
Extracting Leaf paths from n-ary tree in F#

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-30 18:51:33
问题 Inspired by this question, I wanted to try my hand at the latest ponder this challenge, using F# My approach is probably completely off course, but in the course of solving this problem, I'm trying to get a list of all the permutations of the digits 0-9. I'm looking at solving it using a n-ary tree like so: type Node = | Branch of (int * Node list) | Leaf of int I'm quite pleased with myself, because I've managed to work out how to generate the tree that I want. My problem now is that I can't

How to reparent using tree.hh

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-12 04:32:50
问题 Here I have a window with a list of groups of rows. In the image above, Path 2 to 6 are children of Group1. http://i.stack.imgur.com/zb4FB.png The container used for this tree is tree.hh. What function would I use to make Group1 (and its children) be child of Path 10. I don't want to delete rows and put them back again, just re-parent. Thanks! 回答1: I guess you should look at ::move_after() 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10801020/how-to-reparent-using-tree-hh

F#: Recursive collect and filter over N-ary Tree

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-11-30 15:59:02
问题 This is hurting my brain! I want to recurse over a tree structure and collect all instances that match some filter into one list. Here's a sample tree structure type Tree = | Node of int * Tree list Here's a test sample tree: let test = Node((1, [Node(2, [Node(3,[]); Node(3,[])]); Node(3,[])])) Collecting and filtering over nodes with and int value of 3 should give you output like this: [Node(3,[]);Node(3,[]);Node(3,[])] 回答1: The following recursive function should do the trick: // The 'f'

F#: Recursive collect and filter over N-ary Tree

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-11-30 15:58:57
This is hurting my brain! I want to recurse over a tree structure and collect all instances that match some filter into one list. Here's a sample tree structure type Tree = | Node of int * Tree list Here's a test sample tree: let test = Node((1, [Node(2, [Node(3,[]); Node(3,[])]); Node(3,[])])) Collecting and filtering over nodes with and int value of 3 should give you output like this: [Node(3,[]);Node(3,[]);Node(3,[])] The following recursive function should do the trick: // The 'f' parameter is a predicate specifying // whether element should be included in the list or not let rec collect f

N-ary trees in C

感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-30 10:36:35
问题 Which would be a neat implemenation of a N-ary tree in C language? Particulary, I want to implement an n-ary tree, not self-ballancing, with an unbound number of children in each node, in which each node holds an already defined struct, like this for example: struct task { char command[MAX_LENGTH]; int required_time; }; 回答1: As a first pass, you could simply create a struct (let's call it TreeNode ) which holds a task , as well as a set of pointers to TreeNode s. This set could either be an

N-ary trees in C

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-11-29 21:05:42
Which would be a neat implemenation of a N-ary tree in C language? Particulary, I want to implement an n-ary tree, not self-ballancing, with an unbound number of children in each node, in which each node holds an already defined struct, like this for example: struct task { char command[MAX_LENGTH]; int required_time; }; As a first pass, you could simply create a struct (let's call it TreeNode ) which holds a task , as well as a set of pointers to TreeNode s. This set could either be an array (if N is fixed) or a linked list (if N is variable). The linked list would require you to declare an