
How can I add a new language in Liferay 7?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-20 02:43:09
问题 My problem is how to add new language like thailand language in liferay 7 . When I inspect the existing flag I see that the image is not png but it is svg, but I can't add new language with icon. In this page.jsp I see that the constructor of image is automatically generated. This code describes the generation of svg image <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-<%= image %>" role="img" title="<%= HtmlUtil.escapeAttribute(LanguageUtil.get(resourceBundle, label)) %>" <%= InlineUtil

How can I add a new language in Liferay 7?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-01 20:31:39
My problem is how to add new language like thailand language in liferay 7 . When I inspect the existing flag I see that the image is not png but it is svg, but I can't add new language with icon. In this page.jsp I see that the constructor of image is automatically generated. This code describes the generation of svg image <svg class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-<%= image %>" role="img" title="<%= HtmlUtil.escapeAttribute(LanguageUtil.get(resourceBundle, label)) %>" <%= InlineUtil.buildDynamicAttributes(dynamicAttributes) %>> <use xlink:href="<%= Validator.isNotNull(src) ? src : themeDisplay