
Update WKWebView Cookie Values

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-03 05:26:17
问题 My Requirement is to update the cookies that are set to WKWebView . I'm able to update the cookies in NSHTTPCookieStorage , but the same cookies are not reflected to WKWebView cookies(The update values are present in NSHTTPCookieStorage but are not set to WKWebView ) The following is code that i have used to set that cookies to AJAX calls. NSString *strURL = DASHBOARDURL; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:strURL]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init]; [request

Sharing session between AFNetworking and UIWebView

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-08 02:58:09
问题 Is it possible to share AFNetworking session with UIWebView? I used AFNetworking to login to remote server, but the UIWebView have no idea about the session being created by AFNetworking ? 回答1: Try using the UIWebView+AFNetworking category's to call loadRequest . http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/AFNetworking/3.1.0/Categories/UIWebView+AFNetworking.html 回答2: Actually, AFNetworking and UIWebView share the same cookies storage. So we don't need any special technique to let UIWebView "share" a


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-07 00:10:52
前言 一个http请求中,我们经常会涉及到Get请求的URL Param,POST请求的HTTP Body,Response Json,这些都是一个标准REST API标配的元素。 在一些安全验证的API中,通常会涉及到Cookie。当用户成功登陆后,服务器会在Response Header中写入一个Set-Cookie字段,用来标识用户已经登陆(授权)成功,客户端浏览器接收后会把这个Cookie字段保存在客户端本地。当客户端再次请求API时,就会在Request Header中带上这个Cookie值,告诉服务器:嗨,我已经授权过咯,我的cookie值是xxx,我现在要读取一些信息,请放行~ IOS中的网络请求 一个完整的网络请求,需要先确定Request URL,带上参数,然后发送Request,然后接收Response,处理Response Data。 在IOS中,分别对应如下: //Request URL NSURL //一个完整的Request对象 NSURLRequest //发送请求连接的主要操作者 NSURLConnection //包含返回数据的Response NSURLResponse 下面是一个简单的GET请求代码: let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "http://devonios.com")!)

Sharing session between AFNetworking and UIWebView

孤人 提交于 2019-12-06 04:25:46
Is it possible to share AFNetworking session with UIWebView? I used AFNetworking to login to remote server, but the UIWebView have no idea about the session being created by AFNetworking ? Try using the UIWebView+AFNetworking category's to call loadRequest . http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/AFNetworking/3.1.0/Categories/UIWebView+AFNetworking.html Actually, AFNetworking and UIWebView share the same cookies storage. So we don't need any special technique to let UIWebView "share" a session initialized by AFNetworking , or any native session-based request which uses NSHTTPCookieStorage to store