
Does Solr's “More like this” support facet queries?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-07 20:10:57
问题 I have been able to facet and highlight with the Dismax handler. I tried to do faceting for More Like This results , such as this query: "fetch documents similar to '11qualcomm.doc' whose 'doc_keywords' has 'Communication' as mandatory. select? facet=on&facet.field=doc_keywords&facet.mincount=1 &fl=id,score &fq=doc_keywords:%22Communication%22 &indent=true &mlt=true&mlt.count=20 &mlt.fl=doc_keywords_searchable,doc_author_searchable,doc_abstract,text&mlt.mindf=1&mlt.mintf=1 &mlt.qf=doc

Lucene.NET MoreLikeThis Example

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-06 11:41:58
问题 Could anyone give an example of how to use the MoreLikeThis feature in Lucene.NET. I have searched online and cannot find a single example. 回答1: (Resurrecting an old question!) As an example for Lucene.Net 2.9.4g: var moreLikeThis = new Lucene.Net.Search.Similar.MoreLikeThis(indexReader); moreLikeThis.SetAnalyzer(analyzer); moreLikeThis.SetFieldNames(fieldNames); moreLikeThis.SetStopWords(stopWords); moreLikeThis.SetMinWordLen(2); var query = moreLikeThis.Like(new System.IO.StringReader

Solr MoreLikeThis not working for multiple shards?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-06 09:11:42
I have 5 node cluster in SolrCloud, with 2 shards per node, Solr version:6.3.0 now when I run mlt query it only returns result per node and doesn't distribute them over all shards/nodes, i.e gives no results while gives results, I have even tried specifying

Lucene.NET MoreLikeThis Example

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-04 17:18:33
Could anyone give an example of how to use the MoreLikeThis feature in Lucene.NET. I have searched online and cannot find a single example. (Resurrecting an old question!) As an example for Lucene.Net 2.9.4g: var moreLikeThis = new Lucene.Net.Search.Similar.MoreLikeThis(indexReader); moreLikeThis.SetAnalyzer(analyzer); moreLikeThis.SetFieldNames(fieldNames); moreLikeThis.SetStopWords(stopWords); moreLikeThis.SetMinWordLen(2); var query = moreLikeThis.Like(new System.IO.StringReader(similarity)); This generates a Lucene.Net.Search.Query object that can be used to search for documents that are