
linux 自启动设置 的shell脚本

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-20 11:39:35
//通过shell创建一个连接到 的自启动 #!/bin/bash echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=Test\nType=Application\ --autostart\nOnlyShowIn=MATE\nX-MATE-Autostart-Phase=Application\nTerminal=false\nCondition=MATE\nX-MATE-Autostart-Notify=true\n ">/etc/xdg/autostart/Test.desktop chmod 666 /etc/xdg/autostart/Test.desktop 这里是入口文件可以放在/usr/bin 或者设置绝对路径 运行脚本后你的脚本就会在登录系统后自动后台运行了。 来源: CSDN 作者: Xuehqqqq 链接:

To execute Flex cleanup function when browser is closed by user

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-19 09:27:09
问题 I have a Flex client application. I need a clean up function to run in Flex when the user closes the browser. I found the following solution on the net, but it only works half-way for me. How could I fix it? Thanks in advance for any responses! Symptoms CustomEvent triggered, but not executed. >> EventHandler for CustomEvent.SEND_EVENTS is defined by a Mate EventMap. All the handler does is to call an HTTPServiceInvoker . In debug console, I'm able to see the handler and HTTPServiceInvoker

mate + xmonad,初步搭建

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-18 11:48:19
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 最近闲的,折腾了很多的de和wm组合。之前也用了很久的纯wm,i3wm后者awesome,但是都有不同的缺陷,不一一赘述。 所以想试试看把tile window manage整合到xfce或者gnome下。 然后搜了一下文档,貌似最新的gnome已经不支持替换wm了,以前是可以的。。。。。为什么?然后把xfce作为主要的搜索目标,google了半天,xfce+i3,xfce+awesome,xfce+xmonad,基本上自己hack的东西比较多。偶然翻到xmonad的wiki,尼玛,整合进mate,xfce,kde,lxde都已经支持了,挑了一个最简单的, 使用xmonad 0.12+mate 1.14,dconf-editor,xmonad-contrib 0.12,分分钟搞定。 我的桌面是两台分辨率不一样的显示器,这个比较讨厌。 其实之前用wm的时候,也是需要很多桌面的app的,但是tile window manager的全键盘操作,让我甚是舒服,所以这是我最大的整合动力。 还要看看DynamicLog怎么弄的。 附上wiki: PS,我看到有人说ghc-8下面,xmonad会泄露,目前我还没有碰到。


空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-13 05:04:44
Sam&bam文件格式详解 在SAM输出的结果中每一行都包括十二项通过Tab分隔(\t),从左到右分别是: 1 QNAME,序列的名字(Read的名字) 2 FLAG, 概括出一个合适的标记,各个数字分别代表 1 序列是一对序列中的一个 2 比对结果是一个pair-end比对的末端 4 没有找到位点 8 这个序列是pair中的一个但是没有找到位点 16 在这个比对上的位点,序列与参考序列反向互补 32 这个序列在pair-end中的的mate序列与参考序列反响互补 64 序列是 mate 1 128 序列是 mate 2 假如说标记为以上列举出的数目,就可以直接推断出匹配的情况。假如说标记不是以上列举出的数字,比如说83=(64+16+2+1),就是这几种情况值和。 3 RNAME,参考序列的名字(染色体) 4 POS,在参考序列上的位置(染色体上的位置) 5 MAPQ, mapping qulity 越高则位点越独特 bowtie2有时并不能完全确定一个短的序列来自参考序列的哪个位置,特别是对那些比较简单的序列。但是bowtie2会给出一个值来显示这个段序列来自某个位点的概率值,这个值就是mapping qulity。Mapping qulity的计算方法是:Q=-10log10p,Q是一个非负值,p是这个序列不来自这个位点的估计值。 假如说一条序列在某个参考序列上找到了两个位点

cairngorm vs mate framework comparison in flex

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-11 23:58:29
问题 I have been developing applications in cairngorm framwork in flex for over 2 years. Now I have to develop applications using Mate framework. I have no idea about Mate framework and which one is better than the other. I also need to know where to start to learn Mate framework, if somebody has idea about both the frameworks, kindly throw the light on this area. 回答1: Likely if you've been working with one of the older versions of Cairngorm, you're going to have a hard time getting out of the

Reflect property change from one View into another View using a Class as intermediate

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 02:22:29
问题 I did submit a thread which was (after reading it again) totally wrong formulated. This is actually what i wanted to know: In a Flex application using MATE suppose we have a view called View.mxml with a property called ViewProp and a class called ClassManager with a property ClassProp. Suppose we have another view called SecondView.mxml with a property SecondProp. Is it possible to define somehow the following: whenever the ViewProp changes (in View.mxml) the ClassProp is also changed in

centos 7安装mate桌面

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-05 08:28:57
下载了最新的centos7适用了下. 记录了下安装过程 安装略过. 只选择最小化安装 重启,登录 yum install net-tools 在mate官网中 这个地址中,有RHEL7安装mate方法 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 MATE is available through the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository, maintained by the Fedora Project. This should work on CentOS 7 as well, and any other compatible derivatives. After you install the epel-release-7*.rpm package to add the EPEL repository to Yum, you can install MATE with the following command: yum groups install "MATE Desktop" If you install this on a minimal system without an existing GUI


删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-04 05:58:46
1、安装Mate桌面 yum groups install "MATE Desktop" 2、安装X yum groups install "X Window System" 3、启动 1)自动进入图像界面 systemctl set-default 执行命令返回值: [root@localhost ~]# systemctl set-default Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/ Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ 2)使用startx启动 需要创建 .xinitrc文件 echo "exec /usr/bin/mate-session" >> ~/.xinitrc 这样就可以在命令行下使用startx启动图形界面。 来源: CSDN 作者: jiayangang 链接:

How To Install Mate Desktop In Ubuntu 14.04 & 14.10

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-04 05:52:09
The other week we saw about installing Cinnamon in Ubuntu . This week we’ll see how to install Mate desktop in Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 . I think you might have already heard of Mate desktop environment . A fork of now dead classic GNOME 2 , Mate provides the classic desktop experience with latest applications. Mate is an official flavor of Linux Mint. While there is also an unofficial flavor of Ubuntu named as Ubuntu Mate . We will actually use the packages provided by Ubuntu Mate team to easily install Mate desktop environment in Ubuntu 14.04 . Please note that the same method is NOT

Any Flex 4 migration experience?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-03 17:55:33
问题 My current development stack is MySQL + iBatis + Spring + Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.01 + BlazeDS 3.2 and Flex 3 with Mate 0.8.9 framework. Now Flash Builder 4 beta 2 is out. There are cool features like Data Centric Development (DCD), form generation etc... Do you know how Spring Blazeds Integration works with BlazeDS 4? What about Mate? Is there any issues with Flex 4 ? How DCD suits with mate eventmaps. I know it is better to try it out myself but I just want to check if somebody ever