
Will commits in git and mercurial repositories with the same history have the same hash?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-01-28 00:02:17
问题 When using git to clone an hg repository, or when migrating from hg to git, will the hashes remain the same? 回答1: By inspection, the answer appears to be "no". hg clone ssh:// git clone hg::ssh:// Followed by: hg log -l 5 git log -n 5 Show different commit hashes for the same commits. While both git and hg use SHA-1 hashes, there must be a difference in what they are hashing, perhaps the metadata. Any tooling dependent on the

Ignore changes to files that are already in repository

大憨熊 提交于 2021-01-27 23:48:32
问题 Adding files to .hgignore will prevent them from being tracked. But we have some files that we want to be in the repository - we just don't want users to ever commit changes. Is there a way to ignore changes to these files, so they won't get committed in an hg commit . 回答1: That cannot be done in Mercurial — a file is either tracked or untracked (and then optionally ignored). You should instead version a template file and then ignore the real file. So add config.template to version control

Bitbucket authentication to use LibGit2Sharp

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-01-27 18:35:22
问题 I used the CSharp.Bitbucket library to authenticate users with Bitbucket ( The authentication works fine, I get the token value and token secret values. I have alredy written a logic - with the help of LibGit2Sharp ( - to clone/pull/push the content of the users repo. It works fine if the user authenticates with GitHub. In that case I have to provide the value of the access token for username and an

Mercurial, revert files to a past revision by wildcard?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-01-27 04:12:10
问题 hg revert -r 4 -I *.aspx isn't working for me. Any help? And no, I don't want to use TortoiseHG. 回答1: Try hg revert -r 4 -I **/*.aspx from the root directory of the repository . The **.aspx matches any file in any subdirectory in the repository whereas *.aspx only matches them in the current directory. See hg help patterns for more information, which I've just noticed shows a regexp-based alternative: hg revert re:.*\.aspx$ 来源:

Gradle sync failed: Cause: error=2, No such file or directory

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-01-19 23:32:04
问题 I am trying to get the latest revision number of mercurial repository dynamically and have it in the versionName of the android app. This is what I have in the gradle file: def buildNumber = "hg id -i -n -r tip".execute().text.trim() Please note that when I try building the same in the terminal, I could successfully build using: ./gradlew assembleRelease However, the android studio is unable to sync and couldn't build the app. I get the below error in the event log: Gradle sync failed: Cause:

在 Linux 中用 Meld以图形方式比较文件和文件夹

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-12-11 19:57:26
如果你使用的是桌面 Linux ,你可以使用 GUI 应用来轻松比较两个文件是否有任何差异。有几个 Linux 中的 GUI 差异比较工具。我将在本周的 Linux 应用亮点中重点介绍我最喜欢的工具 Meld。 如何比较两个相似的文件来检查差异?答案显而易见,就是使用 Linux 中的 diff 命令 。问题是,并不是每个人都能自如地在 Linux 终端中比较文件,而且 diff 命令 的输出可能会让一些人感到困惑。 以这个 diff 命令的输出为例: 这里肯定涉及到一个学习曲线。然而,如果你使用的是桌面 Linux,你可以使用 GUI 应用来轻松比较两个文件是否有任何差异。有几个 Linux 中的 GUI 差异比较工具。我将在本周的 Linux 应用亮点中重点介绍我最喜欢的工具 Meld。 Meld:Linux(及 Windows)下的可视化比较和合并工具 通过 Meld,你可以将两个文件并排比较。不仅如此,你还可以对文件进行相应的修改。这是你在大多数情况下想做的事情,对吗? Meld 还能够比较目录,并显示哪些文件是不同的。它还会显示而文件是新的或是缺失的。 你也可以使用 Meld 进行三向比较。 图形化的并排比较在很多情况下都有帮助。如果你是开发人员,你可以用它来了解代码补丁。Meld 还支持版本控制系统,如 Git、Mercurial、Subversion 等。 Meld

How can I list a series of revisions using 'hg log'?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-12-02 03:40:59
问题 I'm attempting to use the hg log command to show a series of revisions, x through y . When I do this: hg log -r 1+5 I get this: changeset: 1:7320d2a9baa5 user: Tim Post <> date: Fri Sep 30 20:38:29 2011 +0800 summary: Foo foo everywhere is foo changeset: 5:8d6bea76ce60 user: Tim Post <> date: Fri Sep 30 20:51:42 2011 +0800 summary: Blah blah blah Which is Mercurial understanding that I want to see revisions one and five instead of one through five.

How can I list a series of revisions using 'hg log'?

Deadly 提交于 2020-12-02 03:39:03
问题 I'm attempting to use the hg log command to show a series of revisions, x through y . When I do this: hg log -r 1+5 I get this: changeset: 1:7320d2a9baa5 user: Tim Post <> date: Fri Sep 30 20:38:29 2011 +0800 summary: Foo foo everywhere is foo changeset: 5:8d6bea76ce60 user: Tim Post <> date: Fri Sep 30 20:51:42 2011 +0800 summary: Blah blah blah Which is Mercurial understanding that I want to see revisions one and five instead of one through five.

How can I list a series of revisions using 'hg log'?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-12-02 03:38:41
问题 I'm attempting to use the hg log command to show a series of revisions, x through y . When I do this: hg log -r 1+5 I get this: changeset: 1:7320d2a9baa5 user: Tim Post <> date: Fri Sep 30 20:38:29 2011 +0800 summary: Foo foo everywhere is foo changeset: 5:8d6bea76ce60 user: Tim Post <> date: Fri Sep 30 20:51:42 2011 +0800 summary: Blah blah blah Which is Mercurial understanding that I want to see revisions one and five instead of one through five.


偶尔善良 提交于 2020-11-24 20:05:40
一、提问 1.第二章 好的单元测试的标准 单元测试必须由最熟悉代码的人(程序的作者)来写。   虽然理论上来讲没有人会比作者更了解自己的代码,但正因如此,作者往往只能查验那些他在编写过程中就已经考虑到的问题,无法发现自己没有考虑到的问题。在实际工程中,测试和代码编写往往是两个不同的部门来负责,因此我认为结对互相编写单元测试可能会更好(前提是知道对方的需求)。 2.第四章 代码设计规范 函数最好有单一的出口,为了达到这一目的,可以使用 goto。只要有助于程序逻辑的清晰体现,什么方法都可以使用,包括 goto   goto函数真的有必要使用吗?因为很多时候为了简便,并不想设定唯一出口,以往的编程中没有这个习惯。 3.第四章 代码复审   代码复审和单元测试的区别在哪? 4.第三章 软件工程师的发展   身边的很多同学都有考计算机二级,然而我问了一下同系的同学,基本上没有人去考过级,这种考级对于我们真的有必要吗?它并不像导游证之于导游专业,会计证之于会计专业那样不可或缺吧。 5.第九章 领导力——高效的团队讨论   在上学期的一些课程中,我所在的团队经常召开会议,但是往往是无功而返,最终什么都没有改变(就像老师提到的“事后诸葛亮会议”)。在这学期的软件工程课程中,长达十五周的团队项目肯定需要开很多会议,尽管书中已经给过一些建议,但是我们当中并没有一个类似PM的人,该如何避免重蹈覆辙呢?