
Marathon (Mesos) - Stuck in “Loading applications”

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-10 20:40:44
问题 I am building a mesos cluster from scratch (using Vagrant, which is not relevant for this issue). OS: Ubuntu 16.04 (trusty) Setup: Master -> Runs ZooKeeper, Mesos-master, Marathon and Chronos Slave -> Runs Mesos-slave This is my provisioning script for the master node I have managed to register de slave into Mesos, install Marathon and Chronos frameworks, and run scheduled jobs in Chronos


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-02 02:53:18
微服务是一种架构风格和模式:将复杂系统拆解为协同工作的小型服务,以此构建大型业务服务。微服务是自治、自包含且可独立部署的服务。当今世界上的许多企业将微服务作为默认的架构标准来构建面向服务的大型企业级应用。 作为一种编程框架,Spring框架在开发者社区流行很多年了。使用SpringBoot不再需要重量级应用容器,并且它还支持部署轻量级无服务器应用。Spring Cloud结合了Netflix的许多OSS开源组件,提供了一个运行和管理功能型微服务架构的生态系统;还支持负载均衡、服务注册、服务监控和服务网关,等等。 然而,微服务也带来了一些挑战,例如服务的监控、管理、分发、扩容和发现等,尤其是当大规模部署微服务时。如果在采用微服务架构之前不解这个问题这个问题些常见的问题,通常会导致灾难性的后果。本书旨在构建一个与技术细节无关的微服务能力模型,该模型有助于应对各种常见的微服务挑战。 本书提供了实现大型响应式微服务的实用方法和指导原则,并通过示例全面讲解如何构建微服务。本书深入介绍了 Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、Docker、Mesos和Marathon,还会教授如何用Spring Boot部署自治服务使用使用无须使用用重量级应用服务器 ,并介 绍Spring Cloud框架 以及以及 项能以及以及如何使用Docker实现容器化 ,以及如何


孤人 提交于 2021-01-06 11:33:27
一、云计算    云计算发展历程   在学习k8s的过程中接触到了Serverless的概念,这里先对云计算的发展历程做一个简单的总结,以便引入Serverless。2006年,Google董事长 Eric Schmidt 在搜索引擎大会首次提出云计算(Cloud Computing)的概念,一转眼十多年过去了,云计算的发展势如破竹,从传统的IDC到现在的FaaS,<font color=#0000FF> 逐渐快捷,愈发高效 </font>。 IDC( Internet Data Center ) :互联网数据中心。自建或者租用。自建自己干全套;租用就是服务器自己买,租人家的机柜,硬件安装和调试都由被托管方负责。 IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service) :基础设施即服务。IaaS提供商给你提供硬件, 想怎么用自己搞。 PaaS(Platform as a Service) :平台即服务。PaaS提供商给你提供硬件并装好操作系统、相关中间件及运行库等基础环境,至于要装什么应用看需求。 SaaS(Software as a Service) :软件即服务。所有的东西都由IaaS提供商提供,用户只管用。 FaaS(Function as a Service) :函数即服务。将应用程序抽象成函数,只有当程序被调用时才会执行函数启动,平时不启动不占用资源。

Daily English Dictation Number Six

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-10-24 07:14:32
以下内容同时会在微信公众号同步更新: 电子小彭友 (便于手机随时随地翻阅) Coach Shane 是美国的一位帮助热爱英语的人更好地掌握英语的老师,他的微博口号是:“Helping students master english !”。 据我所知,老师已经推出四个作品,按照难度级别分别是:E-cubed(Daily Easy English Expression日常英语轻松表达),Daily English Dictation(DD每日听写),DDM(Daily Dictation Members会员每日听写),PIRF(Pronunciation, Intonation, Rhythm and Flow发音、语调、节奏和流畅);其中DDM和PIRF是收费的,有志提高自己相应能力的朋友可以去听老师的课程,在老师的微博就可以找到报名链接(老师人挺不错,算是帮老师宣传一下吧)。在学习他的DD时,发现视频下面字幕不完整且有部分错误,我就尝试在网上找了一下资源,发现只有一个叫“译学馆”的网站上有DD的字幕(只做了五个视频且大量错误,有时间的同学可以去看一看我说的是这样的情况不)。于是我决定做把自己的分享出来,帮助大家在看Coach Shane老师的DD作品时有不懂的,可以来参照,哈哈。 Daily Dictation 6 听写原文: The secret of life is just


余生颓废 提交于 2020-03-12 13:02:32
介绍 java开发中没少用各种jar包,特别是使用maven,gradle 构建工具,方便有效。总是只取不予,也应该懂得奉献,当你写好了一个十分好用的jar包,想贡献出去给大家使用的时候,应该怎么做呢?当然是发布到maven的中央仓库了 开始要注意这个几个Maven相关地址 : 工单管理 : 就是申请上传资格和groupId 的地方,注册账号、创建和管理issue,Jar包的发布是以解决issue的方式起步的 构件仓库 : 把jar包上传到这里,Release 之后就会同步到maven中央仓库。 仓库镜像 : 最终工件可以在这里搜索到。 操作 注册工单管理(register sonatype) 第一访问 工单管理 界面,需要提前注册(sign up), 它是工单管理和构建仓库身份验证.点击"Sign up " 创建工单(nexus) 点击header 头 “create”按钮创建一个工单,主要用途注册你上传jar包基本信息,主要groupid,通过审核有两个目的:1.防止重复,约束groupid规范,定义grupid最好有所属的域名 比如:你申请 com.hippo 那么你最有有

Can't access websocket (ws://) url using marathon-lb

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-01-16 18:05:50
问题 I have a container running a jupyter gateway which requires two urls to be accessible a http and websocket url. On localhost, for example, these urls are and ws:// . When I start my app with marathon and ssh into the mesos slave running the container I can access both of these urls functionality using my client that makes requests to the jupyter gateway. Which tells me the jupyter gateway in the container is working fine. However when I am trying to access

Can't access websocket (ws://) url using marathon-lb

蓝咒 提交于 2020-01-16 18:05:03
问题 I have a container running a jupyter gateway which requires two urls to be accessible a http and websocket url. On localhost, for example, these urls are and ws:// . When I start my app with marathon and ssh into the mesos slave running the container I can access both of these urls functionality using my client that makes requests to the jupyter gateway. Which tells me the jupyter gateway in the container is working fine. However when I am trying to access

How to remove orphaned tasks in Apache Mesos?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-01-04 01:36:18
问题 The problem maybe caused by Mesos and Marathon out of sync, but the solution mentioned on GitHub doesn't work for me. When I found the orphaned tasks: What I do is: restart Marathon Marathon does not sync orphaned tasks, but start new tasks. Orphaned tasks still took the resources , so I have to delete them. I find all orphaned tasks under framework ef169d8a-24fc-41d1-8b0d-c67718937a48-0000 , curl -XGET `http://c196:5050/master/frameworks shows that framework is unregistered_frameworks : {

Mesos cannot deploy container from private Docker registry

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-01-02 16:19:14
问题 I have a private Docker registry that is accessible at (over standard port 443 not 5000). My infrastructure includes a set up of Mesosphere, which have docker containerizer enabled. I'm am trying to deploy a specific container to a Mesos slave via Marathon; however, this always fails with Mesos failing the task almost immediately with no data in stderr and stdout of that sandbox. I tried deploying from an image from the standard Docker Registry and it appears to

marathon-lb health check failing on all containers

早过忘川 提交于 2020-01-01 19:35:30
问题 I'm running DC/OS 1.7 with marathon-lb. 1.3.3 is returning 400 to all marathon-lb/HAProxy heath check calls: request has a relative URI and is missing a Host header so marathon-lb never routes any requests to the service. The health check in the marathon json is: "healthChecks": [ { "path": "/health", "protocol": "HTTP", "portIndex": 0, "gracePeriodSeconds": 10, "intervalSeconds": 2, "timeoutSeconds": 10, "maxConsecutiveFailures": 10, "ignoreHttp1xx": false } ], and the logging by