
difference between Nokia's MeeGo 1.2 “Harmattan” and intel Meego?

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-01 09:28:10
问题 Nokia has recently announced Nokia N9 with MeeGo 1.2 "Harmattan. Some forums are saying that it is differed from intel MeeGo. Is it true? What is Maemo? Is Maemo same as MeeGo Harmattan? Where can we download SDK to develop applications for it with simulator? Is Intel meego sdk (Intel note book, tablets) enough? Any guide please? 回答1: Nokia has recently announced Nokia N9 with MeeGo 1.2 "Harmattan. Some forums are saying that it is differed from intel MeeGo. Is it true? They have different

difference between Nokia's MeeGo 1.2 “Harmattan” and intel Meego?

久未见 提交于 2019-12-04 05:20:58
Nokia has recently announced Nokia N9 with MeeGo 1.2 "Harmattan. Some forums are saying that it is differed from intel MeeGo. Is it true? What is Maemo? Is Maemo same as MeeGo Harmattan? Where can we download SDK to develop applications for it with simulator? Is Intel meego sdk (Intel note book, tablets) enough? Any guide please? aponomarenko Nokia has recently announced Nokia N9 with MeeGo 1.2 "Harmattan. Some forums are saying that it is differed from intel MeeGo. Is it true? They have different package managers. Nokia's MeeGo is DEB -based, Intel's MeeGo is RPM -based. Nokia's MeeGo 1.2