
Msiexec: automatic rollback to previous version on installation failure

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-19 17:41:43
问题 When installing a .MSI file using msiexec in silent mode, is it possible to automate it such that on installation failure it rollbacks to the previous version? Assuming that on installation an older application version is already installed. 回答1: Yes, restoring the old application version via rollback upon an installation failure is actually a built-in feature of Windows Installer , but you need to configure things correctly to get it to work as you require. Windows Installer rollback will

Checking for successful uninstall

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-18 07:23:50
问题 I'm trying to automate an install process in which I uninstall a previous version and install a newer version over the top. How should I test (in my bootstrapper, coded in C#) if the uninstall was a success? This is currently how I'm launching the uninstall. Process p = Process.Start("msiexec", /*various switches*/); p.WaitForExit(); I'm also currently tangling with dynamic multiple instances, which really bend my mind, so handling this problem within WiX itself is difficult if not impossible

Added new application setting to app.config but MSI won't install it (doesn't overwrite)

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-17 21:36:40
问题 We recently added a new application setting (not user setting) to the app.config (URL to a logging server) of our legacy winforms application (.Net 4.6.1). Old version was 1.0.3, we changed the version of all assemblies to 1.0.4 and in the Setup project (Visual Studio 2017 Installer Project) changed the version to match which gave up the pop-up to change the product code, which we did. The install runs correctly (other things were changed too by the way, and those changes are correctly in the

msiexec returns negative number

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-17 17:11:25
问题 I am getting an odd return code from msiexec when installing an MSI. Namely, -2147021886 . I THINK I remember reading somewhere that this is some sort of format or encoding issue, but I can't find the reference. I also found a microsoft page that talks about PS2.o having issues with negative return codes, but this is happening in PS5.0. 回答1: "The Magic Number Database" : I recently discovered (cleared virustotal 30-9-2018) in a tweet from Remko Weijnen. "The Magic Number Database

Can the resulting command line be determined after running an .msi installer?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-17 15:00:16
问题 If I want a silent install, is there any simple way of running the installer, selecting the desired options and then determining the msiexec options/switches necessary for an equivalent installation? (Preferably without actually installing anything - not clicking finish) Or is digging through the MSI database all you can do to find the desired properties? 回答1: Yes, it sounds like you need to create a response transform (MST). A lot of the tools linked to above are premium tools (not worth

Powershell Silent Uninstall “Microsoft Report Viewer Runtime 2012”

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-17 14:56:49
问题 I have tried many of the common approaches(MSI, PowerShell) to silently uninstalling the following application: MSI $ReportViewer2012 = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name = 'Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime'" | Select-Object -Expand IdentifyingNumber if ($ReportViewer2012) { echo "Unistalling: Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime" msiexec /passive /x $ReportViewer2012 | Out-Null } Powershell (Get-WMIObject Win32_Product -Filter 'name="Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime"')

Uninstall and Install App on my Computer silently

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-17 14:41:30
问题 I am looking for a script or some cmd command to uninstall any app from my computer. I am using Windows OS. Being an automation analyst I have to constantly run automated tests for different products whenever there is new build. So every time I have to uninstall and install build which takes time. I did try the following command: wmic product where name="product name" call uninstall Apparently it did work, but it didn't remove the app from control panel and also when I tried to install again

MSI Build uninstall- Installed directory not removing

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-17 06:18:16
问题 I created the MSI build package for our application. After this installation, we triggered another dependent driver software in the separate process in a committed event of Installer class like below, Process.Start (" Path of driver software ") We are facing an issue, installed directory ( It's empty ) folder is not removing while un-installing the same. Actually like installation, we triggered the un-installation of dependent driver software in the separate process by overriding the

Why does MSI require the original .msi file to proceed with an uninstall?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-17 03:11:52
问题 As most of you probably noticed, when uninstalling an MSI package Windows will ask for the original .msi file. Why is that? I can only see disadvantages to that: not resilient to network changes. not resilient to local disk changes. unexpected by users. typically requires users to leave their desk and start a crusade to get the correct CD. kind of proves installations are not self-contained. promotes the use of unsafe tools such as msizap. which in turn promotes the "next time I'll just use a

Programmatically detect MSI package being installed

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-14 02:26:21
问题 I would like to know if a package is being installed/upgraded. MSI engine sets a global mutex but doesn't relate to the product. One idea I have is to scan running msiexec instances and check the command line parameters to determine the msi file and scan for its product code, but I would like to see if there is a better option although couldn't find any suitable API. Thanks 回答1: Major Upgrade : If your MSI is performing a major upgrade, then the product code of the previous version will be