
How to make Label text scroll automatically?

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-24 09:39:29
问题 I have a button that I want some text in, but some text may be too long to fit nicely in the button. I would like to make the text scroll horizontally in one line like a marquee in HTML. I can get it to scroll in one line, however, the test text gets cut off at the edge of the button and the text that is there will actually move off of the button instead of disappearing at the edge of the button. I have googled for an answer to my question and after a few hours, I think it is time to ask my

How to create a marquee using CSS or Javascript

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-01-24 09:14:31
问题 I need to create two marquees (one with a repeating image and one with repeating links) that span the browser window at any size; the marquee items need to be displayed from the start and not take a few seconds to appear on screen and each of them need to be about 20px/30px apart. When a user hovers over it, the marquee needs to stop moving across the page. I'm creating a website for a client and on one page we've decided on having a marquee to display the logo and on another, a marquee to

jQuery scrolling marquee in html page title tag

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-22 16:45:46
问题 I want to place a scrolling marquee in my html title tag using jquery but don't know how and can't seem to find a good explanation online anywhere. Can someone help me please? 回答1: That's not very hard to do if you just want it to scroll like the marquee tag: (function titleMarquee() { document.title = document.title.substring(1)+document.title.substring(0,1); setTimeout(titleMarquee, 200); })(); That's pretty basic but should give you an idea on how to tweak it to your liking. 回答2: In Tatu

How to output a marquee string that is smaller than the size of the marquee sign?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-11 13:20:10
问题 So my code takes in a string of letters, then outputs that string in a marquee fashion with the size of the sign being 5. So for example, If I want to output "Hello World!", the output is: [Hello] [ello ] [llo W] [lo Wo] [o Wor] [ Worl] [World] [orld!] [rld! ] [ld! H] [d! He] [! Hel] [ Hell] But the problem is, if there is a string of letters that has length 8 and the size of the marquee sign is 10, then I want to just display the string once within the marquee sign. So if a string has a size

How to use MarqueeLabel in Swift?

蓝咒 提交于 2020-01-11 03:23:07
问题 I want to know if there's a way to enable horizontal scrolling of text i.e., marquee type text. I have used this library: and added the "MarqueeLabel.Swift" file to my application. But so far, it doesn't show the marquee effect that I wanted. This is how I implemented it: class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var marqueeLabel: MarqueeLabel! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.marqueeLabel.tag = 101 self

Marquee & Alternatives

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-06 08:22:05
问题 Another question(s) from design class 101. I am using the Marquee tag for scrolling text for prototyping purposes. A: How can I get the text to pre-load on the page and then start moving. (Versus coming in at the sides of the screen to begin) B: What is the best alternative (and the purest replacement) to move away from Marquee that will accomplish A? a simple example would be beyond cool. Thanks. 来源:

Android Notification TextView Marquee Do Not Work?

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-05 08:53:13
问题 I am trying to create custom notification status bar like Samsung Galaxy S3 stock Music Player . I am using RemoteViews for custom layout. But my textview components does not working at marquee mode. My codes is below. And Where I make mistake? I spent a lot of time to solve this problem, but I am not luck. Samsung Galaxy S3 stock music player notification bar: This is my xml layout code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="

How To Make Moving News Bar in Windows Forms Application without Timer

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-05 08:23:07
问题 I'm making a desktop application in C# which contains a moving News Bar labels. I'm using a timer to move these labels but the problem is that when i make the interval of this timer low (1-10 for example) the application takes very high percentage of CPU Usage, And when i make it higher(200 -500 ) the movement of the labels becomes intermittent or not smooth movement even that the user may not be able to read the news in Comfortable way. ((More Information)) it is Windows form application.

How To Make Moving News Bar in Windows Forms Application without Timer

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-05 08:23:07
问题 I'm making a desktop application in C# which contains a moving News Bar labels. I'm using a timer to move these labels but the problem is that when i make the interval of this timer low (1-10 for example) the application takes very high percentage of CPU Usage, And when i make it higher(200 -500 ) the movement of the labels becomes intermittent or not smooth movement even that the user may not be able to read the news in Comfortable way. ((More Information)) it is Windows form application.

News Marquee over analog TV stream - C#

五迷三道 提交于 2020-01-05 05:57:27
问题 I want to put a news marquee over an analog TV stream using c#, I can stream analog TV using DirectShow but I can't figure out how to mix it with rotating text, should I create a filter? or I have to use another technology than DirectShow? 回答1: DirectShow is the simplest way of doing this but it does have a bit of a learning curve, particularly coming from C#. The Wikipedia page gives you a basic overview of DirectShow. DirectShow tools are available in the latest Windows SDK. Using C++ for