
CSS doesn't load after migration of magento website

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-05 05:20:21
问题 I migrated my magento website to a different server, following the steps described here. Everything went smoothly, except for the fact that when I load the page, the CSS won't load, and I just get the page in plain text. I used firebug and noticed that the path the system is using to get to the CSS file doesn't exist in the FTP server. It starts with the 'minify' folder, which makes me think that something might be cached from the previous server. An example: my_site_url/minify/1281335374

Cant install magento 2 on xampp server

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-01-29 19:56:54
问题 I am trying to install Magento 2 and run it on XAMPP server. I have installed XAMPP and Apache and I've downloaded Magento 2 and extracted the file in htdocs . But when I type http://localhost/magento in the browser I get this: I think I should have the Magento setup page not this page. And when I click on it the Magento folder I get this error: Vendor autoload is not found. Please run 'composer install' under application root directory." So what is the problem here? Can anybody help me? 回答1:

Recently DELETE and PUT API of default magento 2 was not working, are these the permission issue?

我的梦境 提交于 2021-01-29 11:29:05
问题 I call API through Postman. API - PUT rest/V1/customers/144 was not working , It was successfully work on my Local but not on test environment, After some time I came to know that all PUT and DELETE APIs are not working. Ii displays Error 404:Not found. <!doctype html><html xmlns="" ><head> <title>Error 404: Not Found</title> <base href="" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

How to know whether solr server is running or not

不羁的心 提交于 2021-01-28 19:04:56
问题 I've got this problem that I can't solve. Partly because I can't explain it with the right terms. I'm new to this so sorry for this clumsy question. Below you can see an overview of my goal. I'm using Magento CE & Solr 4.6.0. var url1 =""; $.getJSON(url1,function(result){ // my logic }); when the Solr Server is Running means this script is working fine.But if my Solr Server is Not Running means it'll not work. But my goal is

Magento get last product added to cart

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-01-28 07:29:58
问题 i need to get the last product added to cart, with all informations: image, name, sku and custom options if product is configurable. I try with this code but is not working. My Magento version is 1.9.1 $xitems = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getAllItems(); $max = 0; $lastItem = null; foreach ($xitems as $xitem){ if ($xitem->getId() > $max) { $max = $xitem->getId(); $lastItem = $xitem; } } if ($lastItem){ $_xproduct = $lastItem->getProduct(); $xproductsku = $_xproduct-

odoo:开源 ERP/CRM 入门与实践

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-12-21 07:56:41
看了这张图,或许你对 odoo 有了一些兴趣。 这次就是和大家一起交流开源 ERP/CRM 系统: odoo 对以下读者有帮助:研发、产品、项目、市场、服务、运营、管理等。 一、背景趋势 社交网络、电商 O2O ; 每家企业都将是电子商务企业、精益企业; 每家企业都需要有套软件管理人、财、物,管理信息量,物流和资金流。 二、 odoo 是什么 odoo 不仅仅是开源 ERP/CRM ; 还是一套伴随企业成长可扩展的商业运营支撑系统; 一个巨大的应用生态系统,有近 12500 个 Apps 可供选用。 三、为什么是 odoo 相比商业和其它开源 ERP/CRM 系统 odoo 有哪些优势; 对个人来说:学习成长、开发实践、职业规划; 对企业来讲:流程梳理、数据沉淀、商业运营。 四、 odoo 应用 企业网站、电子商务系统、进销存系统、客户关系系统; 人力资源系统、项目管理系统、生产制造系统、财务会计系统; 还有很多的应用系统和广泛的行业应用。 五、 odoo 开发 构建新 Apps ,满足企业个性需求; 继承、扩展、贡献已有应用,不重复发明轮子; 开发免费或商业 Apps 供下载或销售。 六、 odoo 实施 官方实施方法论; 其它服务商的实施方法; 与客户共同推进的最佳实践。 七、 odoo 成功案例 优站精选; 优选 Apps ; 案例分析。 八、 odoo 文档集和资源

面试题:Redis 40 道

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-12-15 02:21:59
点击上方“ 码农进阶之路 ”,选择 “ 设为星标 ” 回复 “ 面经 ” 获取面试资料 1、什么是Redis? Redis 是完全开源免费的,遵守BSD协议,是一个高性能的key-value数据库。 Redis 与其他 key - value 缓存产品有以下三个特点: Redis支持数据的持久化,可以将内存中的数据保存在磁盘中,重启的时候可以再次加载进行使用。Redis不仅仅支持简单的key-value类型的数据,同时还提供list,set,zset,hash等数据结构的存储。Redis支持数据的备份,即master-slave模式的数据备份。 Redis 优势 性能极高 – Redis能读的速度是110000次/s,写的速度是81000次/s 。丰富的数据类型 – Redis支持二进制案例的 Strings, Lists, Hashes, Sets 及 Ordered Sets 数据类型操作。原子 – Redis的所有操作都是原子性的,意思就是要么成功执行要么失败完全不执行。单个操作是原子性的。多个操作也支持事务,即原子性,通过MULTI和EXEC指令包起来。丰富的特性 – Redis还支持 publish/subscribe, 通知, key 过期等等特性。 Redis与其他key-value存储有什么不同? Redis有着更为复杂的数据结构并且提供对他们的原子性操作

.htaccess not working on Apache2

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-12-06 21:38:28
问题 I'm trying to make a url rewrite, mod_rewrite is enabled, I'm sure my .htaccess file is fine, never touched the apache2.conf, my httpd.conf is empty and at sites-available my default file was modified on line 7 from AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. My .htaccess file still don't work. .htaccess file ############################################ ## uncomment these lines for CGI mode ## make sure to specify the correct cgi php binary file name ## it might be /cgi-bin/php-cgi # Action php5

.htaccess not working on Apache2

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-12-06 21:23:45
问题 I'm trying to make a url rewrite, mod_rewrite is enabled, I'm sure my .htaccess file is fine, never touched the apache2.conf, my httpd.conf is empty and at sites-available my default file was modified on line 7 from AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. My .htaccess file still don't work. .htaccess file ############################################ ## uncomment these lines for CGI mode ## make sure to specify the correct cgi php binary file name ## it might be /cgi-bin/php-cgi # Action php5

.htaccess not working on Apache2

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-12-06 21:21:44
问题 I'm trying to make a url rewrite, mod_rewrite is enabled, I'm sure my .htaccess file is fine, never touched the apache2.conf, my httpd.conf is empty and at sites-available my default file was modified on line 7 from AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. My .htaccess file still don't work. .htaccess file ############################################ ## uncomment these lines for CGI mode ## make sure to specify the correct cgi php binary file name ## it might be /cgi-bin/php-cgi # Action php5