
invalid_client in google oauth2

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-08 16:05:52
问题 I try to make a web page for youtube video upload, therefore I try to get the client id from google api console, and in the api console it shows something like this: Client ID: 533832195920.apps.googleusercontent.com Redirect URIs: http://bobyouku.ap01.aws.af.cm/testyoutube.php https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground However when I try to test my account using the following URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=533832195920.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=http

invalid_client in google oauth2

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-08 16:05:49
问题 I try to make a web page for youtube video upload, therefore I try to get the client id from google api console, and in the api console it shows something like this: Client ID: 533832195920.apps.googleusercontent.com Redirect URIs: http://bobyouku.ap01.aws.af.cm/testyoutube.php https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground However when I try to test my account using the following URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=533832195920.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=http

Google Calendar API calendar id and event id

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-20 19:10:14
问题 I am learning on how to access google calendar API for creating and accessing events. I am trying to understand API using OAuth 2.0 Playground. I am struggling on what to set for calendarid and eventid https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/{calendarId}/events/{eventId} Can any one guide me. Regards, Sureshkumar Menon 回答1: calendarId is the email address of your calendar. If you're just using your own, then use the string "primary". eventId is the ID of the event that you want to

Google OAuth 2.0 - Incremental authorization with offline access

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-13 18:07:11
问题 I'm trying to implement incremental authorization with Google Oauth2 in my application. At first, when users sign in, the application is requesting some scopes and offline access. I'm generating and storing the refreshToken in my database so I can refresh access tokens to make API calls when needed. Now I'm going to implement a new functionality that will request a new scope, but I would like to ask for this scope only if users try to use this new functionality. The problem I'm facing is that

Oauth2 Playground exchange authorization code for token: 400 error

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-12 03:20:00
问题 I've been following a basic OAuth 2.0 tutorial to create an OAuth 2.0 server. That whole part worked fine, but when I tried to play around with it in the Google OAuth2 playground following this page I'm getting some errors. I've followed all the steps as they are in the above link except I used http://localhost/wordpress/authorize.php?state=xyz as my authorization endpoint because otherwise I would get an error saying that state was required and I didn't want to edit any code yet. Now,

Google OAuth 2.0 returns 400 “Bad Request” even from Playground

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-12 02:57:22
问题 I'm trying to use the PHP League OAuth2 client library for authentication in my CodeIgniter application. However, I always get error 400 "Bad Request". So, I tried using my own Client ID and Client Secret through Google's OAuth 2.0 playground and it gives the same error. Interestingly, Jasper Reports Community gets the same error when I try to login with my Google Account. Back to the playground, I've tried the Google Plus login as well as the old endpoint. Has Google had an outage? The URL

OAuth 2.0 Playground - Timeout Limit?

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-11 12:59:44
问题 I'm using the OAuth 2.0 Playground to execute a Google App Script function. Using: https://script.googleapis.com/v1/scripts/MSnRgD0GQVGwCP-h1YWmtpwV62A3zXXXX:run The function is very simple, it just pauses for a set amount of time and then returns true. function funSleep(intSeconds) { Utilities.sleep(intSeconds * 1000); return true; } If I run the function for < 55 seconds it returns: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-length: 133 X-xss-protection: 1; mode=block X-content-type-options: nosniff Transfer

Read BloodPressure and BloodGlucose dataSource from google api fitness playground

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-10 12:54:56
问题 If I go to google api playground I do the following steps: Step 1: Select & authorize APIs. I select the two scopes https://www.googleapis.com/auth/fitness.blood_glucose.read https://www.googleapis.com/auth/fitness.blood_pressure.read cause I need to read blood glucose and pressure from user. I select a google user and authorize the application to read the data. Step 2: Exchange authorization code for tokens. I exchange the authorization token for the access and refresh token. Step 3:

How to run Google App Script function from Google OAuth 2.0 Playground | The caller does not have permission

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-07 13:08:22
问题 I have created a new script which creates "Google Form" on my google account. Following is the sample code: function myFunction() { var form = FormApp.create('New Form'); var item = form.addCheckboxItem(); item.setTitle('What condiments would you like on your hot dog?'); item.setChoices([ item.createChoice('Ketchup'), item.createChoice('Mustard'), item.createChoice('Relish') ]); form.addMultipleChoiceItem() .setTitle('Do you prefer cats or dogs?') .setChoiceValues(['Cats','Dogs'])

Get filtered data from Google Sheets API

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-06 14:57:39
问题 I am using nodeJS for fetching the data from google sheet and the URL looks like : var url = `https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/${sheet_key}/values/Sheet2!A1:J20?key=${google_API_key}` From this, I am only getting the data between A1 to J20 So now I have two questions : How do I get all the rows from the sheet or last 10. How do I apply a structured query filter like: where name == "Himanshu" Edited : For question 2: what I have done is using Query Language Reference (Version 0.7)