
Laravel 4 mass assignment guarded not work

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-22 01:18:57
问题 I wonder what wrong in my code that I can't protected 2 input username and password In my controller: class AccountsController extends \BaseController { ... public function store() { $date = new \DateTime; $input['updated_at']=$date; $input['created_at']=$date; $input['username']=Input::get("username", ""); $input['password']=Input::get("password", ""); $input['sex']=Input::get("sex", ""); $input['dob']=Input::get("dob", ""); $input['dob']= date("Y-m-d", strtotime($input['dob'])); $v

Deserialize ActiveRecord from JSON

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-22 00:03:15
问题 I would like to save query result into redis using JSON serialization and query it back. Getting query results to json is pretty easy: JSON.generate(Model.all.collect {|item| item.attributes}) However I did not find a proper way to deserialize it back to ActiveRecord. The most straight-forward way: JSON.parse(@json_string).collect {|item|} Gives me an error: WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: id So id gets empty. I thought of just using OpenStruct for

Can't mass-assign protected attributes

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-20 16:22:48
问题 Updating the code formatting for better viewing. Folks, I have been looking at this for sometime but I don't understand what could be messing up here. I am using Devise. class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :addresses accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses # Other stuff here end class Address < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :zip #:street_address1, end -------------------- log output begin ------------------------------ Started POST "/users" for at

Is there an opposite function of slice function in Ruby?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-20 10:59:55
问题 In this post, slice function is used to get only necessary elements of params. What would be the function I should use to exclude an element of params (such as user_id)?[:article].slice(:title, :body)) Thank you. 回答1: Use except: a = {"foo" => 0, "bar" => 42, "baz" => 1024 } a.except("foo") # returns => {"bar" => 42, "baz" => 1024} 回答2: Try this params = { :title => "title", :other => "other", :body => "body" } {|k,v| [:title, :body].include? k } #=> {:title =

Using Rails 3.1 :as => :admin for updating attributes protected by attr_accessible

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-18 19:37:14
问题 After reading about attr_accessible in the Rails 3.1 API, I see that there is an as :admin option in there. I would like to know two things. If the user has an admin flag, how do does my controller tell my model that the user is an admin. If the user is an owner, can i specify :as => owner in my model, and once again how does my controller inform my model they are the owner of an item. 回答1: There is no built-in integration with models; you pass in the role in the assign_attributes call:

Rails atttr_accesible not working as documented

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-13 07:15:43
问题 In rails 3.2.1, I have a model: class Player < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :password attr_accessible :email, :password attr_accessible :email, :password, :confirmed, :as => :admin end I keep getting a ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error for the following: params[:player] #=> {:email => "", :password => "12345", :confirmed => true) player =[:player]) Why is this happening when all I want it to do is ignore the :confirmed attribute and move on with it

Rails4 // append strong_parameters with other params

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-13 06:59:10
问题 Let's say for the following actions' controller: class PostsController < ApplicationController def create @post = Post.create(post_params) end private def post_params params.require(:post).permit(:title, :content) end end Is there a one-line way to do something like this when creating a record : def create @post = Post.create(post_params, user_id: end What would be the clean way to do it ? Is it possible ? 回答1: params is an instance of ActionController::Parameters, which

Rails activeadmin/carrierwave has_many photos relationship throwing mass-assignment exception

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-13 02:56:14
问题 I have a model BlogPost defined as class BlogPost < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :title, :body, :photo, :photos_attributes, as: :admin has_many :photos, class_name: 'BlogPhoto', dependent: :destroy validates :body, :photo, :title, presence: true validates :title, uniqueness: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos, allow_destroy: true end from schema create_table "blog_posts", :force => true do |t| t.string "title" t.text "body" t.datetime "created_at", :null => false t.string "photo

Rails: MassAssignmentSecurity::Error

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-12 10:08:17
问题 Following the ruby on rails guide developer can't mass-assign protected fields but don't get exception trying to do it, right? But in my case mass-assignment different params through new method in rails application: @edition = params[:edition] raise following exception: ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: price Why? Did I understand something incorrectly? Is it a way not to get the mass-assignment exception? It's not convenient to

Can't mass-assign protected attributes for creating a has_many nested model with Devise

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-12 08:33:00
问题 I've watched the RailsCast, another nested attributes video, lots of SO posts, and fought with this for a while, but I still can't figure it out. I hope it's something tiny. I have two models, User (created by Devise), and Locker (aka, a product wishlist), and I'm trying to create a Locker for a User when they sign up. My login form has a field for the name of their new Locker (aptly called :name ) that I'm trying to assign to the locker that gets created upon new user registration. All I'm