
How to extract commas in between square brackets in notepad++?

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-02-17 03:39:11
问题 For example: [TEXT1,TEXT2,TEXT3] my expression: [\[].*,.*[\]] Finds strings with commas (in between brackets,) but I only want to explicitly match the comma that exists in the square brackets. I need to replace the commas with spaces - but only in the square brackets. I've tried [\[],[\]] but that doesn't work - \[(.*?)\] will find the text in between as well - but I do not want the entire string. Can anyone suggest what I need to do to just find commas in between the brackets? 回答1: Find what

Regex: Select and Delete all content of file, except “DATE” format

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-16 21:49:57
问题 I have a file with many dates in the format of 03/07/2017 . For exemple: My lovely letter can't be read... academicsdirectbu.tps 10.7 k 03/07/2017 11:39 -a-- bash: remove all files except last version in file name 02/04/2015 before Table So, I want to match and delete all content except Date format. First I made a regex to find all Dates: \d{1,2}/\d{1,4}/\d{1,4} And I include this into another regex \b(?!(\d{1,2}/\d{1,4}/\d{1,4}))[\w-]+\b But, my second regex, which has to select and Delete

Regex: Select and Delete all content of file, except “DATE” format

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-16 21:48:20
问题 I have a file with many dates in the format of 03/07/2017 . For exemple: My lovely letter can't be read... academicsdirectbu.tps 10.7 k 03/07/2017 11:39 -a-- bash: remove all files except last version in file name 02/04/2015 before Table So, I want to match and delete all content except Date format. First I made a regex to find all Dates: \d{1,2}/\d{1,4}/\d{1,4} And I include this into another regex \b(?!(\d{1,2}/\d{1,4}/\d{1,4}))[\w-]+\b But, my second regex, which has to select and Delete

Add text after every line, multiple entries

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-15 11:27:16
问题 I'm just looking for a way to quicken the process of adding info after every line in a notepad application. I've got a notepad file that has many entries, around 1000+ and am looking to find a way to add ,"" after every line however I can't simply search and replace since every line is different than the other. Is there another way to simply add three characters after every line reqgardless of what they are? 回答1: You can do so by hitting Cntrl+F and then checking regular expression box.And


☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-02-15 11:21:07
一、HTML基本介绍 1.1 HTML基本介绍 HTML是负责描述文档语义的语言 HTML是英语HyperText Markup Language的缩写,超文本标记语言。 现在的业界的标准,网页技术严格的三层分离: html就是负责描述页面的语义;css负责描述页面的样式;js负责描述页面的动态效果的。 1.2 开发工具 任何的纯文本编辑器都能够编辑html,比如记事本、editplus、notepad++。 比较有名的专门制作网页的工具有: DreamWeaver (Adobe公司的产品,前端学院不讲,这个东西过时了,不是一个好的代码编辑器) Sublime (高效率的程序书写工具) WebStorm (更高级的项目级别编程工具) 二、html骨架 标准的骨架 网页的最外层的标签对儿是<html></html>标签对儿,里面有两部分,分别是head和body。 head标签中,描述网页的配置;body中的内容,才是用户可以看见的内容。 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 2 <html xmlns="" xml


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-02-14 08:45:45
因为之前花力气完成了购物小程序的作业 现在做这个三级菜单简直是 so easy !! 1 .显示省级菜单 2 .交互,提示用户输入要查看的省份(退出e) 2.1 .用户正确输入列表中的省份 3 .显示市级菜单 3.1交互,提示用户输入要查看的市(返回q/ 退出e) 4 .显示县级菜单 4.1交互,提示用户输入(返回q/ 退出e) 4 .2输入e 退出 4 .3输入q 进入市级循环 4 .4输入错误 提示重新输入 3 .2输入e 退出 3 .3输入q 进入省级循环 3 .4输入错误 提示重新输入 2.2 .输入e 退出 2.3 .输入错误 提示重新输入 先百度百科各个省份的行政规划(我心狠手辣的搜索了十多个),一般百科里面都是以表格的形式罗 列出来的,你不能直接复制到代码中,所以要用到其他软件 excel 表格和 notepad++ 文本编辑器 找到省份的行政规划表格后,复制粘贴到 excel 表格中,数据会像在百科中一样列成了几行几列,你要 删除不要的那几行数据,然后复制粘贴到 notepad++ 文本编辑器中 在 notepad++ 文本编辑器中找到“搜索 --- 替换”,将其中的“、”全部替换成“ ’,’” 这样处理完,你的字典数据算是完成里一半了,接下来就需要你麻烦一点手动操作去完成字典。 如果你有更快,更省事的方式,请你也分享给我 china_dic = { ' 山西省 '

Regex not matching text with newlines in Notepad++

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-11 16:59:00
问题 I'm trying to match <!-- Start Comment content spanning several lines here End Comment --> And I figured something like this would do the trick: (<!-- Start Comment).*(End Comment -->) but the . is not matching newlines. How do I get it to recognize my entire block which contains a host of different characters including newlines? 回答1: It doesn't seem that Notepad++ handles newlines very well. This page has some creative workarounds, though:

Regex not matching text with newlines in Notepad++

随声附和 提交于 2021-02-11 16:58:43
问题 I'm trying to match <!-- Start Comment content spanning several lines here End Comment --> And I figured something like this would do the trick: (<!-- Start Comment).*(End Comment -->) but the . is not matching newlines. How do I get it to recognize my entire block which contains a host of different characters including newlines? 回答1: It doesn't seem that Notepad++ handles newlines very well. This page has some creative workarounds, though:

Trying multiplying numbers on a line starting with the word “size” with a constant variable across 181 text files

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:26:46
问题 I have a folder of 181 text file, each containing numbers but I only need to multiply those on lines that have "size" by a constant variable such as 0.5, but I did achieve this with this: Search and replace math operations with the result in Notepad++ But what I am trying to do is without expression or quotation marks so that the rest of the community I am in can simply do the same without editing every file to meet the format needed to multiply each number. For Example: farmers = { culture =

Delete brackets and numbers via Notepad++

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-10 19:48:57
问题 How do I delete automatically the brackets and the numbers? Example: [132] [100] [1011] How can I delete with Notepad++? 回答1: Open up the Replace dialog, then enter \[\d+\] in the "Find what" box, and make sure regular expressions are used as search mode. By clicking Replace All , Notepad++ will remove all instances of square brackets with one or more digits in between. 来源: