
Vue.js dropdown nested menu (keep parent open when child active)

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-16 12:23:41
问题 I'm starting my journey with Vue.js, and stumbled upon some problem. I wanted to create a simple sidebar with dropdown menu, and already got this: new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { openedItems: {}, selectedSub: '', userMenu: false, items: [{ icon: './src/assets/img/icons/dashboard.svg', text: 'Element 1', path: '#1' }, { icon: './src/assets/img/icons/orders.svg', text: 'Element 2', path: '#2' }, { icon: './src/assets/img/icons/products.svg', text: 'NestedElement', path: '', children: [{

Vue.js dropdown nested menu (keep parent open when child active)

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-16 12:23:13
问题 I'm starting my journey with Vue.js, and stumbled upon some problem. I wanted to create a simple sidebar with dropdown menu, and already got this: new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { openedItems: {}, selectedSub: '', userMenu: false, items: [{ icon: './src/assets/img/icons/dashboard.svg', text: 'Element 1', path: '#1' }, { icon: './src/assets/img/icons/orders.svg', text: 'Element 2', path: '#2' }, { icon: './src/assets/img/icons/products.svg', text: 'NestedElement', path: '', children: [{

Nesting multiple entities hibernate giving issues

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-11 18:19:44
问题 I am having an issue with mapping a 3rd level entity please consider the following code: Parent Entity : @Entity @Table(name = "Tree") public class Tree { @Id @Column(name="Tree_Id") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.Identity) private Integer id; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "parentTree", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true) private Set<Branch> branches; //Getters And Setters public Branch addBranch(Branch branch) { getBranch().add(branch); branch.setTree(this); return branch; }

R nested foreach loop

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-02-11 15:21:46
问题 I have an input dataset: # environment require(pacman) p_load( data.table , doParallel , foreach ) doParallel::registerDoParallel(makeCluster(4)) # create input runDT <- data.table(run = c(F,T,F,T) , input1 = 1:4 , run_id = 1:4) print(runDT) run input1 run_id 1: FALSE 1 1 2: TRUE 2 2 3: FALSE 3 3 4: TRUE 4 4 and this is another raw dataset: dataDT <- data.table( ID = 1:4 , c1 = c(1:4)) print(dataDT) ID c1 1: 1 1 2: 2 2 3: 3 3 4: 4 4 I would like to run nested foreach loops, but it's giving me

Sort list of nested dictionaries by value

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-11 14:22:45
问题 I have list of dictionaries. I need to sort it. If there is no nested dictionaries in those ones, it goes well. But i need to sort nested dictionaries. lis = [{"name": "Nandini", "age": {"name": "Nandini", "age": 20}}, {"name": "Manjeet", "age": 21}, {"name": "Nikhil", "age": 19}] # using sorted and lambda to print list sorted # by age print("The list printed sorting by age: ") print(sorted(lis, key=lambda i: i['age'])) So, i have the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\json

Sort list of nested dictionaries by value

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-11 14:20:42
问题 I have list of dictionaries. I need to sort it. If there is no nested dictionaries in those ones, it goes well. But i need to sort nested dictionaries. lis = [{"name": "Nandini", "age": {"name": "Nandini", "age": 20}}, {"name": "Manjeet", "age": 21}, {"name": "Nikhil", "age": 19}] # using sorted and lambda to print list sorted # by age print("The list printed sorting by age: ") print(sorted(lis, key=lambda i: i['age'])) So, i have the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\json

Multiply one dictionary by another in Swift

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-11 12:42:48
问题 Currently, I have a nested dictionary declared as : let VitamineARetinol = "VitamineARetinol" let VitamineABetacarotene = "VitamineABetacarotene" let VitamineC = "VitamineC" let VitamineD = "VitamineD" let Calories = "Calories" typealias ListOfAliment = [String: [String: Double]] let Data: ListOfAliment = [ "Orange": [VitamineARetinol: 0.5, VitamineC: 0.3, VitamineD: 0.98, Calories: 160], "Pomme": [VitamineARetinol: 0.2, VitamineC: 0.2, VitamineD: 0.38, Calories: 120], "Poire":

Avoiding several nested if statements

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-02-11 12:42:45
问题 I'm writing a function that pushes specific (predefined) variables to predefined arrays based on the status of 4 variables, all of which are ranging from 1 to 5 (they are the results of radio buttons pressed on our web page). If the variables equal A, B, C and D, the predefined variables to predefined arrays X, Y and Z are defined by: X = the combination of A and B. Y = the combination of C and D. Z = the combination of A, B, C and D. Below is my realization of a solution to said problem (A,

how to improve this function that converts a flat array into a tree?

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-11 12:41:12
问题 I have this function that converts a flat array to a tree based on a path property. This is my data : const input = [ {"name":"brussels_district_north","path":"Brussels/Brussels CBD/North"}, {"name":"brussels_district_louise","path":"Brussels/Brussels CBD/Louise"}, {"name":"brussels_district_west","path":"Brussels/Brussels Decentralised/West"}, {"name":"brussels_district_léopold","path":"Brussels/Brussels CBD/Léopold"}, {"name":"brussels_district_airport","path":"Brussels/Brussels Periphery

how to improve this function that converts a flat array into a tree?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-11 12:40:21
问题 I have this function that converts a flat array to a tree based on a path property. This is my data : const input = [ {"name":"brussels_district_north","path":"Brussels/Brussels CBD/North"}, {"name":"brussels_district_louise","path":"Brussels/Brussels CBD/Louise"}, {"name":"brussels_district_west","path":"Brussels/Brussels Decentralised/West"}, {"name":"brussels_district_léopold","path":"Brussels/Brussels CBD/Léopold"}, {"name":"brussels_district_airport","path":"Brussels/Brussels Periphery