
Send email on click of button with html email

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-25 14:23:19
问题 I have a question related to mailTo feature of HTML that I need in outlook. What I need is initially a system sends me email that has HTML content in it with buttons. On click of one of the buttons, an automatic email should be generated and sent to a recipient. We can do this in 2 step process autofilling the recipient address, subject and body and user can just click send. But I would like to avoid that second step of clicking send again. Can I do this using any script or macro and embed as

Send email on click of button with html email

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-25 14:22:01
问题 I have a question related to mailTo feature of HTML that I need in outlook. What I need is initially a system sends me email that has HTML content in it with buttons. On click of one of the buttons, an automatic email should be generated and sent to a recipient. We can do this in 2 step process autofilling the recipient address, subject and body and user can just click send. But I would like to avoid that second step of clicking send again. Can I do this using any script or macro and embed as

ASP.NET mailto: misfunction

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-25 05:22:47
问题 I have a HyperLink set up to use mailto, but it would seem that it's calling inside the root folder. ~/Admin/ <asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%#Eval("Email", "mailto:{0}")%>' Text='<%#Eval("Email")%>' ID="emailLink" /> Any ideas why this might be happening? 回答1: Try to <asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl='<%#Bind("Email", "mailto:{0}") %>' Text='<%#Bind("Email") %>' runat="server" ID="emailLink"></asp:HyperLink> Good luck! 来源:

ASP.NET mailto: misfunction

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-25 05:22:39
问题 I have a HyperLink set up to use mailto, but it would seem that it's calling inside the root folder. ~/Admin/ <asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%#Eval("Email", "mailto:{0}")%>' Text='<%#Eval("Email")%>' ID="emailLink" /> Any ideas why this might be happening? 回答1: Try to <asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl='<%#Bind("Email", "mailto:{0}") %>' Text='<%#Bind("Email") %>' runat="server" ID="emailLink"></asp:HyperLink> Good luck! 来源:

Create mailto from form with custom fields

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-23 13:22:46
问题 I have a HTML form with 3 fields (Name, E-Mail and Message) and I want to create a custom mailto with this 3 fields but I don't want create a fixed content like this: <a href="">Send a mail</a> Is this possible? If it isn't, do I have another way to do a simple formulary? My page is a landing page and only have HTML, CSS and some JavaScript (Bootstrap too). --- Edit --- I found this, for example:

Mailto link in chrome opens new tab

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-23 09:00:52
问题 Hi I have a mailto link on my page, which works fine in other broswers. In chrome, it opens a new tab with the mailto link as the URL. Is there any way to suppress the behavior from the web developer's end? From what I've read, it seems like this is a function of chrome's settings, but I wanted to know if anyone had a work around. EDIT: site is located here It is a drupal 7 site. Here is the relevant html. <td class="table-logo" > <a href="mailto

Java: Open default mail application and create new mail and populate To and Subject fields

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-23 08:18:28
问题 Just wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I've come across in Java. Is there functionality within Java to produce a section of code that will open the default email application on a user's PC? (I guess almost like a fancy mailto link...) If there is - is it possible to populate fields such as the To and Subject fields? Thanks, Mike. 回答1: Desktop.mail(URI mailtoURI) is your friend! Javadoc: Launches the mail composing window of the user default mail client, filling the message fields

Escape & symbol in MailTo

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-23 03:10:20
问题 I have a URL like this: http://localhost:9001/view/shopindex/display?keyword=test&searchPostcode=Postcode and I'm putting it in the body of a new email message using HTML mailTo (I know that there are better options to mailTo but I'm restricted to this). Effectively I have this: <a href="mailto: ?subject=Look at this link&body=http://localhost:9001/view/shopindex/display?keyword=test&searchPostcode=Postcode"></a> The problem is that when I click and I get the new e-mail message opened, I get

jQuery mailto with anchor element

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-21 18:33:39
问题 I tried this with umpteen examples we see on the net. But I guess there is none that is simple and works on all browsers (IE 8 and above as well). I am trying to simply open up Outlook window with mailto link. <a href="#" name="emailLink" id="emailLink">Email</a> JQuery: $(function () { $('#emailLink').on('click', function (event) { alert("Huh"); var email = ''; var subject = 'Circle Around'; var emailBody = 'Some blah'; window.location = 'mailto:' + email + '?subject=' +

How to specify a button to open an URL?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-21 08:23:47
问题 I want to write a web application that triggers the default email client of the user to send an email. Thus, I created a Link, that leads to an URL conforming to the mailto URI scheme ( Link emailLink = new Link("Send Email", new ExternalResource("")); However, instead of using a Link, I want to provide a Button that allows to trigger the respective functionality. But, for buttons I cannot set an ExternalResource to be opened.