
How to connect to an open tcp port on client machine from an unknown server?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-18 07:02:24
问题 I have been reading a lot about different NAT traversal techniques, but I am still a little unclear about how it works. If I open a TCP port on a client machine and send a request to some arbitrary nonexistent server (which won't respond), my client NAT will now have an open channel, correct? Can I then use another (unknown) computer at a different IP address to access that client port if I know both the public and private IP of the client as well as the port number? Or will my NAT check

How can a server find real client IP address?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-17 21:22:48
问题 I can only access the internet from my place from behind a NAT and a proxy. This site however also shows my machine's private LAN address, as well as my NAT's public address. They are apparently using javascript in the process, but I can only find code where they set the value, but not how they find it. So, how can we find out the private IP address of a client machine using javascript? 回答1: Are you sure you're behind just a NAT router? If you're behind a proxy, the proxy might well be adding

How NAT traversal works in case of peer to peer protocols like bittorrent.

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-17 09:42:17
问题 I know about NAT traversal and about STUN, TURN and ICE and its use. I want to know whether these are implemented in peer to peer file sharing application like bittorrent. Whether trackers facilitate peers behind NATs to communicate with each other by helping in creating direct connection using STUN or relay through TURN. In the case of Distributed Hash Table(DHT) how one peer would communicate with other peer behind NAT ? 回答1: BitTorrent does not need to connect to any particular member in a

VPC-running AWS Lambda sends SQS message only once

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-13 20:09:39
问题 I have a NodeJS Lambda function running in a private subnet, with allow all incoming/outgoing policies in both the security group and the NACL (not safe, but they do the job). The private subnet has a NAT gateway sitting in a public subnet of the same VPC, so internet connectivity works. My goal is to send messages to an SQS queue. The Lambda code is this: const AWS = require('aws-sdk') const sqs = new AWS.SQS() exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { sqs.sendMessage({ MessageBody:

Enable Internet Connection Sharing programmatically

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-13 15:09:14
问题 I can do it manually by right-clicking on a network connection, opening the Sharing tab, clicking on the "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection" check box, and selecting a "Home networking connection". While poking around this problem I have found multiple sets of COM interfaces: 1) Internet Connection Sharing and Internet Connection Firewall Interfaces with INetSharingManager Its documentation says: Internet Connection Firewall may be altered or

Connect to HBase running in Docker

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-13 11:41:43
问题 I cannot connect to HBase running in Docker on Windows (banno/hbase-standalone image). However, I can connect to locally installed HBase. banno/hbase-standalone image is run using: docker run -d -p 2181:2181 -p 60000:60000 -p 60010:60010 -p 60020:60020 -p 60030:60030 banno/hbase-standalone I also set up the port forwarding on the boot2docker-vm (which is required when running on Windows): I can successfully telnet to all those ports on my localhost. Next, here is a code sample that we use in

Had only one public subnet to VPC, and added NAT gateway to that public subnet instance, but i'm not able access the instance using NAT ip address

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-13 09:24:11
问题 I had only one public subnet to VPC,and added NAT gateway to that public subnet, but i'm not able access the instance using NAT ip address. @1)I'm able to ping the instance, with public Ip address(added icmp to security group), but by using NAT elastic IP address i'm not able to ping. @2)Does NAT is applicable for single public subnet or not. My goal is to translate the ip address attached to public subnet instance. 回答1: I believe you are using the wrong service for what you are trying to do.

AWS: Security Group to allow access internet-facing Load balancer to be accessed from private instances

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-12 13:32:43
问题 My question is an extended version of this. In my case the security group has to restrict the access to Load Balancer 1. It has to have some white listed IPs. So, which IPs can I put here that can allow access of Load Balancer 1 from Auto Scaling Group 2 private instances? I have tried putting the Elastic IP of NAT Gateway as a whitelisted IP and it works. I want to understand why it is absolutely necessary to put this IP in Security Group to access the internet-facing ALB from the private

WCF, 4.0, Bidirectional

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-12 04:28:48
问题 ...what options are there now with .NET 4.0, in a way that does support NAT for the client side (i.e. client behind NAT). I would prefer to use something HTTP based, but that is a weak condition - I think mid term I will have some non http communication outside WCF anyway, so proxy traversal is something I could delay. Pre .NET 4.0 there was the issue that basically the server->client channel would be opened from the server, which made NAT something non-traversable. Polling is not acceptable

Most secure way to run guest apps from host

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-12 03:47:26
问题 ---+ BRIEF : What is the most secure way to run a GUI app in a VirtualBox guest from the host? VBoxManage guestcontrol --username U run ... for an account that has no password which may require gpedit to allow VBoxManage guestcontrol --username U --password P run ... VBoxManage guestcontrol --username U --passwordfile PF run ... or ssh (what network mode: NAT , ...) ---+ DETAIL I have just started using VirtualBox, after past experience with VMWare, Parallels, Xen - heck, I worked on VMX aka