
Linphone Android: missing libraries of the processors?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-23 03:17:35
问题 i'm getting crazy with this thing... I've installed all, compiled all, retried a lot of time, followed various guides.... At the end i cam up with the project in eclipse without error (finally). But... hey! it crash with this logcat! 01-13 15:36:26.123: D/dalvikvm(17992): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms 01-13 15:36:26.208: D/dalvikvm(17992): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 113K, 13% free 9552K/10951K, paused 19ms, total 20ms 01-13 15:36:26.208: I/dalvikvm-heap(17992): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.295MB

Integrate linphone into iOS

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-22 14:48:27
问题 I am trying to add linphone lib to my existing iOS app, but it fails to build My process: Added all the required frame works in my existing project. Copied all lib from linphone-iphone/liblinphone-sdk/apple-darwin/lib/ to myproject/lib Copied linphone-iphone/Resources to myproject/Resources Then I added LinphoneManager.h & .m with there related files. Then I started build the app, I am getting file not found #include "ortp/ortp.h" in Linphonecore (but file is available). What I understand

Linphone configuration results in multiple undefined Autotools macros

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-22 11:37:07
问题 I have downloaded the Linphone opensource and build using MINGW. I have followed the steps given by the README.mingw. When I use the command "./", I got the following error. + aclocal -I m4 -I /usr/local/share/aclocal -I /share/aclocal aclocal:m4/po.m4:36: warning: macro `AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST' not found in librar y aclocal:m4/po.m4:61: warning: macro `AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST' not found in librar y aclocal:m4/po.m4:78: warning: macro `AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST' not found in librar y

Android SIP application using Linphone

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-22 05:10:13
问题 I am working on SIP application and using Linphone Library i have a little confusion while setting up the library to run the project. Step 1: Firstly I Downloaded NDK on my Mac with the new Android SDK pkg. Then gaved the PATH of my NDK folder in ADT -> Preferences -> Android -> NDK Step 2: Then i installed Autotools using this link (Only Followed Commands written under point: 2.3 How do I install the Autotools (as user)?) ndk_build Step 3: After that i downloaded linphone-android using

Is there a way to intercept audio output from within your app to display back an audio visualizer on iOS?

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-20 06:48:25
问题 We're currently using Linphone library to make VOIP calls and they have their own solution for audio playback. However, we would like to display a visualizer for the audio that Linphone is outputting from within our own app. Is there a way that we can intercept this data (maybe through sample buffering) in order to draw up audio waves/volume meter in the user interface? AVAudioPlayer or AVPlayer is out of the question since we do not have access to those objects. Is there a solution in place

RaspberryPI: Making SIP outbound calls using linphonec or an alternative SIP soft phone

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-19 04:15:18
问题 In my project I want my Raspberry PI to dial an outbound PSTN number. I have a SIP account with an assigned regular phone number and I can make the mentioned outbound calls on OSX using Now I tried to achieve the same on my raspberry PI using linphonec First I register my SIP Provider with linphone with seems to succeed: $ sudo apt-get install linphone $ linphonec linphonec> register <PASSWORD> Registration on sip:free4

Linphone for android is not working/missing libraries

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-17 15:51:35
问题 I am trying to run linphone code which I get from git:// --recursive . After downloading it successfully, I tried to compile and run it as per the README file. I used Cygwin for Autotools, Autoconfig, Automake, aclocal, libtoolize and pkgconfig & Android ndk r8d. then I executed the shell script in cygwin which downloaded some needed resuorces. After following all the steps, when I tried to run the code I get an UnsatisfiedLinkError

Linphone compiling problems on osx

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-13 12:22:42
问题 I'm trying to compile linphone on mountain lion. I have downloaded the sources and followed all the instructions in the README.macos file. The first time, when I got to '$ port install ige-mac-integration' an error occurred. It said gtk2 had to be installed with x11, however, the instructions said to install it with quartz and no_x11. I tried installing gtk2 again, this time with x11, but when I get to the compiling process it tells me quartz is needed. I can't install both, because the gtk2

Facing this error The following binaries are missing: ndk-build. Please install them

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-13 08:10:52
问题 I'm trying to build ' linphone-android ' . link to git repo Somehow i manged to resolv all the bugs but now i'm stuck at when i try to run ' ./ **' commanad in terminal it giving me NDK ERROR i.e **ERROR: The following binaries are missing: ndk-build. Please install them. I have ndk path in .bash file also but unable to resolve this error. Please share some solution Thanks :) 回答1: I am assuming that you have added android-sdk and android-ndk path in your environment. If not then you

Resource not found exception when trying to start an external service

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-12 20:29:09
问题 I am using the Linphone library to create some VOIP app. The library is an external jar in the private libraries section in Eclipse. I'm trying to use the ChatStorage class to handle chat messages which is a part of the library. When trying to start the service I get the exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service org.linphone.LinphoneService: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f0a003b The problem is that like I said, I'm working with an