

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-11 01:34:21
文章原创于公众号:程序猿周先森。本平台不定时更新,喜欢我的文章,欢迎关注我的微信公众号。 实际项目开发中现在无法逃避的一个问题就是缓存问题,而缓存问题也是面试必问知识点之一,如果面试官好一点可能会简单的问你二八定律或者热数据和冷数据,但是如果问的深入一点可能就会问到缓存更新、降级、预热、雪崩、穿透等问题,而这些问题可能会拦下大部分平时不怎么关注缓存的朋友,这些问题实际上都和缓存服务器息息相关,我们日常中经常使用的缓存服务器一般有两种:Redis和Memcached。本篇开始正式进入Redis系列文章,本篇主要讲讲Redis使用单线程为何速度还能如此之快? 既然谈到缓存服务器有两种,那我们为何要选择Redis呢?Redis与Memcached两者之间有何区别呢? Redis 和 Memcached 的区别 Redis支持常见数据类型:Redis 不仅仅支持简单的 key/value 类型的数据,同时还提供string(字符串)、list(链表)、set(集合)、zset(有序集合)和hash(哈希类型)等数据结构的存储。而Memcache 只支持简单的数据类型 String。 Redis 支持数据的持久化,可以将内存中的数据保持在磁盘中,重启的时候可以再次加载进行使用,而 Memecache 把数据全部存在内存之中。 集群模式:Memcached 没有原生的集群模式


送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-10 18:51:07
MySQL 5.6 ,是现在 最流行 的版本。 很遗憾有一些功能一直没有,例如: (1)哈希索引; (2)T-tree索引; (3)原生高可用; (4)auto-sharding; (5)... 画外音:你最希望看到支持什么特性? 但,5.6版本中,InnoDB有些有意思的特性,或许是大伙还不清楚,今天简单和大家介绍一下。 画外音:大家应该都是用InnoDB吧? 1. 从这个版本开始,可以支持 全文索引 了。 2. alter table可以不拷贝表了,且不阻塞写操作, online DDL ,酷炫吧。 画外音:并不是所有的alter table都这样。 3. 建表时,允许 一个table一个文件 了,具体能玩出什么花呢? 这样就能够实现,热数据表放SSD里,数据量大的表放HDD里了。 4. 可以支持 memcached插件 了,关系型数据库和memcached缓存实现在一起,支持几十万的吞吐量,是不是简化了系统架构? 5. 可以支持 只读实例 了,这样就能够实现: (1)把InnoDB表放在DVD或CD里,方便共享; (2)多个实例 共 用一份数据了; 这些有意思的特性,你会最想尝试哪一个呢? 画外音:我猜是memcached插件。 为帮助更多开发工程师、架构师掌握 MySQL 核心,这里推荐一下奈学最新打造的 《3天挑战架构师级MySQL海量数据设计与实践 》 在线专栏课。

memcached vs. internal caching in PHP?

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-08 14:39:12
问题 I'm working on some old(ish) software in PHP that maintains a $cache array to reduce the number of SQL queries. I was thinking of just putting memcached in its place and I'm wondering whether or not to get rid of the internal caching. Would there still be a worthwihle performance increase if I keep the internal caching, or would memcached suffice? 回答1: It seems likely that memcache (which is implemented on the metal) would be faster than some php interpreted caching scheme. However: if it's

Django doesn't use memcached framework

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-08 11:23:21
问题 I'm trying to find out how Django caching framework works. I set memcached in but the time of loading page didn't get smaller and Django-debug-toolbar shows 0 cache calls. This is what I've set in CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': '', } } CACHE_BACKEND = 'memcached://' CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ALIAS = "default" CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS = 60 MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django.middleware

Best solution / practice for temp files with Google App Engine PHP?

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-08 10:21:12
问题 What's generally accepted wisdom/tech solution for temp files on GAE using PHP, please? I need to store and process an image (a few hundred K in size) using PHP that momentarily (e.g. < 1 second) needs to exist as a temp file somewhere before it's sent on elsewhere and the temp file can be deleted. My site will need to autoscale for potentially large numbers of users (using GAE as standard). My idea was to attempt to store the temp file in memory (using tempnam() etc) and if that failed (e.g.

django memcached and ajax requests

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-07 09:47:44
问题 I have setup memcached (unix socket) for my django application. However it seems that some ajax requests do not work, as expected, while memcached is on. I am using memcached on my entire site. For example in this javascript function the .load() directive works the first time, but after that it keeps 'fetching' the same page from cache. function placeBet(user, bet) { var ajax_data = { status:false, message: '' } $.ajax({ url:'/place_bet/' + user + '/?ajax=&bet=' + bet, type:"POST", dataType:

django memcached and ajax requests

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-07 09:46:49
问题 I have setup memcached (unix socket) for my django application. However it seems that some ajax requests do not work, as expected, while memcached is on. I am using memcached on my entire site. For example in this javascript function the .load() directive works the first time, but after that it keeps 'fetching' the same page from cache. function placeBet(user, bet) { var ajax_data = { status:false, message: '' } $.ajax({ url:'/place_bet/' + user + '/?ajax=&bet=' + bet, type:"POST", dataType:

How to configure Memcache for Django on Google cloud AppEngine?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-02-07 08:16:56
问题 In my settings i have: CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': '', } } and i have installed Anything else needed? 回答1: The way to enable Memcache for Django on GCP depends on which product you are using (App Engine, Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine) [1] Since you are using App Engine, it is built-in. You can find examples on how to use Memcache with GCP here. [2] [1] How to

Can memcached make full use of multi-core?

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-07 05:20:34
问题 Is memcached capable of making full use of multi-core? Or is there any way tuning this? 回答1: memcached is multi-threaded by default and has no problem saturating many cores. It's a bit harder to saturate all cores on more massively parallel boxes (e.g. a 256-core CMT box) just because it gets harder to get the data in and out of the network. If you find areas where some sort of contention is preventing you from saturating cores, file a bug or start a discussion. 回答2: memcached has "-t" option

Can memcached make full use of multi-core?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-07 05:18:10
问题 Is memcached capable of making full use of multi-core? Or is there any way tuning this? 回答1: memcached is multi-threaded by default and has no problem saturating many cores. It's a bit harder to saturate all cores on more massively parallel boxes (e.g. a 256-core CMT box) just because it gets harder to get the data in and out of the network. If you find areas where some sort of contention is preventing you from saturating cores, file a bug or start a discussion. 回答2: memcached has "-t" option