
“Error Producing PDF” when markdown contains a horizontal rule: — or ***

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-11 06:19:08
问题 When my Markdown file contains a horizontal rule --- or *** I receive an error regarding \Linethickness -> \Protect I understand there have been issues with MiKTeX recently, however I am unsure whether they apply here. I have been experiencing this issue since yesterday morning, when I was playing around trying to get the Lato font package to work with a set of Markdown files I need to convert to PDF. It had been working fine (asides from the font issue). This could have happened when I


天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-05 14:49:15
(很多杂志期刊接受LaTeX电子版时会提供自己的模板,只要使用他们的模板即可完美地展现在对应的刊物中) 0x00. 优点 丰富易用的数学公式和特殊符号; 容易生成图表编号、引用、交叉引用、目录; 可以输出PostScript、PDF、HTML等格式; Tex和LaTeX完全免费,支持中文,支持各种操作系统。 0x01. 安装 (主流的LaTeX有CTeX和MiKTex,作者使用的是MiKTex,因为MiKTex可以在使用时下载所需要的包,这样可以减少安装是的存储空间,但有一个弊端是没网的情况下无法在需要时下载相应的包) 下载 MiKTex下载地址: https://miktex.org/download (不同操作系统都支持) TexStudio 下载地址: http://texstudio.sourceforge.net (根据自己的操作系统选择选择相应的版本下载) 安装 (本次安装以Windows 10为例,其他操作系统类似, 注:先安装MiKTex,再安装TexStudio ) MiKTex安装 双击安装包一路“下一步”即可 选择安装给当前用户还是所有用户,如果PC上只有一个用户时,选哪个都无所谓 选择需要安装到哪里,此处作者选择默认位置 一直“下一步”到安装结束,安装完成之后会在“所有程序”中生成一个MiKTex 2.9的文件夹

R Sweave: NO TeX installation detected

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-04 14:13:02
问题 I've tried searching on google to fix this, with very minimal helpful solutions. I have installed, Miktex, R and R studio. I would like to use Sweave to create PDF documents in Miktex. Everytime I open my .Rnw file, it gives a warning at the top which reads "No TeX installation detected. Please install TeX before compiling" When I look for pdflatex on my system with the command Sys.which("pdflatex") it returns "" Does anyone know how to fix this? ANYTHING at all at this point would be useful.

R Sweave: NO TeX installation detected

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-03 08:44:21
I've tried searching on google to fix this, with very minimal helpful solutions. I have installed, Miktex, R and R studio. I would like to use Sweave to create PDF documents in Miktex. Everytime I open my .Rnw file, it gives a warning at the top which reads "No TeX installation detected. Please install TeX before compiling" When I look for pdflatex on my system with the command Sys.which("pdflatex") it returns "" Does anyone know how to fix this? ANYTHING at all at this point would be useful. Usually Rstudio finds the correct path to your Latex installation automatically. In your case that

Cleanflight Eclipse 配置

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-03 03:49:27
可以尝试的两个配置文档 http://blog.csdn.net/guo8113/article/details/50412469 https://github.com/cleanflight/cleanflight/blob/master/docs/development/Building%20in%20Eclipse.md BTW Git在这里down就好 https://git-scm.com/download/win 注意CDT也需在eclipse的软件中配置 Cleanflight的默认make文件夹下的tool.mk中GCC版本要求是6.3.1而官网推荐的是5.4.1,并未找到具体的解决办法。直接改变编译文件将版本号修改之后会出现如下的问题。 故不确定是否更改。 在tool的makefile中更改了第19行,原版本是6.3.1 Malefile是什么? 一个工程中的源文件不计其数,其按类型、功能、模块分别放在若干个目录中,makefile定义了一系列的规则来指定,哪些文件需要先编译,哪些文件需要后编译,哪些文件需要重新编译,甚至于进行更复杂的功能操作,因为 makefile就像一个 Shell脚本 一样,其中也可以执行操作系统的 命令 。 下载的时候可能会出错,最近不太稳定,多试几次。 上面的方法并未真正编译成功其中并没有成功生成obj文件。找到一个新的下载地址