/oauth/grant' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --header 'Cookie: WebSessionID=; b8d49fdc74b7190aacd4ac9b22e85db8=2f0e4c4dbf6d4269fd3349f61c151223' \ -

Feign and Spring Security 5 - Client Credentials

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-12 09:12:50
问题 I am trying to invoke some backend system which is secured by a client_credentials grant type from a Feign client application. The access token from the backend system can be retrieved with the following curl structure (just as an example): curl --location --request POST '[SERVER URL]/oauth/grant' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --header 'Cookie: WebSessionID=; b8d49fdc74b7190aacd4ac9b22e85db8=2f0e4c4dbf6d4269fd3349f61c151223' \ -