
is their a scatter_update() for placeholder in tensorflow

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-11 03:47:42
问题 I am coding a denoising autoencoder function with tensorflow (which is a little long so i won't post the entire code) and every thing is working well except when i am adding masking noise to a batch Masking noise is just taking a random proportion of the features to 0. So the problem is just taking some value in a matrix to 0.(trivial if i had a np.array for exepmle) So i see ,if it's a tf.variable, how to modify one element of a matrix thanks to tf.scatter_update() But then when I try with a

How to add appropriate noise to a graph

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-11 03:27:49
问题 I have a matlab graph. Something like a trajectory. I want to add noise to graph. I tried adding normal distribution noise. using rand. e.g. x1=x+a*rand(size(x)); and similarly for y. The results are attached below. This is not what I want. This gives me a either scatter plot, or completely noisy plot. As illustrated below. The first row is what I did, third row what I want. Different graph columns stand for different standard deviation (value of a). Q. How to obtain third type (row) of plot?

Matlab imnoise Poisson doing nothing?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-10 23:45:32
问题 Basically I have: sourceImage = im2double(imread(srcPath)); noiseImage = imnoise(sourceImage,'poisson'); The problem is that both sourceImage and noiseImage look pretty the same. Indeed if I do norm(sourceImage - noiseImage) I get 1.4810e-05 (this seems a too low difference) Am I doing it wrong? 回答1: I believe there are two ways to handle your problem, based on the own description of imnoise for Poisson distribution (I will call it as p ): 1) Keep the image described by srcPath in the integer

Any Simplex Noise Tutorials or Resources? [closed]

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-09 04:05:30
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 3 years ago . I want to create a terrain-like 3D noise generator and after doing some research I came to the conclusion that Simplex Noise is by far the best type of noise to do this. I find the name quite misleading though as I have a lot of trouble finding resources on the subject and the resources I find are often not well

Calculate SNR in single image in MATLAB

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-08 01:08:26
问题 I have this image: I want to calculate SNR in it. For this i used code: img=imread('noicy.JPG'); img=double(img(:)); ima=max(img(:)); imi=min(img(:)); ims=std(img(:)); snr=20*log10((ima-imi)./ims) Is that correct code to calculate SNR? 回答1: The definition of SNR can be found here or here: Both the standard and the industry definition can be used ( 10log(x) and 20log(x) ). check this now, the signal is equal to the mean of the pixel values ( mean(img(:)) ) and the noise is the standard

Using MediaRecorder and NoiseSuppressor in Android

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-07 18:06:24
I'm starting off a project experimenting with the Android microphone using code like this: mRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); mRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); mRecorder.setOutputFile(mFileName); mRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); After that, a prepare() and start() to begin recording mic audio. Trouble is, I'm trying to also add in some audio processing effects like NoiseSuppressor. The API docs state that NoiseSuppressor is done with this: NoiseSuppressor create (int audioSession)

Which algorithm will be required to do this?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-06 13:34:06
I have data of this form: for x=1, y is one of {1,4,6,7,9,18,16,19} for x=2, y is one of {1,5,7,4} for x=3, y is one of {2,6,4,8,2} .... for x=100, y is one of {2,7,89,4,5} Only one of the values in each set is the correct value, the rest is random noise. I know that the correct values describe a sinusoid function whose parameters are unknown. How can I find the correct combination of values, one from each set? I am looking something like "travelling salesman"combinatorial optimization algorithm You're trying to do curve fitting , for which there are several algorithms depending on the type of

How to add and remove noise from an image

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-06 13:14:46
问题 I want to add gaussian noise to a 256x256 greyscale image and then remove it. I tried doing using the following code but all I get is an image which has noise alone. Is it possible to completely remove the noise from the image? And if not to what extent can gaussian noise be reduced? P =0; %mean Q =0.01; %variance R = imnoise(L,'gaussian',P,Q); %L-image subplot(2,1,1); imshow(R); title('Gaussian Noise'); U = conv2(double(R), ones(3)/9, 'same'); U1=uint8(U); subplot(2,1,2); imshow(U1); title(

Noise image compression

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-06 08:06:31
I have "noise" image... what is the best way to compress this image ? It can be little lossy. Techniques based on DCT and Wavelet are bad for this sort of problem. My idea was to generate some recreatable noise and then store only differences... but I cant find any solution for recreatable noise images. Image example: Well, it's almost the definition of noise to not be compressible. This statement applies to "real noise", when there is no known correlation between the perceived output and another applicable rule. So if your image is just that, or built to look like it is, then sorry, it's not

How to add Gaussian noise to an image?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-06 08:04:27
问题 How to add a certain amount of Gaussian noise to the image in python? Do I need to convert somehow the values of the image to double type or something else? Also, I have doubts about measuring the level of noise in the image. One adds it according to the dB (decibels) while other considers the variance. How it is related and how should I measure the noise level? 回答1: You can use the random_noise function in scikit-image. It goes something like this: skimage.util.random_noise(image, mode=