
ImageMagick error

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-03 11:00:39
问题 When trying to run ImageMagick via node-imagemagick on my Grunt task, i get this error from ImageMagick: Warning: Command failed: identify: unable to load module /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/6.8.8-9/lib/ImageMagick//modules-Q16/coders/': file not found @ error/module.c/OpenModule/1275. identify: no decode delegate for this image format inventaire/videos/OFF_Arrestation joueur_14_petit.jpg' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501. Use --force to continue. Why is ImageMagick trying to load

Asynchronous GraphicsMagick For Node

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-29 16:13:10
I am using GraphicsMagick for node. I basically crop the photos and retrieve the exif data of the photos uploaded by the user. I don't want to block the flow of request waiting for these task to be completed, therefore I need to use asynchronous functions to be able to do so. And I think I should be able to as these are I/O operations which node.js makes async itself. But as I see all the functions in GraphicsMagick for node are synchronous functions. So I am not being able to sure as to how to achieve what I am looking for. One idea that comes to my mind is to write a function with callback

imagemagick with nodejs not working

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-11-28 00:11:25
I am trying to resize an image with node-imagemagick library, but it is not working. the code i am using to resize is im.resize({ srcPath: __dirname+'originalimage.jpg', dstPath: __dirname+'resized.jpg', width: 50 }, function(err, stdout, stderr){ if (err) throw err; }); It throws the error Error: Command failed: Invalid Parameter - -set at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (E:\NodeJsDevelopment\node_modules\imagemagick\imagemagick.js:64:15) at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:91:17) at Process._handle.onexit (child_process.js:674:10) On windows you also need to install the imagemagick exe.

imagemagick with nodejs not working

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-11-26 21:39:12
问题 I am trying to resize an image with node-imagemagick library, but it is not working. the code i am using to resize is im.resize({ srcPath: __dirname+'originalimage.jpg', dstPath: __dirname+'resized.jpg', width: 50 }, function(err, stdout, stderr){ if (err) throw err; }); It throws the error Error: Command failed: Invalid Parameter - -set at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (E:\NodeJsDevelopment\node_modules\imagemagick\imagemagick.js:64:15) at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:91:17) at