
PowerShell Pass Named parameters to ArgumentList

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-05 02:41:15
I have a PowerShell script that accepts 3 named parameters. Please let me know how to pass the same from command line. I tried below code but same is not working. It assigns the entire value to P3 only. My requirement is that P1 should contain 1, P2 should 2 and P3 should be assigned 3. Invoke-Command -ComputerName server -FilePath "D:\test.ps1" -ArgumentList {-P1 1 -P2 2 -P3 3} Ihe below is script file code. Param ( [string]$P3, [string]$P2, [string]$P1 ) Write-Output "P1 Value :" $P1 Write-Output "P2 Value:" $P2 Write-Output "P3 Value :" $P3 One option: $params = @{ P1 = 1 P2 = 2 P3 = 3 }

return value from child process c

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-04 11:27:36
I need help returning a "status code" from my child program back to the parent, where it will check the status code, print code, and exit the parent. This is for a class project, so I will put some relevant code here, but I don't to post the entire project for obvious reasons. I have forked and created the child process through exec. The parent does some fancy math and uses a named pipe to push data to the child process. The child does some more fancy math. When I uses a keyword, the child needs to return the number of times it did the fancy math on its end back to the parent, where the parent

Use input of purrr's map function to create a named list as output in R

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-04 09:07:17
问题 I am using the map function of the purrr package in R which gives as output a list. Now I would like the output to be a named list based on the input. An example is given below. input <- c("a", "b", "c") output <- purrr::map(input, function(x) {paste0("test-", x)}) From this I would like to access elements of the list using: output$a Or output$b 回答1: We just need to name the list names(output) <- input and then extract the elements based on the name output$a #[1] "test-a" If this needs to be

Open-source rule-based pattern matching / information extraction frameworks? [closed]

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-03 13:24:46
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 years ago . I'm shopping for an open-source framework for writing natural language grammar rules for pattern matching over annotations. You could think of it like regexps but matching at the token rather than character level. Such a framework should enable the match criteria to reference other attributes attached to the

Open-source rule-based pattern matching / information extraction frameworks? [closed]

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-03 03:34:42
Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Learn more . Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. I'm shopping for an open-source framework for writing natural language grammar rules for pattern matching over annotations. You could think of it like regexps but matching at the token rather than character level. Such a framework should enable the match criteria to reference other attributes attached to the input tokens or spans, as well as modify such attributes in an action. There are three options I know of which fit

Use input of purrr's map function to create a named list as output in R

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-03 02:02:30
I am using the map function of the purrr package in R which gives as output a list. Now I would like the output to be a named list based on the input. An example is given below. input <- c("a", "b", "c") output <- purrr::map(input, function(x) {paste0("test-", x)}) From this I would like to access elements of the list using: output$a Or output$b We just need to name the list names(output) <- input and then extract the elements based on the name output$a #[1] "test-a" If this needs to be done using tidyverse library(tidyverse) output <- map(input, ~paste0('test-', .)) %>% setNames(input) The

Excel listing named range in a worksheet and get the value

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-01 22:36:09
问题 How to obtain a list of named range exist in a specific worksheet that start with particular string (for example all named range that start with total) and grab the value? I am trying to do Sub Total and Grand Total of accommodation cost based on the date. I will assign an unique name for each Sub Total based on the Date group. Then, I have a button that need to be clicked when it finishes to calculate the Grand Total based on the Named Range that I've assigned uniquely to each Sub Total.

How do I access the captures within a match?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-01 22:02:04
I am trying to parse a csv file, and I am trying to access names regex in proto regex in Perl6. It turns out to be Nil. What is the proper way to do it? grammar rsCSV { regex TOP { ( \s* <oneCSV> \s* \, \s* )* } proto regex oneCSV {*} regex oneCSV:sym<noQuote> { <-[\"]>*? } regex oneCSV:sym<quoted> { \" .*? \" } # use non-greedy match } my $input = prompt("Enter csv line: "); my $m1 = rsCSV.parse($input); say "==========================="; say $m1; say "==========================="; say "1 " ~ $m1<oneCSV><quoted>; # this fails; it is "Nil" say "2 " ~ $m1[0]; say "3 " ~ $m1[0][2]; Thank you

Excel listing named range in a worksheet and get the value

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-01 21:50:42
How to obtain a list of named range exist in a specific worksheet that start with particular string (for example all named range that start with total) and grab the value? I am trying to do Sub Total and Grand Total of accommodation cost based on the date. I will assign an unique name for each Sub Total based on the Date group. Then, I have a button that need to be clicked when it finishes to calculate the Grand Total based on the Named Range that I've assigned uniquely to each Sub Total. Below is the code I wrote to do the Grand Total: Sub btnTotal() Dim Total, LastRowNo As Long LastRowNo =

How to add a named vector as a row to a data frame, reordered according to column name order?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-01 20:38:50
问题 How to add a named vector to a data frame, with the components of the vector reordered according to the column names of the data frame? I need to build a data frame one row at a time. A named vector is obtained by some processing and it provides the values for the row to be inserted. Problem is the named vector doesn't have components in the same order as data frame columns. This makes rbind produce wrong result. Here is the very simplified sample code: df = data.frame(id=1:2, va=11:12, vb=21