
Is there any way of using match against statement in Propel (ORM)?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-24 10:37:34
问题 Is there any way of using match against statement in Propel (ORM)? It is odd I cannot find anything related to this. 回答1: No direct support. Perhaps a custom query? $con = Propel::getConnection(BookPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $sql = "SELECT title,category FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title,category) AGAINST (:text); $stmt = $con->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array(':text' => 'My match text')); 回答2: At least in Propel 1.7 it works with a where() clause: UserQuery::create()->where('MATCH(' . UserPeer:

Full text query with a single quote

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-18 08:11:51
问题 I'm having a problem when I try to do a full text search in boolean mode using a string with a single quote and an asterisk wildcard, i.e. "levi's*": it seems to search also for all words beginning with "s", like "spears", when, as far as I know, the quote should be considered part of the word while two single quotes ('') would be a word separator... but maybe I'm wrong. Please, look at the example here:!2/3dd3e/2/0 - the second row should't be there how can I do

MySQL Join and Match/Against Search Fail

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-13 07:25:01
问题 I'm basically trying to create a search to find articles (or articles from an author). I've ended up with this query: SELECT `articles`.*, `authors`.* FROM `articles` LEFT JOIN `authors` ON (`authors`.`id` = `articles`.`author_id`) WHERE MATCH (`articles`.`title`, `articles`.`description`) AGAINST ("test") OR MATCH (`authors`.`first_name`, `authors`.`last_name`) AGAINST ("test") GROUP BY `articles`.`id` I have made sure that all four matched fields are FULL TEXT indexes. The search matches

Match against “” (with a full-stop/period)

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-11 05:45:44
问题 I can search for rows with both foo and bar in the col1 / col2 using match against: SELECT col1, col2 FROM some_table WHERE MATCH (col1,col2) AGAINST ('+foo +bar' IN BOOLEAN MODE); But suppose I want to search for the exact phrase "" (with a full-stop in the middle) . On the docs page for Boolean Full-Text Searches, it doesn't mention full-stop being an operator, so I thought I could use: AGAINST ('' IN BOOLEAN MODE); However, this returns the same results as: AGAINST ('+foo

Using Match and Against in MySQL and CodeIgniter

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-11 01:52:46
问题 I am trying to implement a search feature into my codeIgniter project. I have a table called product_search, where I am set a fulltext index using the following command: ALTER TABLE `product_search` ADD FULLTEXT (`prod_title`, `prod_desc`) I then search it using the following codeIgniter code: $this->db->select("prod_id"); $this->db->where("MATCH (`prod_title`, `prod_desc`) AGAINST ('{$searchStr}')"); $this->db->or_where("prod_id LIKE '%{$searchStr}%'"); $this->db->or_where("prod_sku LIKE '%{

Prepending an * (asterisk) to a Fulltext Search in MySQL

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-10 21:12:11
问题 I understand that the asterisk is a wildcard that can be appended to the end of fulltext search words, but what if my searched keyword is a suffix? For example, I want to be able to search for "ames" and have a result that contains the name "james" returned. Here is my current query which does not work because you cannot prepend asterisks to fulltext searches. SELECT * FROM table WHERE MATCH(name, about, address) AGAINST ("*$key*" IN BOOLEAN MODE) I would simply switch to using LIKE, but it

MySQL Match Against with Multiple Values to AGAINST

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-10 11:45:23
问题 I think this is a very simple query but I just can't find it in any of my programming books or on the net. I have this query: SELECT * FROM test WHERE MATCH (column1,column2) AGAINST ('value1'); But I need AGAINST to have multiple values e.g. (value1,value2,value3) can anyone help? 回答1: I think the BOOLEAN MODE modifier might be what you are looking for. SELECT * FROM test WHERE MATCH (column1,column2) AGAINST ('+value1 +value2 +value3' IN BOOLEAN MODE); 来源:

MySQL Match Against In Boolean Mode returns nothing on middle word

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-08 07:58:00
问题 I've got a problem using Match Against in my MySQL database, and I'm hoping someone can help. This is the examples of the data in my database: id name 1 really bitter chocolate 2 soft cheese When I run this query: SELECT * FROM food WHERE (name) LIKE "%bitter%" This bring back the first result: 1 really bitter chocolate However its part of a much larger query, and when I run the Match Against code, I don't get anything returned from either of these queries: SELECT * FROM food WHERE MATCH

Grouping a comma separated value on common data

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-07 08:04:20
问题 I have a table with col1 id int, col2 as varchar(comma seperated value) and column 3 for assigning group to them. Table looks like col1 col2 group .............................. 1 2,3,4 2 5,6 3 1,2,5 4 7,8 5 11,3 6 22,8 this is only the sample of real data, now i have to assign a group no to them in such a way that output looks like col1 col2 group .............................. 1 2,3,4 1 2 5,6 1 3 1,2,5 1 4 7,8 2 5 11,3 1 6 22,8 2 The logic for assigning group no is that every similar comma

subquery (Incorrect arguments to AGAINST) using Mysql

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-04 03:35:08
问题 When I execute this query with MATCH AGAINST using MySql ( see Query 1st ) the issue in this query they has generated an error like this ( see error ) or when I execute the same query with = they executed normally( see Query 2nd ). My question is what am I doing wrong with against statement? Query 1st SELECT (SELECT COUNT(up.`user_id`) FROM `users_post` up WHERE MATCH (up.`user_id`) AGAINST (uf.`user_id`)) AS user_count FROM `users` uf Error enter code hereError Code : 1210 Incorrect