
Custom Minecraft launcher

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-01-15 03:54:12
问题 I want to create my own Minecraft launcher where when the player checks Force Update it downloads a modified minecraft.jar, an updated lwjgl (both not a big problem) and 2 extra folders in your .minecraft directory. I can do the first 2 by changing the MinecraftDownload directory to one on my own website and putting the modified files on my site, but i don't exactly know how to make it download and extract an archive into the .minecraft directory (i guess i will use lzma because the libs for

Custom Minecraft launcher

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-01-15 03:54:05
问题 I want to create my own Minecraft launcher where when the player checks Force Update it downloads a modified minecraft.jar, an updated lwjgl (both not a big problem) and 2 extra folders in your .minecraft directory. I can do the first 2 by changing the MinecraftDownload directory to one on my own website and putting the modified files on my site, but i don't exactly know how to make it download and extract an archive into the .minecraft directory (i guess i will use lzma because the libs for

Decompressing LZMA with PHP

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-14 08:24:27
问题 I have a load of SWF files compressed with LZMA that I would like to programatically decompress and read with PHP on my server. Can someone direct me to a PHP LZMA SDK? I've googled for it, but have so far found nothing but references to a broken link (7z extension for php?) I have a working python module that manages to read headers of LZMA compressed SWFs but it requires a module called pyLZMA which doesn't seem to want to install on my server, and getting it to work locally was a massive

Decompressing LZMA with PHP

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-14 08:23:13
问题 I have a load of SWF files compressed with LZMA that I would like to programatically decompress and read with PHP on my server. Can someone direct me to a PHP LZMA SDK? I've googled for it, but have so far found nothing but references to a broken link (7z extension for php?) I have a working python module that manages to read headers of LZMA compressed SWFs but it requires a module called pyLZMA which doesn't seem to want to install on my server, and getting it to work locally was a massive

Is there any pure PHP implementation of LZMA

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-01-02 05:25:08
问题 So I'm building a web app to decompress an LZMA compressed CSV file and then let the user edit it, when saved it will be recompressed. I have the code to compress/decompress in C# using the 7-Zip LZMA SDK, but with my hosting plan I can't use exec() to call the exe. Is there any pure php implementation of LZMA I could use? Or if not is there any way to convert the C# code into php code? 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34702014/is-there-any-pure-php-implementation-of-lzma

How to develop incremental compression/decompression in LZMA SDK?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-24 17:43:40
问题 I'm using the LZMA SDK for file compression/decompression (LZMA is the default algorithm used in 7-zip) under Windows 7 (64 bits). The sdk can be found here (source code) http://7-zip.org/sdk.html To compress/decompress the file i can use the following command. ./LzmaUtil.exe e input.elf output.elf ./LzmaUtil.exe d output.elf input.elf I'm using CAN BUS (must use it : client spec) to flash the binary file from the HOST to the MCU. In order to speed up the flashing process. I want to make

Iterate a large .xz file line by line in python

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-24 10:40:02
问题 I have a large .xz file (few gigabytes). It's full of plain text. I want to process the text to create custom dataset. I want to read it line by line because it is too big. Anyone have an idea how to do it ? I already tried this How to open and read LZMA file in-memory but it's not working. EDIT: i got this error 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xfd in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) on the line for line in uncompressed: from the link EDIT2: My code (using python 3.5) with open(filename

How pip install pylzma on windows 7 x64 , python 2.7

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-22 18:37:09
问题 I assumed this should be working out of the box, but ... i've pasted pip.log on pastbin the last few lines of error message is e:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN\amd64\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /MD /W3 /GS- /DNDEBUG -DWITH_COMPAT=1 -DCOMPRESS_MF_MT=1 -Isrc/sdk -IC:\Python27\include -IC:\Python27\PC /Tcsrc\7zip\C\AesOpt.c /Fobuild\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release\src\7zip\C\AesOpt.obj /MT cl : Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/MD' with '/MT' AesOpt.c src\7zip\C\AesOpt.c(14

LZMA SDK decompress for iOS (xcode) using too much RAM

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-12 12:04:18
问题 I am trying to use the LZMA SDK in an iPhone/iPad app, my starting point was the LZMA example project for iPhone provided by Mo Dejong, available here: https://github.com/jk/lzmaSDK Original was here: http://www.modejong.com/iOS/lzmaSDK.zip (I tried both and I get the same result from both). The problem is that the extract uses as much RAM as the .7z contains uncompressed. In other words, say I have a 40MB compressed file, the uncompressed file is a binary sqlite DB that is about 250MB, it

Decompress and read Dukascopy .bi5 tick files

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-12 08:48:52
问题 I need to open a .bi5 file and read the contents to cut a long story short. The problem: I have tens of thousands of .bi5 files containing time-series data that I need to decompress and process (read, dump into pandas). I ended up installing Python 3 (I use 2.7 normally) specifically for the lzma library, as I ran into compiling nightmares using the lzma back-ports for Python 2.7, so I conceded and ran with Python 3, but with no success. The problems are too numerous to divulge, no one reads