
Latex macros in Jupyter (iPython) notebook not rendered by github

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-18 03:17:49
问题 I have a markdown cell in a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) with the following content. $\newcommand{\paren}[1]{\left(#1\right)}$ $\paren{\beta^2}$ The file is in a Github repository. The LaTex macro application is not rendered by Github. Here is how it looks: The markdown cell, however, is rendered properly when I open is locally as a Jupyter notebook. Is there a way to make this work? Note that the file is in a private Github repo, so I can not use nbviewer. 来源:

How to differentiate TFS Builds and manual builds using macros in Post build event

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-17 20:26:40
问题 In TFS post build script of a .proj file I want to find whether the project build is happening through TFS triggered build or manually triggered build. Can someone suggest me how to do this using macros in Post Build event. 回答1: Short answer: you can make use of the IsDesktopBuild MSBUILD property within your csproj file to differentiate between TFS and local build. Long Answer: Developer or Team Build? To differentiate the build environments we have to implement a mechanism that detects in

Recursive C macro not expanded

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-16 21:25:13
问题 I am working on a recursive macro. However, it seems that it is not expanded recursively. Here is a minimal working example to show what I mean: // ignore input, do nothing #define ignore(...) // choose between 6 names, depending on arity #define choose(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,NAME,...) NAME // if more than one parameter is given to this macro, then execute f, otherwise ignore #define ifMore(f,...) choose(__VA_ARGS__,f,f,f,f,f,ignore)(__VA_ARGS__) // call recursively if there are more parameters

Open Visio Drawing using a Macro in Access 2010

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-16 14:46:30
问题 I have a button on a form in my database that i would like to open a user guide on click. The user guide I have put to gether is in visio but i can't seem to find a way to open it using the macro builder. Is this something i would need to do using VBA? If so any suggestions on how the code should look? 回答1: I think something like the following may work, I have manipulated this to fit visio though, so hopefully it works. Dim FName As String Dim VisioApp As Object On Error Resume Next Set

Is it possible to modify the case of a token inside of a macro?

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-15 06:01:20
问题 I am writing a macro which creates a struct managing user input. I am using the crates bitflags and sdl2. Return is an example for the key Return . This macro takes a list of all possible inputs and then ($($flag:ident = $value:expr;)+) => { ... } Creates a new bitflag with the name of the input bitflags!( struct KeyType: u64 { $( const $flag = $value;// UPPER_CASE is the norm for globals: 'RETURN' )+ } ); Checks if the key is pressed, using the Keycode enum. match event { $(Event::KeyDown {

Missing argument in syntax-rules Hygienic macro call from Scheme R5RS example

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-11 17:00:20
问题 I have one more questions about Hygienic macros in Scheme, consider example from R5RS (let-syntax ((when (syntax-rules () ((when test stmt1 stmt2 ...) (if test (begin stmt1 stmt2 ...)))))) (let ((if #t)) (when if (set! if 'now)) if)) Why it match if the pattern have 3 arguments and ellipsis that can match empty list? It's called with 2 arguments if and (set! if 'now) . What should be ... bind to, if stmt2 can be bind to empty list? This is kind of non Lispy if ... is just nothing. Is that

Missing argument in syntax-rules Hygienic macro call from Scheme R5RS example

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-11 16:59:50
问题 I have one more questions about Hygienic macros in Scheme, consider example from R5RS (let-syntax ((when (syntax-rules () ((when test stmt1 stmt2 ...) (if test (begin stmt1 stmt2 ...)))))) (let ((if #t)) (when if (set! if 'now)) if)) Why it match if the pattern have 3 arguments and ellipsis that can match empty list? It's called with 2 arguments if and (set! if 'now) . What should be ... bind to, if stmt2 can be bind to empty list? This is kind of non Lispy if ... is just nothing. Is that

R equivalent of Stata's for-loop over macros

二次信任 提交于 2021-02-11 07:02:00
问题 I have a variable x that is between 0 and 1, or (0,1]. I want to generate 10 dummy variables for 10 deciles of variable x . For example x_0_10 takes value 1 if x is between 0 and 0.1, x_10_20 takes value 1 if x is between 0.1 and 0.2, ... The Stata code to do above is something like this: forval p=0(10)90 { local Next=`p'+10 gen x_`p'_`Next'=0 replace x_`p'_`Next'=1 if x<=`Next'/100 & x>`p'/100 } Now, I am new at R and I wonder how I can do above in R? 回答1: cut is your friend here; its output

C++ macros: order of precedence difference?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-11 04:36:35
问题 I have this simple code that converts between degrees Farehnheit and degrees Celcius. I defined some macros to do it, but I'm getting some weird results when I use it. I use this method when absoluteTemp = 373.15 (the boiling point of water in kelvin). #define kelvinToCelc(k) k - 273.15 #define celcToFahren(c) (9.0 / 5.0) * c + 32 double x = kelvinToCelc(absoluteTemp); // 100 double y = celcToFahren(x); // 212 double z = celcToFahren(kelvinToCelc(absoluteTemp)); // 430.52??? return

SAS Loop through list of macro variable

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-10 07:15:02
问题 First off, I'm new so I apologize if this is not a good question. I searched but did not find something similar. I'm not sure my approach is correct so any assistance would be appreciated. I'm working on a data set for a school that has semesters for example 2017SP is Spring of 2017, 2017SU is Summer of 2017 and so on. I have the following program where I set up a Macro Variable at the top and then use it to pull out the term from various libraries and data sets. Note that I have several data