
Create and deploy custom mediator in WSO2 ESB

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-08 11:34:41
问题 I have created custom mediator with Factory and Serializer classes. Created jar with \META-INF\services\ files and put it to dropins folder. But after restart when I deployed test proxy with my mediator, I always get error like this: org.apache.synapse.SynapseException: Unknown mediator referenced by configuration element : at org.apache.synapse.config.xml.MediatorFactoryFinder.getMediator( It looks like ESB isn't able to find the Factory class. Where is my

Mediator deadlock on async await within background worker - how to detect thread calling itself

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-05-28 06:50:13
问题 I have a mediator which I have recently needed to synchronize one at a time message dispatch on a background thread but it is locking, demonstrated below. I post a command to a queue and return a task from a TaskCompletionSource: public Task<object> Send(object command, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var item = new CommandItem() { Command = request, Tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(), Ct = cancellationToken }; this.queue.Writer.WriteAsync(item); // just write and immediatly

Simple Injector dynamic context-based injection at runtime between two registrations

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-05-17 06:02:08
问题 I have a Mediator application using Simple Injector for command handler registration, and injection and handlers is all setup and working perfectly. class DoWashingCommandHandler : IRequestHandler<DoWashingCommand,object> { IBus bus; public DoWashingCommandHandler(IBus bus) { this.bus = bus; } Task<object> Handle(DoWashingCommand command) { this.bus.Send(new OtheCommand()); } } I have a need for 2 registrations of a IBus implementations. The first can be of any lifetime, the second has a

Communication between 6 ViewModels and a Messenger == AntiPattern?

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-01-05 08:54:51
问题 A common approach for communication between 2 ViewModels is this: MVVM- View Model-View Model Communications The Mediator pattern or a Messenger class. But what about 6 ViewModels in one Window? NewSchoolclassUserControl NewPupilUserControl SchoolclassListUserControl PupilListUserControl PupilsDetailUserControl AdministrationButtonBarUserControl (having buttons executing commands) All this is in ONE Window. Do "you" really tell me now I have to setup a Messenger for those 6 Views and their

WSO2 API PayloadFactory mediator XML array to JSON array

北城余情 提交于 2020-01-03 03:29:10
问题 I am trying to build a Proxy between a client and a server using WSO2-AM. The ultimate goal is changing the content of the response the server sends to a format that the client understands. Therefore I wrote a custom mediator using a PayloadFactory. This works OK when the server sends just 1 element, but it can be possible that the servers sends multiple elements. I am trying to use an iterator to iterate all the elements and aplying a payloadfactory to each element, but this only returns the

行为型模式:Mediator 中介者模式

久未见 提交于 2019-12-27 18:51:06
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 行为型模式:Mediator 中介者模式 1、依赖关系的转化 1)多个对象之间的相互依赖是非常复杂的,这些对像都是两两直接依赖,而用实现细节依赖于抽象的做法对于这种情况已经不够用了,因为这里不是两个对象之间的关系,而是多个对象之间的关系。 2)我们将这些对象的依赖关系转化成都不直接相互依赖,而是将这些对象都依赖于一个接口,这个接口就是一个中介者。 2、动机(Motivation) 1)在软件构建过程中,经常会出现多个对象互相关联交互的情况,对象之间常常会维持一种复杂的引用关系,如果遇到一些需求的更改,这种直接的引用关系将面临不断的变化。 2)在这种情况下,我们可使用一个“中介对象”来管理对象间的关联关系,避免相互交互的对象之间的紧耦合引用关系,从而更好地抵御变化。 3、意图(Intent) 用一个中介对象来封装一系列对象交互。中介者使各对象不需要显式的相互引用,从而使其耦合松散,而且可以独立地改变它们之间的交互。 ——《设计模式》GoF 4、实例:菜单和工具栏按钮 1)先看结构:这个类之间的关系很复杂 //菜单:剪切菜单按钮,映射一些行为 public class CutMenuItem { TextArea textArea; ClipBorad clipBorad; ToolBarButton

Codeigniter Model Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-25 15:23:30
问题 I have a little issue with some code that works on development but not on production. It is weird, because all the other code works (or seems to). The entire error is the following: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /[snip]/application/modules/manage_plugins/models/Manage_plugins.php on line 6 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Error Message: Using $this when not in object context Filename: models/Manage_plugins.php Line Number: 6 Backtrace: From the other similar

WSO2 APIM Custom sequences for non published APIs / Setting variable

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-24 23:26:49
问题 We have defined a default custom sequence for managing different gateways, as described here We have installed the sequence as explained in the doc Creating Global Conection The sequence only read 2 variables from environment, and uses to build the endpoint URL. This is the code: <sequence xmlns="" name="WSO2AM--Ext--In"> <property name="" expression="get-property('system','host')" /> <property name="uri.var.port" expression="get-property('system',

WSO2 ESB - Dynamic value for proxy parameters (transport)

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-23 12:29:06
问题 I need to be able to specify a dynamic value for proxy parameter. Actually, I have to specify each parameter with complete URL like : <parameter name="transport.vfs.FileNamePattern">.*.txt</parameter> I see some samples with property mediator and I guess it's working for next proxies but the problem here is that I need to change the proxy parameters value before its execution I think. I tried with a "trigger" proxy calling a custom mediator which change SynapseConfiguration of required proxy

Can't get past Call Mediator in custom mediation flow in WSO2 API Manager

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-22 10:38:36
问题 Created custom mediation flow in WSO2 AM 1.10 in order to achieve API chaining. As a first step i created this flow, as a test, which calls a REST service in order to generate a token and returns the response to the client. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sequence name="ppayload" trace="enable" xmlns=""> <property action="remove" name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2"/> <property name="uri.var.x" scope="default" type="STRING" value="5"/> <property name=