
jQuery/Mootools Conflict - Cant't find solution

二次信任 提交于 2021-01-29 04:31:01
问题 Im using Mootools and Jquery, I tried every solution i could come accross and nothing works. Mootools is used for the Dropdown menu and jQuery is used for the Gallery. I have used this combo before and solved it by using the noconflict rule, but this time nothing seems to work. Live demo: Test Site Drop down menu is on the Home and Portfolio links. I have posted the original code. I changed jQuery back to $ so i can have fresh eyes on everything. The issue is that the dropdown works, but it

Mootools breaks Google maps streetview - black screen

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-01-29 04:10:05
问题 Including the mootools.min.js in the Maps JavaScript API Hello World example causes the street view feature to fail rendering street images. I'm working with Joomla and mootools gets loaded prior to my code getting inserted. I reduced the problem until I was working with the HelloWorld example provided in the documentation. My local version of mootools is 1.4.5. I've tested it with the hosted 1.45 as well as the latest version 1.6.0. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Simple Map</title>

Mootools breaks Google maps streetview - black screen

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-01-29 04:04:46
问题 Including the mootools.min.js in the Maps JavaScript API Hello World example causes the street view feature to fail rendering street images. I'm working with Joomla and mootools gets loaded prior to my code getting inserted. I reduced the problem until I was working with the HelloWorld example provided in the documentation. My local version of mootools is 1.4.5. I've tested it with the hosted 1.45 as well as the latest version 1.6.0. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Simple Map</title>

Search an array return partial matches

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-07-23 05:10:30
问题 I need to search an associative array's values for a string, but only the beginning of the string example: var stack = ['aba', 'abcd', 'ab', 'da', 'da']; a search on stack for the value a would return ['abc, 'abcd', 'ab'] , and for b would just return b while a search for 'd' would return [da', 'da'] ...any way to do that? Im trying to do like an autocomplete select box, but its custom so i need to moditor text events and search my array of items to get the index of the first match while the

Search an array return partial matches

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-07-23 05:09:05
问题 I need to search an associative array's values for a string, but only the beginning of the string example: var stack = ['aba', 'abcd', 'ab', 'da', 'da']; a search on stack for the value a would return ['abc, 'abcd', 'ab'] , and for b would just return b while a search for 'd' would return [da', 'da'] ...any way to do that? Im trying to do like an autocomplete select box, but its custom so i need to moditor text events and search my array of items to get the index of the first match while the

Search an array return partial matches

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-07-23 05:08:04
问题 I need to search an associative array's values for a string, but only the beginning of the string example: var stack = ['aba', 'abcd', 'ab', 'da', 'da']; a search on stack for the value a would return ['abc, 'abcd', 'ab'] , and for b would just return b while a search for 'd' would return [da', 'da'] ...any way to do that? Im trying to do like an autocomplete select box, but its custom so i need to moditor text events and search my array of items to get the index of the first match while the

Watermark mootools help

半腔热情 提交于 2020-03-06 03:52:26
问题 I'm a mootools beginner. I know a lot of html and css but javascript is not for me (at least now that I'm starting to learn it)... I saw this post: This post features this "watermark - Go To Top" button. html: <a href="#top" id="gototop" class="no-click no-print">Top of Page</a> css: #gototop { display:none; position:fixed; right:5px; bottom:5px; } javascript: <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready',function() { new SmoothScroll(

Make (possibly dynamically loaded) element clickable via JavaScript, but give precedence to links contained within

为君一笑 提交于 2020-02-25 07:25:08
问题 I am adding a custom data attribute data-js-href to various HTML elements, and these elements should behave just like a link when clicked. If a link within such an element is clicked, the link should take precedence and the data-js-href functionality should be ignored, though. Furthermore, the solution also needs to work with elements that are dynamically added at a later time. So far, I have come up with the following solution. It basically checks if the click was performed on a link, or any


≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-02-09 02:14:30
一、应用展示 关于层的智能浮动效果早在几年前我就在国外的一些个人网站的垂直导航上见到了,现在似乎在国内一些商业网站上也屡见此效果,例如淘宝网的搜索结果页的排序水平条,在默认状态下,滚动条跟随页面滚动,如下: 本文地址: 随着页面向下滚动,当此水平条接触浏览器的上边缘时,水平条独立出来,不跟随滚动条滚动了,如下图所示: 类似的效果在新浪微博上也有: 当页面滚动,新动态提示开始要淡出浏览器窗口的时候,其浮动于浏览器窗口的最上沿显示,如下图所示: 此效果实现原理其实很简单,本文就将展示其实现。 二、实现原理 默认状态就是默认状态,什么事情也不用做,定位是absolute也好,static也好,都ok。关键是当浏览器滚动的时候,对象(要浮动的层)要移除浏览器界面视区的时候,修改其position属性,让其浮动在窗口的上沿显示就可以了。最好的position属性就是fixed了,可以在IE6+和其他浏览器下浮动层平滑固定定位,由于IE6前辈不支持fixed属性,所以,后退一步,使用absolute属性代替,但是会有副作用——滚动不平滑。但,这也是没有办法的事情了。 现在关键就是如何判断当前层与浏览器窗口的上边缘接触呢

How to select nested DOM elements inside 'ul' element

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-22 09:24:10
问题 I am looking for a way to collect all <a> tags and load then in an array using Mootool 1.1 or pure javascript. <ul class="menu"> <li> <ul> <li><a href="#">Group One</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">I want</a></li> <li><a href="#">I want too</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Group Two</a> <ul> <li"><a href="#">I want</a></li> <li><a href="#">I want too</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> Edit Solution: Thank you all, your responses have helped me find a more precise solution. Mootools 1.1: @